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Calling ALL Cockroaches - Customers Only

There is a dignified way to do this. Don't waste your time on this dog. Cash out your miles and move on. I've already booked my next flights on Continental.


I am assuming that the FA's have already lit up the OP for suggesting counting out pennies one by one.....please don't suggest things that only insult and further frustrate the employees. We are all affected by this.
I wish I was still around for this one. I would gladly take pennies for whatever is sold onboard.

Plane change? I’ll be there as soon as I count my pennies.

Are yinz still using those AB-1 envelopes to drop the money in the safe? They would bust wide open when they hit the bottom!
Completely insulting. In these tough times to only annoy hard working employees and other passengers. Come on, show some class for yourself and the group you represent!
There is a dignified way to do this. Don't waste your time on this dog. Cash out your miles and move on. I've already booked my next flights on Continental.



God, I love your poster. Looks like me, ready to drop.

I had been booking away on DL and NW, but took a few US trips to redeem the numerous vouchers I earned last year. I have one more voucher and I will be Silver VOUCHER Preferred, just in time to exit!

Back to my SkyTeam flights.
Attention , attention , oil prices are at an all time high …

Attention attention , the us economy is heading quickly into a recession and unemployment is shooting up …

Be advised life as you know it is now subject to change
For the record this is the "Official" position of FFOCUS.

US Airways "compromises" on fees and cuts
Customers, employees pay for everything, US pays nothing


Friday, June 13, 2008

MYSTIC ISLAND, NJ - Yesterday, US Airways announced drastic changes to their operation. Labeled as a "Business Model Transformation" by the airline, these changes affect virtually every segment of aviation: frequent flyers, business travelers, leisure travelers and employees. All involved will feel the blistering sting of change except, of course, the leadership of the lowest ranked airline in the US in customer service (source: US DOT). While other executives have agreed to forego all or a portion of their salary during these troubled times, President Scott Kirby and Doug Parker are pouring over their spreadsheets pondering who to terminate, lay off, or transfer out of a job while continuing to be rewarded for their failed leadership. We at FFOCUS find this to be intolerable, especially in consideration of the customer service atrocities that our members and the general public have endured at the hands of this executive team.

It is not in the best interest of the shareholders of US Airways' to have its inept management team continue to drive away more and more of its traditional high-yield, short-haul business travelers. Failure to fairly and considerately address the needs of their best customers will, in our opinion, lead to the ultimate demise of US Airways.

As a result of the recent actions announced by the management team at US Airways, it is with great sadness and reluctance that we ask our membership and all who fly US Airways to please direct their business elsewhere.

We urge anyone who has to fly US Airways to report poor customer service and operational flight issues promptly to the US Department of Transportation (DOT) . For our message to be heard, US Airways must remain at the bottom of the rankings and we, as customers, can keep them there.

To our friends who are US Airways employees, we encourage you to keep actively looking for new positions and be active in your unions. Encourage customers to contact the DOT.

Finally, to all FFOCUS members, be vocal. Join FlyerTalk and be an active blogger when you can. Talk to other frequent flyers in your travels. Let it be known how you feel. Be loud. Be long-winded. Let everyone know the truth about US Airways. FFOCUS remains an active, tireless, grassroots advocate of positive change in the airline industry. With an interest in the well-being of the consumer, we stand ready to assist industry leaders in dealing with the evolving business conditions of today's airline industry.

-FFOCUS Policy Committee

You know there was a time when I would have jumped all over a poster for telling people to fly elsewhere. NOW? I just don't care if US sinks or swims and is so very sad.

Another wonderful post from our "employee friendly" Piney. Guess he is immune to the rapid increase in the cost of fuel. Just flew with a FA yesterday who is losing her home. Husband laid off. Can barely afford to drive to work. 2 kids. One has Downs Syndrome.

But you go ahead and ask everyone to stop flying US, hurting the frontline employees the most, because they have to pay $2 for a coke and pay to check their bag; charges which are commonplace in every SINGLE other industry except the airlines.

Good luck at your new airline. Don't look back, now, ya hear?
Doesn't mean I can't go down swinging.

Life as I know it will indeed change in many ways. New carrier possibly, New clubs, new friends

Hopefully the extreme pleasure of releasing a large stream of yellowish fluid on US Airways Grave. Bye. Don't bother sending me your resume I won't help you.

No piney , we won’t LET our company die …

This is one of us airways greatest strengths .. the other airlines are going to have to endure “great pain “ because they never cut deep enough into their employee’s during their ONE trip to BK …

Us airways almost lived in BK court for awhile .. it’s workers are mentally used to those wages and will be able to easily adapt ,now the OTHER airline’s … oh man … I can’t wait to see THAT drama when their companies come around asking for cuts ETC …

Us airways is prepared mentally and finically for the coming storm , because we never stepped out of it .

