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Can anyone defend the IAM crossing the mechanic's picket line?

There was only one vote on the final offer.
There was only one vote on the final offer.
You know what everyone is refering so you resort to symantics. The fact is that way back in 2002, when you and the IAM started this concessions ball rolling the mechanics rejected the concessions, despite the IAMs endorsement,and a revote was conducted and the IAM recieved monies from the company to conduct the concessions campaign.

By the way you didnt address any of my questions.

Why doesnt the IAM harbor the same same ill will towards the ALPA? AMFA has never crossed an IAM picket line. ALPA has, on numerous occasions.

Why is the FAA liscened mechanic wrong for wanting to have his own union but its OK for the Faa certified ALPA pilots and AFA flight attendants?

Why does the IAM not harbor the same feelings towards the "elitist" ALPA and AFA? Thats right, because it has nothing to do with unionism or ideology, its just business. The IAM lost "business" to the AMFA and they are bitter about it to the point where they are willing to see thousands of workers suffer just to be vindictive. They are willing to work with the company to bust another workgroup just to get back at them, even though such a move weakens their own members bargaining position.

The IAM was willing to harm every mechanic in the industry just to get back at the AMFA. Any mechanic who has the choice to get rid of these clowns but fails to do so is nuts. Mechanics must hold the IAM accountable for what they did to our fellow mechanics.
There was only one vote on the final offer.
Some things never change....700,

This is a prime example why people can't believe anything you have to say..

You know exactly what Owens was refering to, But instead of addressing him head on, You resort to playing games...


And you wonder why the IAM is in the position they are in at Usairways...

DON'T LET THE FACTS GET IN YOUR WAY...Practice what you Preach..
Are you saying that the IAM failed to explain the contract to it's members at Airways and that is why the second vote was needed?
-I guarantee I have seen the figures.
~Feel free to keep what you have there. It looks like a chump change job that will never get better until you get the IAM out. Maybe you do not deserve anything better.
dude you get the IAM out who do you think will take the time out of their lives and run the union for the spineless??

pretty much the same people who now are involved because no one else wants to do it.

yeah,i'm sure frank shows everyone his w-2 just like I do.. :down:
Frank will never show anyone his W-2 because it contains higher numbers than what every one thinks he makes.

I do agree with you about the mechanics not being involved and weak. However most folks have to be led into battle and the IAM has failed to lead their membership.

AWA employess did scab in Austraila several years back cant remember which airline. Also, top of the list at AWA came from the scabs at Weenn Air ( spelling way off)
Gee maybe you need to read the NWA AMT CBA, the language is no longer there for that to be AMFA's work.

And the ESEs did it at more stations then the AMTs.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

Bob Owens/700UW--

Just a couple of points, if I may....

Pushbacks/airstarts/etc. were/are performed by either ESE's (under the "black book") or in 4 hour rule stations by CSA's (under the "grey book"). AMT's were stationed in 31 cities out of roughly 119. 700 is correct when he states that the language was in both the AMT's cba, and the IAM's. Our cba also says we will not perform "any mechanic duties." Go figure.

Bob is correct when he states that AMFA no longer has a CBA, per se. As everyone knows, NWA imposed new terms on the AMFA membership, which included the removal of all pushback and "ancillary duites." I honestly can't remember what happened with the A/C cleaning language (cleaners were only in a handful of cities as of 20.Aug.06).

If anyone would like to see the imposed agreement, it's here.

The fact is that we should have put our differences aside and fought for the common good ("the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend" if you will). A long time ago on another thread, someone (AMFAMAN?) compared it to a family feud; you may argue with your brother, but as soon as someone challenges him, you're the first in line to have his back.
Bob is correct when he states that AMFA no longer has a CBA, per se. As everyone knows, NWA imposed new terms on the AMFA membership, which included the removal of all pushback and "ancillary duites." I honestly can't remember what happened with the A/C cleaning language (cleaners were only in a handful of cities as of 20.Aug.06).

If anyone would like to see the imposed agreement, it's here.
The fact is that we should have put our differences aside and fought for the common good ("the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend" if you will). A long time ago on another thread, someone (AMFAMAN?) compared it to a family feud; you may argue with your brother, but as soon as someone challenges him, you're the first in line to have his back.

Thanks for the Input Kev.
700U obviously doesnt realize the difference between a CBA and an imposed agreement. Sad isnt it? That unions have become so weak and so used to kissing the company's but that they actually dont know what a CBA is, they just assume its what the company imposes.

So when are you guys going to make a move towards unifying our industry? I know from reading your posts that you have strong union beliefs and I'm sure that you recognize that we need a drastic restructuring of the labor movement. Change is needed at the leadership level, from there change can follow at the membership level. I've called the IBT which at this time is the only union in a position that can carry this out but so far they have not been interested, perhaps because they are too busy cozying up to the TWU over at USAIR at the moment.

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