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Calling ALL Cockroaches - Customers Only

The FF programs have costs, but they are also cash cows if done correctly. I'm surprised they haven't thought about selling off DM. IIRC, Air Canada spun off their FF program for a nice profit ($218 million US, had to look the number up).

US is copying Air Canada by charging for seats, bags, meals, sodas. Go on Air Canada's Website and build yourself an itinerary. You can choose what services you want -- it is the EXACT BLUE PRINT for what's to come at US Airways.

As for the FF program. I really think Parker and Kirby screwed up, but by the time they realize it -- it will be way too late. The big guns will have flown the coop to other carriers.

FF'ers just stop beyoching and move on. Tempe has made it loud and clear -- we don't want your business so get used to it. Shop around and find another airline that will give you the miles you think you deserve. I did.

The letter you wrote, Piney... it's gone! Where is it? Not on your organization's homepage, at least not anymore!

I think I can agree with you on one thing, if enough people protest together/ joint effort cause, some things can be reversed. That's not to say they will be forgotten. 😉

In closing it was very very difficult for me to suggest in writing that customers and employees
abandon US Airways. Sadly in my heart of hearts I feel that all of us would be better served if US
were out of our lives. So blame me if you must blame someone.

Cripe Piney,
That's a tantrum worthy of a two-year-old. Just because you can't get YOUR WAY you wish the place to burn down. How utterly selfish and low class. Be an adult and realize YOU made the choice to stay with US Airways, US Airways did NOT choose you. The only reason you stayed is because there was something extra in it for you, which is why most frequent fliers stay at a particular carrier. Obviously US Airways is not going to meet your demands needs. So, have some dignity man, move on. But don't wish ill will on the employees that have taken care of you over the years. It's a new low for you.

Keeping it real,
I think I can agree with you on one thing, if enough people protest together/ joint effort cause, some things can be reversed. That's not to say they will be forgotten. 😉

Mr. Lobjaw, given the general pro-US Airways-no-matter-what-they-say-or-do tone of your posts on here, I'm a little shocked that you're not a little more outraged at the FFOCUS statement. You've stood behind management 100% and, by virtue of that, you've been grossly anti-employee. These are people have openly been attempting to break unions and put their employees at salary levels that require welfare, thus transferring the burden of supporting them and their families on YOU and ME in the form of government handouts. I seem to recall a photo of you locking arms with Travis "Jesus" Christ some time back. You lost me with that one.

Your statements today seem to suggest that you're not supporting US and want to switch sides. Care to clarify your position?
Touche REACC, I deserved that.

Hey if I was perfect I'd be called Jesus and I guess that's the difference between me and Mr. Parker. I'm willing to admit when I don't do things perfectly. Which is quite often sometimes.

The TACB (Tempe Ass Clown Brigade) NEVER admits a mistake without trying to blame someone else first. The examples are to numerous to list and you know them anyway. Jet Stream, EDS are my two personal favorites.

I wonder how many cans of coke @ $2/can it takes to cover one minute of jet fuel burn on a A320 caused by increased block time over and above what is prudent for a normal on time departure?

Oh Piney,
That wasn't for you, I was refering to management and their inner circle of fuel deals.
I so, understand that you can get a better cup of coffee at the airport Starbucs, a "vente" for about $2.33 in most cases and it is a whole lot better than the $2.00 cup of crap on the airline.
I just wish someone, at the castle would understand it.
At your status, frequent flier wise, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
BTW, it is not just the airlines. Our local grocery store gives you $.10 off every gallon of gas you buy at their pumps for every $100 you spend during the month. We just saved $.30 cents a gallon on our last fill up. So rather than looking at the ads each week we just buy groceries at one place now. Wanna guess where we do our grocery shopping?

And I buy my bagels at an expensive bagel place where parking is a real pain in the neck. But they have a loyalty program, I get a 15% discount, I get 14 bagels instead of a baker's dozen.....and even though their bagels are STILL more expensive with the discount and extra bagel, they taste better than other bagels. I put up with the higher prices and inconvenience because it's not easy to find good bagels in Los Angeles.

But if they changed their recipe, jacked up the prices, took away the 13th & 14th bagels, started charging me for their lousy parking and for freezer bags (and the twisties).....I'd find another bagel place!

People take more than just price into consideration when making purchasing decisions. Brand identity and quality of product does count for something.
I'm still trying to figure out the "cash cow" part of the FF program because I'm not familiar with any other industry that routinely gives away product to people, no matter how often they use them. .10 cents off a gallon of gas for every $100 you spend. How about every month, they just give you a cart of groceries for free? Better yet...since 90% of the VFF's are flying on the corporate dime versus their own...why not have the grocery store give you 10 cents a gallon of gas for every $100 your neighbor spends at the store? In either the case of most VFF's of your your grocery store, you are being rewarded for something that somebody else is paying for.

