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Calling ALL Cockroaches - Customers Only

Doesn't mean I can't go down swinging.

Life as I know it will indeed change in many ways. New carrier possibly, New clubs, new friends

Hopefully the extreme pleasure of releasing a large stream of yellowish fluid on US Airways Grave. Bye. Don't bother sending me your resume I won't help you.
There you have it folks. "Front Line Employee Friendly". Makes all of us who work here realize how much you appreciate us.

Wonder what Art and FFOCUS have to say about such a well thought out statement representing FFOCUS and elite rights and benefits..... :lol:
To all the US employees reading this make no mistake; the announcement yesterday proves that Tempe has just as much contempt for employees as they do customers.
No mistake made: These fees most certainly do not show contempt; they represent an industry trying to recover from staggering fuel bills: nothing more, nothing less. They are not trying to increase a profit and line their pockets, they are trying to produce a profit. It'll be more drama for the front line to deal with, but it is what it is.....

Simple, really. Can't imagine why yinz can't get that.

Bring it up for discussion tonight at the Sea Shell.... brainstorm.... 😱
Let try to explain.

It is not so much the act of doing away with the bonus or the $2 for the drink or even the $15 for the first bag.

The bread and butter of any airline is the VFF, including WN. Many here have believed for some time that the kids in Tempe did not get this and kids decided to hitch their wagon the the Kettles. In the end the Kettles are even less willing to accept higher fares and fees. The VFF understands that the fares have to go up.

The issue here is that Tempe has been at war with their best customers since the first day of the merger, and chose to out right lie about their plans toward them from day one. There are many, many examples of the the out right lies.

What has your VFF upset is they want US to succeed but see this as an all out attack on the very folks you profit the highest profit margins and thus are convinced that these latest moves will only quicken the demise of a once proud airline.

So it short it is not the actions themselves but the meaning behind the actions. They see few other airlines using the frontal assault on their VFF's and know that if these continue you WILL lose those bread and butter customers.

Every FF that I know who has flown US has always believed that US used to have the best front line employees in the air, and it was not just idle talk. So please understand this is not about the front line employees, but the kids in Tempe. And as in all wars, some time there is collateral damage and in this case it will be the employees. You are about to suffer badly again.

Ok, That I get. They shouldn't have lied. But, at some point the freebies have to stop. I was watching the program on CNBC or MSNBC about American Airlines and they mentioned that the frequent flier program was extremely costly to maintain. I'm all for rewarding our most loyal customers but let's face reality the economy is in the toilet. It's unfortunate that it's come to this but something had to give.

I wouldn't be surprised if other airlines started following suit. Remember guys in the end you are getting something for nothing. What other business does that? Why are the rules different for airlines?
Ok, That I get. They shouldn't have lied. But, at some point the freebies have to stop. I was watching the program on CNBC or MSNBC about American Airlines and they mentioned that the frequent flier program was extremely costly to maintain. I'm all for rewarding our most loyal customers but let's face reality the economy is in the toilet. It's unfortunate that it's come to this but something had to give.

The FF programs have costs, but they are also cash cows if done correctly. I'm surprised they haven't thought about selling off DM. IIRC, Air Canada spun off their FF program for a nice profit ($218 million US, had to look the number up).
Ok, That I get. They shouldn't have lied. But, at some point the freebies have to stop. I was watching the program on CNBC or MSNBC about American Airlines and they mentioned that the frequent flier program was extremely costly to maintain. I'm all for rewarding our most loyal customers but let's face reality the economy is in the toilet. It's unfortunate that it's come to this but something had to give.

I wouldn't be surprised if other airlines started following suit. Remember guys in the end you are getting something for nothing. What other business does that? Why are the rules different for airlines?
Everything that I have ever seen shows that the FF programs make huge amounts on money. They may be costly to maintain, but in the end they add substantial money to the bottom line. Remember the airlines determine when and where you can use those free seats and in most cases those are seats that would go empty. This has been discussed many times and in many threads, but the one point I would give you in this regards is the sale of Air Canada's FF program for millions.

And we really don't get something for nothing. Many VFF will pay more for a ticket to fly their airline of choice. I've done it many times. And not for the miles but for the status and knowing that I was going to be treated well during irregular ops. For me the miles don't really mean that much.

