965, You are right on the money. The other airlines are actively pursuing US elites, and the numbers of matches and challenges being completed are surprising even to me, who helped arrange them. You are also correct that not one other airline has gone as far as US has to alienate their bread and butter customers, those who fly OFTEN and pay the MOST for air travel.
Also it is correct that just about EVERY decision made by Tempe has been the wrong one. Save a penny spend a dollar. If it had not been for the attitudes of management (we have Doug and Scott on tape making disparaging comments about Chairmans Preferred and other elite travelers), and the misguided moves which further alienate customers and devalue the DM program, I would have probably NEVER considered trying WN which I did two weeks ago.
There are other ways to survive in this environment rather than nickel and diming your customers. The labor issues which currently exist here are unique to US Airways, and in my opinion are the biggest threat to the survival of the company at this time. ALL airlines have the fuel issues, but only US has the added costs and inefficiencies caused by a splintered labor force, and I just don't see a solution on the horizon.
It is true--Airline 101 is not the same it was years ago. But this management team keeps trying to put bandaids on a hemorrhaging stab wound. Even though the fundamentals have changed, they need to get back to basics and RUN AN AIRLINE efficiently and as cost effectively as possible. They need to STOP penalizing their customers for their inability to do so--we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.
I found it very interesting that Robert Isom actually acknowledged that there is a problem with FF's leaving in the Focus meeting, and that they were going to have to revisit that. The question is HOW will they revisit? My guess is they say they will and won't. Tempe has absolutely NO credibility with me or most of my FF colleagues any more.
Here's a news flash for Mr. Isom--If you want to know why we're leaving (as if you don't already), you just NEED TO ASK US.
Although they think differently, Tempe does not know everything. We offered to help MANY times, and I sat across a table from Travis and Elise and offered HARD evidence of what was happening, but they weren't biting. They told me numerous times they wanted me to help start a new Customer Advisory Board, but it never happened. You can offer FREE market research only so many times and then it becomes moot if they keep rejecting it.
The bottom line here is that massive change will be needed in order for this company to SURVIVE, let alone prosper. And it needs to happen NOW--not tomorrow or next week, but NOW.
I see a tremendous amount of B(#*$& and Moaning on here, but no one seems to care enough to want to make the changes needed to survive. If all this negative energy (from customers, employees, and especially MANAGEMENT) were channeled into working TOGETHER to make changes that all sides could live with, there would be a chance, but as long as it's Tempe vs. Customer and Tempe vs. Labor, I am sorry, this place is doomed...........
Maybe it's just too late.........