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Calling In Sick?

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People who think that the sick time earned should be used whether or not you are actually sick, ARE SICK PEOPLE. This is stealing, and dishonesty. If your contracts allow you to steal from the company, they should be changed and should not be honored.
We are talking about legitimate use of sick time.
Pragmatic said:
People who think that the sick time earned should be used whether or not you are actually sick, ARE SICK PEOPLE. This is stealing, and dishonesty. If your contracts allow you to steal from the company, they should be changed and should not be honored.
Excuse me! So everyone, all employees should walk the straight and narrow while management steals our work and does everything Glass and team can come up with to make live miserable. You are dreaming, wake up. You better call off sick and see your doctor to get that fixed.
Cav is right. If anyone learned to steal around here it was from managment. A pack a thieves is how they mostly look to me.

--I got your Airbus right here ( ! )
Pragmatic said:

i'll bet that person is most likely to be more honest than you! I was sick for a total of 8 days--4 of them i called off work went to my doctor and was put on two medications, and an inhaler due to severe bronchitis and a lung infection and i had spent my entire vacation sick as a DOG. i took a doctor's note and copies of my prescription just to be sure that the comp couldnt say crap
Pragmatic said:

So I need mental help because I don't think like you do. If that is the case I am glad I am nuts.

This entire think is twisted. Management holds the blame for most of the sick calls, anyone thinking otherwise can’t think straight because management has twisted his or her thinking.
Pragmatic said:
People who think that the sick time earned should be used whether or not you are actually sick, ARE SICK PEOPLE. This is stealing, and dishonesty. If your contracts allow you to steal from the company, they should be changed and should not be honored.
The key here is "IF YOUR CONTRACT ALLOWS". If the company didn't want you to use sick leave, then they would not have negoiated it into your contract. Sick doesn't only mean the flu or a cold. Use your sick leave if your "sick". If the company doesn't last, your sick bank will go with it.
Remember when I talked about painful implications for the IAM? Well, we are incrementally seeing it as the pain is ratcheted up on our colleagues. Do I like it? No, but it is happening and the company can implement much more, if they desire within the current contract.

PIT & PHL De-icing positions outsourced
PIT Automated baggage system positions outsourced
New sick policy and incremental IAM personnel fired with the implication of grieve it

I understand the company has much, much more "pain" to come if the IAM does not negotiate a cost effective method to conduct maintenance.


You are one out of control person.

PIT and PHL deicing is not being outsourced, it is IAM work.

Baggage system was leased to US, after they abrogated the leases in BK it went back to the city, this was done in March of 2003.

There is no new sick policy, the IAM has won the attendance control policy arbitration which clearly spells out what the company can and cannot due. And no one who uses their sick time legitimatly is being terminated.

So keep trying and keep posting your untruths so we can all see how desperate and scared you are.

On second thought, maybe we need to call the company and report your state of mind, seems a bit unstable how you keep posting false facts and take glee in how the company violates other groups contracts as long as you keep yours. Maybe your medical review officer would like to know your mental state and your scare tactics and threats are a zero tolerance violation and we ALL know WHO you ARE!

It would actually be nice to see stop posting wrong information and acting like a true adult and realize you are wrong and you have no idea of what you are talking about.

exactly what is it that the company can get away with, without labor peace?
I don't follow your 'thinking' on this. Are you saying the company will be OK if it decides to piss or violate IAM contracts?

Will US AIRWAYS be foolish enough to beat up a part of its own body? And if a part of a body is beat up, doesn't it affect the whole?

So that, the Pilots will suffer, F/A's will suffer, Ticket agents will suffer, everyone will suffer, if IAM members are not treated with dignity and respect.

This path is common knowledge except when pride or greed get in the way. Painful implications for IAM members is painful implications for all. And don't you already know that your company will get absolutely no more financing if it has
non-concensual contracts? Please respond to this question because your position seems to be that you don't know this fact...and I think that is extremely nonsensical and inconsistant with everything.

SpinDoc said:
I saw a lot of abuse because of that, and it comes
down to personal morals. If the employee has no
personal morals, he/she is more likely to call in
sick when they are not sick which creates a drain on
resources. If the supervisor can't find someone to
cover the "sick" employee, then the other employees
who actually give a crap and show up everyday
end up paying for it by working harder. The people
who should "police" sick time are co-workers,
While on the clock I practice the same morals as the company I work for. So what should that tell you about the whole sick time argument. And you want coworkers to RAT on each other. :down: Ther aren't many employees left who actually give a crap anymore. We go to work and do our job, with safety being #1, not speed or shortcuts as in the case of 3rd party. :shock:
USA320Pilot said:
I understand the company has much, much more "pain" to come if the IAM does not negotiate a cost effective method to conduct maintenance.


There is no way to compete cost wise with 3rd party!! 🙁 You can't trade off quality and safety for speed and shortcuts. That is a recipe for disaster. But you seem fine with rolling the dice and taking that gamble. :down: You must be that pilot I always see at the McCarrin airport in Vegas playing the slots! :shock: And guess what, after a cetain amount of years the pain just doesn't hurt anymore.


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USA320Pilot said:
I understand the company has much, much more "pain" to come if the IAM does not negotiate a cost effective method to conduct maintenance.


I am just amazed at the amount of insider information this man has..........lets get to the good stuff...what is the price of U stock going to be in 30 days? I am tired of reading about all this insider info you keep providing us with...all the plans and painful clauses....give us some good scoop for a change!!!!

BTW ...One quick question, would you have a problem with U reducing the fleet size below 279 A/C and transferring all the leases of the 737's to JO over at Mesa and having them do the flying with their pilots? And please don't tell me you have a contract.....I believe the IAM has one also!!!!! :angry:

With NO RESPECT.......A&P Tech
cavalier said:
Seems people that have been calling in sick for more than a five day hit are getting calls from a firm hired by U to make sure they get back to work like real fast or have a doctor's excuse on said person's desk pronto the next day or you they are fired.
Could you tell me/us what city or citys this is happening in.....i'm planning a large sick call soon and I havent heard of this in PHL.
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