In the end when you start cutting deeply into a program like US has just done, you will lose those who are flying every week and paying anywhere from $500 to $2000 to do it. You are going to have to sell a lot of cokes to make for all the VFF you are going to lose, thus the concern for the future of your airline.

BTW, it is not just the airlines. Our local grocery store gives you $.10 off every gallon of gas you buy at their pumps for every $100 you spend during the month. We just saved $.30 cents a gallon on our last fill up. So rather than looking at the ads each week we just buy groceries at one place now. Wanna guess where we do our grocery shopping?

The employees really need to be venting the anger at your management, not the customer. We do not set pricing or policy. And I 'm afraid on these last cuts US is about to go it alone......
And this "penny" idea shows a great deal of contempt as well.
I seem to recall a list of productivity ideas that EMBFA posted a while back, but it was along the same lines as the penny idea and well received by the front liners.

See if one of you guys can find it and bump it up; I’ve gotta run right now.
All the threads on the new changes have started my creative juices flowing as to the way to best protest the new fees.

Pay for them with pennies. Stock up on rolls and rolls of pennies.

Before boarding, un-roll the pennies and put them in one of your tidy little TSA baggies. When buying a bottle of water of coffee, slowly count out the 200 pennies. They have to take them, they are legal tender. Repeat when you ask for a refill on your coffee.

Or when checking a bag, repeat the above. It will take a while to count out 1,500 hundred pennies.

You could call it "pennies for Doug" or "the bean counter count".....

Please feel free to add your own below


How about calling reservations and asking to pay $100 more dollars for your flight to cover the cost of fuel. Or let all the majors go chapter 7 and everyone can just fly southwest.
Ok, That I get. They shouldn't have lied. But, at some point the freebies have to stop. I was watching the program on CNBC or MSNBC about American Airlines and they mentioned that the frequent flier program was extremely costly to maintain. I'm all for rewarding our most loyal customers but let's face reality the economy is in the toilet. It's unfortunate that it's come to this but something had to give.

I wouldn't be surprised if other airlines started following suit. Remember guys in the end you are getting something for nothing. What other business does that? Why are the rules different for airlines?

What are you talking about? They have waged a war on the VFF unlike any other airline. They have also waged a war on employees. But with respect to the VFF, what freebies are you talking about? One of the reasons, other than operational unreliability, that I left US was because I was paying exhorbitant fares compared to the level of service. I honestly don't even recall the last time that I upgraded on a flight rather than by a Y or A or F fare.

As far as other businesses, let's name a few...Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy, Nordstroms, Giant, Genuardi's, Neiman Marcus, Cosi, the local water ice place....the list goes on and on...all of those stores have programs for frequent purchasers. Loyalty means a lot to a business, but US has shown nothing but contempt for the VFF.
if you don't want to fly on us FINE , but don't wish harm to all of our employee's , you can AFFORD to fly in bussiness , most of us CAN'T ,keep your eltism and classim to yourself .

Maybe you need to stop 'smokin' that "truth"'. "Piney" is a passenger that understands the 'crisis' all airlines face. He has been around US for a long time, and definatly has a perspective from a FREQUENT FLIER. Try, if you can, to understand what these people go thru on their weekly if not daily travels. Put yourself in their perspective. That is what CUSTOMER SERVICE all about. It is not about YOUR job and how it affects YOU.
You seem selfish, and the company's prospects are important to you, but the big picture is how the customer percieves service. It is not about YOU. What if your utility bill rose as much as fuel, and they started nickle and diming you, on your rate of pay. You should care about customer perception.
Your remarks are derogatory and contrary to your own goal. Just like US.
For instance, due to the way I was treated by a certain automobile company, I will no longer be their patron again. That is, ever again. I will no longer buy their product.
A customer has certain expectations, and when the experience is taken down to bus service, or less than bus service and it is an "airline" for cryss sakes, once a former "elite" way to travel. All of the things that are expected have been in place for decades. To nickle and dime the passenger is what they are experiencing. They know about the price of gas and to them, it doesn't matter. Not one iota.
It boils down to passenger perspective and if that is an angle that FOCUS is using, it surely makes sense to me. Just try to understand.
I don't believe Piney wants to change carriers, he just wants his carrier of choice to persevere, but not at his or anyone elses expense.
All of the things that are expected have been in place for decades. To nickle and dime the passenger is what they are experiencing. They know about the price of gas and to them, it doesn't matter. Not one iota.
$130+ a barrel ,keep 40 year old expectations and go out of business.

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