Yeah...Hertz has a loyalty program...they give away AIRLINE miles. With the wonders of "alliances" it's possible to drive Hertz cars, stay at Hampton Inns, fly on United, use a special Visa card...and redeem my miles on USAir...who got not a dime of my money the entire time. Sure...these folks are "paying" US or any other airline to align with their FF program....but I imagine the amount they pay won't cover fuel for one day anymore. Back when fuel was a buck or less a gallon, I can see how maybe they WERE cash cows. Today they are little more than fingers in the dyke...trying to stem the flooding of cash from the accounts. Meanwhile the growing miles in the FF accounts is an unfunded liability on the books.
Another wonderful post from our "employee friendly" Piney. Guess he is immune to the rapid increase in the cost of fuel. Just flew with a FA yesterday who is losing her home. Husband laid off. Can barely afford to drive to work. 2 kids. One has Downs Syndrome.

But you go ahead and ask everyone to stop flying US, hurting the frontline employees the most, because they have to pay $2 for a coke and pay to check their bag; charges which are commonplace in every SINGLE other industry except the airlines.

Good luck at your new airline. Don't look back, now, ya hear?

Piney has had quite a transformation over the years. Back a few years ago when Mngmnt was milking the employees Piney sided with mngmnt because business is business. Then when mngmnt started to attack the FFiers Piney developed a friendship with the employees. Missery love company. Now he's called it quits. Hey.. business is busines.. and it always was. :mellow:
Yeah...Hertz has a loyalty program...they give away AIRLINE miles.

What? I am a 5-Star Gold customer. You pay Hertz to earn airline miles...there is a charge. OTOH, I do earn points on Hertz for free rentals. I know you think you know everything about loyalty programs, but it is clear you do not.
I think you will have to buy coupons before you board the flight or even check-in at the CTR. Thats the only way. Otherwise your plan could really only hurt you because your the one trying to fly. If you want to spend your time counting pennies and miss your flt then so be it.
or how about for after you count out all those pennies to me at the counter, hmm...I lost track....I will have to recount for you v...eee..rr...yy... slow....oh my...you didnt allow enough time before your flight to purchase your ticket...sorry you missed the flight and the rest are full/cancelled.
What? I am a 5-Star Gold customer. You pay Hertz to earn airline miles...there is a charge. OTOH, I do earn points on Hertz for free rentals. I know you think you know everything about loyalty programs, but it is clear you do not.
Here's what I know about loyalty programs...the vast majority of VFF's do NOT pay for their ticket, their rental car, their hotel or their food. Their company pays the airline money...the VFF'er just sits in the seat and gets the "reward". Now..your company can pay Hertz for the rental car...and Hertz rewards YOU with airline miles. I mentioned that yes, Hertz pays the airline for the privilege of offering those miles, but what they pay doesn't come close to covering costs in the days of $4 a gallon jet fuel.

I think the day may be coming where airlines bypass the VFFer and go directly to a corporate travel department..."Fly your employees on our airline and we'll offer an $X discount, and the tickets will be fully changeable without penalty". In other words...reward the organization that is paying the money. I would imagine a slew of road warriors would quit their jobs and take up another line of work when the FF perks stop flowing. Imagine...being "titanium" on US, only to be told by your company that henceforth, you'll be flying AA...unless YOU want to buy the ticket (non-reimburseable) on your airline of choice.
I apprciate all FFOCUS has done in the past, but after this latest press release I'm going to take your advice and move on and cancel my FFOCUS membership. Are you also boycotting AA and UA?

And as far as giving me all pennies, go ahead I'm not going to be the one standing in line waiting to check in. If you miss your flight because of someone in front of you paying in pennies, not my fault. I dont get off until 9 and if I have to stay late to count your pennies I'll be getting overtime.

I dont know why half the posters here (who admittedly arent even US customer anymore) bother to post the stuff they do here other than to get folks stirred up. I dont see the big crying game going on with the AA/UA boards. They're lonely there, why dont some of you go play with them! :shock: 🙄
Not to follow on your coat tails but...I agree with all of the above. This has gone too far....Seriously...I just read a snippet where piney said he would let loose a steam of something yellow on US's grave???? Wheres the class?

Side note....I buy my fuel at the same place all the time...for years now...I give them my business...they dont give me free coke...free food...free upgrades to plus fuel....coupns off for future purchases of fuel....nothing is free anymore ....but I earned it I whined!!!!
Mr. Lobjaw, given the general pro-US Airways-no-matter-what-they-say-or-do tone of your posts on here, I'm a little shocked that you're not a little more outraged at the FFOCUS statement. You've stood behind management 100% and, by virtue of that, you've been grossly anti-employee. These are people have openly been attempting to break unions and put their employees at salary levels that require welfare, thus transferring the burden of supporting them and their families on YOU and ME in the form of government handouts. I seem to recall a photo of you locking arms with Travis "Jesus" Christ some time back. You lost me with that one.

Your statements today seem to suggest that you're not supporting US and want to switch sides. Care to clarify your position?

I was referring to Piney's arrogant tone and letter. A lot of the employees voiced their displeasure and it got canned. I've always been 100% pro US Airways person- I support the airline, the employees, and believe it or not, I don't want to wage war with the mgmt either. I don't want to wage war w/ any side. I'm not about taking sides. I like everyone.

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