Why does US just not introduce payment via credit cards or voucher only for food, drink, pillows etc.
YX has for a while taken credit cards electronically onboard the aircraft. It reduces errors in accounting, gives the customer a receipt (which most people traveling on business need), and in my opinion (but I am not a FA so take it for what it's worth) seems like it would be easier on the FA who does not need to count out change, fill out forms, and be accountable for the money paid and won't have to deal with some very justified person trying to make a point by paying in pennies.
I am also thinking that if things turn around, supply drops, fares raise, that airlines are going to go back to trying to differentiate their service from the competition by trying to show their product is of more value....what will that look like? I don't know; but if there are less fliers, the ones traveling on premium fares will be highly sought after. Watch the cycle reset and airlines will again suddenly realise the value of VFF.
"this has all happened before and will happen again"