As for you wishing for thousands of my fellow co workers and americans to be unemployed during what could possible be the worst recession/depression since world war two … :down:

you need to stop and check yourself ... if you don't want to fly on us FINE , but don't wish harm to all of our employee's , you can AFFORD to fly in bussiness , most of us CAN'T ,keep your eltism and classim to yourself .
Doesn't mean I can't go down swinging.

Life as I know it will indeed change in many ways. New carrier possibly, New clubs, new friends

Hopefully the extreme pleasure of releasing a large stream of yellowish fluid on US Airways Grave. Bye. Don't bother sending me your resume I won't help you.

Wow...That's just beyond disgusting and low.
I apprciate all FFOCUS has done in the past, but after this latest press release I'm going to take your advice and move on and cancel my FFOCUS membership. Are you also boycotting AA and UA?

And as far as giving me all pennies, go ahead I'm not going to be the one standing in line waiting to check in. If you miss your flight because of someone in front of you paying in pennies, not my fault. I dont get off until 9 and if I have to stay late to count your pennies I'll be getting overtime.

I dont know why half the posters here (who admittedly arent even US customer anymore) bother to post the stuff they do here other than to get folks stirred up. I dont see the big crying game going on with the AA/UA boards. They're lonely there, why dont some of you go play with them! :shock: 🙄
Customers and Employees pay, Doug and Scott don't.

If you don't get that then there is little hope for you.

Even though there is little hope for me, there is none for you (or the group you represent.) Zero class and no tact! Tell the employees you support them, slap them across the face, and now add sexual connotations and mix in death. Are you trying to include dark humor? I'm usually peaceful but it's the straw that breaks the camels back which irritates me. At this point, this member's (and the group he represents) post's are inhumane and disgusting. I think this thread should be dumped.

What is ironic is that a lot of people complaining about the Preferred bonus are no longer even Preferred with the airline. A CP myself, will be losing 100% bonus, the largest bonus of all tiers, and it's not that BIG of deal to me. It comes back? Great! It doesn't? Oh well! My response? I don't necessarily look at that. I am grateful to have an awesome airline with awesome employees flying to places I go. If you complain about a mileage bonus all the while knowing how much employees lost during BK's and various restructurings, it is time you should have your head examine, stop flying the airline so we can replace you with friendly customers. Also, start 'flying' Amtrak where instead of complaining about bonus miles/pts you can start worrying about what happens if it takes 8 hours to go from Western PA to Eastern PA.
Try earning it rather than having it comped and see how you feel.

OK, Let me understand something about frequent flier miles. When you fly trips the airline rewards you with miles...they give you something for free for a trip you paid for. If I'm wrong please correct me. Once you accumulate a set amount of miles the airline says "HEY THANKS...WE'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING FOR FREE!"

Now the airline is saying it can't afford to give you those things for free anymore because fuel is too high. You are taking your ball and going home?

Most employees at the very same airline aren't making a livable wage and have no semblance of a life but you're taking your ball and going home.

I understand the loyalty that you guys have shown to the airline but try as I may I'm hard pressed to understand the whinging when people are having to chose between purchasing gas or food.

Sorry guys but do you see where the disconnect happens...
Let try to explain.

It is not so much the act of doing away with the bonus or the $2 for the drink or even the $15 for the first bag.

The bread and butter of any airline is the VFF, including WN. Many here have believed for some time that the kids in Tempe did not get this and kids decided to hitch their wagon the the Kettles. In the end the Kettles are even less willing to accept higher fares and fees. The VFF understands that the fares have to go up.

The issue here is that Tempe has been at war with their best customers since the first day of the merger, and chose to out right lie about their plans toward them from day one. There are many, many examples of the the out right lies.

What has your VFF upset is they want US to succeed but see this as an all out attack on the very folks you profit the highest profit margins and thus are convinced that these latest moves will only quicken the demise of a once proud airline. They also believe that good leaders don't just react, they anticipate and have a plan. The only plan that the kids had was to merge with someone, get rich at the expense of the employees and move on. Well that plan has not worked. As many have said, they have no plan B

So in short it is not the actions themselves but the meaning behind the actions. They see few other airlines using the frontal assault on their VFF's and know that if these continue you WILL lose those bread and butter customers.

Every FF that I know who has flown US has always believed that US used to have the best front line employees in the air, and it was not just idle talk. So please understand this is not about the front line employees, but the kids in Tempe. And as in all wars, some time there is collateral damage and in this case it will be the employees. You are about to suffer badly again.
The penny idea is great.

Can't wait till you bring all those pennies through TSA.

On the A/C I'll be glad to accept the pennies, just as soon as I get done serving everyone else.


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