Any one who crossed the picket line was called a scab..the only group that I came into contact with was the AFA who stopped by and gave us hot coffee and pick me ups on the picket line in Boston they were simpathetic...but....Do tell. What was the talk from the IAM?? :unsure:
hey was what the membership asked for..........I did not - you had the membership vote the same offer twice - I guess you call it the final offer cause you got the results the IAM wanted
Don't you think they should work the extra hours to get paid for them?
Most of the grievances go into a dark hole and never come out. I am familiar with the process.
You should quit mixing up the truth with your lie, deny and make counter accusations type defense. Typical IAM crap.
Please answer the following?
1- In PIT what percentage of grievances are thrown away? I know folks who have filed over 100 and have never ever heard back about any of them.
2- In PIT does the grievance committee work every hour they are paid for or do they fudge their records and the company go along with it? Has it ever happened in the past? Does this appear to be a pay off?
You did not show me wrong on hours paid. I know how it works. Pay them at straight time. The problem I have is folks being paid for hours not worked.
~I do not work in base management.
So which is it?* Tons and tons of grievances in PIT were not argued or dealt with by the PIT based grievance committee yet this same three received thousands of dollars from the company for overtime hours for grievance work supposable done by this committee. Some think it was a pay off. Frankly I would say about 1% of the grievances were ever dealt with while the rest appeared to have been trashed. It did not help matters when one of the grievance committee members would come to work in the morning drunk.
yeah they work those hours and its why they fly outa there most days so they can have a life with their family...Let me put it in very simple terms for you. They are paid straight time for hours worked over 40 hours per week, but only for grievance work. Even though it is straight time it is pay above normal 40 hour per week pay so I referred to it as overtime. Hence pay for hours not normally worked. Now the problem is that it isn’t working that way and people are being paid for time they are not doing grievance work (think of it as a payoff). If you do not understand that perhaps I can draw pictures and post on here to illustrate for you.
{Extra hours = Overtime}
- I am starting to come to the conclusion that maybe you do not deserve any more money then the change they pay you now.