I have been reading this for the past few minutes, and I need to chime in with a couple of comments.
First of all, FFOCUS wishes no harm or bad will toward the fine men and women on the front line of US Airways or any other airline. Most of our members are seasoned business travelers, well aware of the current state of the economy and the need for airlines to raise revenue. We are able to face the facts. Fares have to go up. Business travelers realize that and if it is done rationally most of us have no problem with that.
When the merger was announced we had high hopes....we thought (wrongly it turned out) that Doug Parker and his team were capable of managing a large international airline. Turns out they are way over their heads. They have bungled almost every move made since the merger.
Many of us stayed on much longer than we should have. I remained a loyal US customer until just about a year ago. Even though I do not fly US any more, I have acted behind the scenes to support those who still do, and to help both customers and employees get problems resolved--with US and other airlines as well.
Onto the subject at hand......the revenue model of the current airline business is fundamentally flawed. The yield management algorithms still used today are obsolete, and the pricing methods used still do not consider the COST of providing the service. The airline business is the only one I know of which does not price according to cost plus markup. THAT's the problem.
Fares have to be rationalized. They must go up. It's a simple mathematical fact. HOW they go up and where they go up is subject to debate. But nickel and diming is not the best way. A $10 fare increase across the board would be more revenue positive than the $15 bag fee. Mr. Kirby's statement that they can't raise fare because there is too much competition is ridiculous. Fares need to go up--we ALL realize that.
The problem that FFOCUS has goes beyond nickel and diming. Since the merger management has taken aim at the highest yielding segment of the customer base--the elite flyer, and has slowly chipped away at the benefits which are provided to reward loyalty. From cutting first class service and seats to Doug and Scott both saying to employees that the first group to feel the "pain" of fees will be the Chairmans members, they have been more or less relentless in their attack on their best customers.
Logic would dictate that in a difficult business environment you would provide MORE incentive rather than less to your most frequent and loyal clientele. In this case, US has done the exact opposite. They have actively driven us away. First this year the 500 mile minimum goes away, matched only by UA, the now rejected dance partner (I bet they will rescind that soon). Now the elimination of bonus miles for elites is to many of us the straw that breaks the camel's back. Fact is there is little if any financial benefit to cutting the mileage bonuses, they just appear to want all elites to leave.
So for us, the message is clear. Dear Mr. or Ms. Elite, you are not wanted here, please go elsewhere. We are merely following that advice.
Let me be clear-- our organization and I personally have ALWAYS been in the corner of the rank and file worker. It is with mixed feelings that we call for the action we have, and we sincerely mean you all no harm, but this is the only tangible way we can effect change in our opinion.
Bottom line, I think we all should make a vote of no confidence to the management of this company--they need to be replaced as soon as possible.
For any offended by the wording of the letter issued earlier I sincerely apologize--I didn't write it but as the chair of the organization I accept responsibility. We honestly do wish good things for US, but in order for that to happen there needs to be massive change--and not in the way the inept management has chosen to change.
Anyone wanting further clarification can feel free to PM or email me.
My BEST to you all....