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cabin service out sourced

"According to FlightStats.com, 140 American departures from DFW were delayed by more than 15 minutes Monday. The day before, only half of American's flights departed on time from DFW, with 229 flights delayed."

ORD is showing similar delays with MIA a little better, because of longer scheduled turn times on int'l flights.

this validates what others have said here:

Sources told NBC5 that AirServ employees did not have the correct ID badges needed to work in secured areas of the airport and were entering through American's old mail-sorting facility to get to the planes.

any word on the conversations AA is having w/ the TWU and the potential upside for TWU and its members?
"According to FlightStats.com, 140 American departures from DFW were delayed by more than 15 minutes Monday. The day before, only half of American's flights departed on time from DFW, with 229 flights delayed."

ORD is showing similar delays with MIA a little better, because of longer scheduled turn times on int'l flights.

this validates what others have said here:

Sources told NBC5 that AirServ employees did not have the correct ID badges needed to work in secured areas of the airport and were entering through American's old mail-sorting facility to get to the planes.

any word on the conversations AA is having w/ the TWU and the potential upside for TWU and its members?

Maybe the TWU and AA could then negotiate a rate that both sides are comfortable and outsource less cabin cleanbing crews to just the non-bases? Leave DFW, ORD, MIA, JFK and LAX as TWU crews with some better oversight and penalities for improper execution of duties? Unfortauntely, if what others have said is true, and the wages for the outsourced guys are THAT low, not sure if its worth the TWUs time to sit down with American as they probably would be WAY too far apart.

777 / 767 / 757
any word on the conversations AA is having w/ the TWU and the potential upside for TWU and its members?
They were told that AA would take their lumps at the moment and things are getting much better. The outsourcing will remain!
They were told that AA would take their lumps at the moment and things are getting much better. The outsourcing will remain!
thanks for the update... I think that is kinda what we expected. :-(
Once something is outsourced, its nearly impossible to get the work back. Many that vote to permit this, especially the jobs in the out stations don't realize the full implications of what they have done. Once the walls start to close in, the company keeps them moving.
I am sure the TWU International is in deep negiotiations with the company to bring back the previous cleaning crews for more A5 passes for the TWU International reps......
Not gonna happin, it's gone... If Delta and Continental can can cleaning AMR has to too.
If anyone can lower the bar to keep dues payers on board the Totally Worthless Union can and will!!! That is why the TWU is the laughing stock of the industry. Who ever they can sell out to keep thier 6 figure salaries, free car and unlimited A4, first class passes...........#&$@ers!
Once something is outsourced, its nearly impossible to get the work back. Many that vote to permit this, especially the jobs in the out stations don't realize the full implications of what they have done. Once the walls start to close in, the company keeps them moving.

While I agree that we should have rejected this poor excuse of a contract getting work back once outsourced is more common than you may realize and its been going on at AA for years. I recall shipping our Airbus engines out and they came back in such poor condition AA brought the work back in house. AA had a good thing in that they had a fleet of planes that were paid for and a good maintenence program that kept them as reliable as competitors that were carrying higher lease rates than AA on newer aircraft.
The problem is the oversight just as in Boeing's case with the 777.Things have changed too fast and zero oversight.Hiccups well understatement...
I've seen the new cleaners bumping into one another, trying to board planes while pax still deplaning, "team leaders" fouling things up, management cleaning planes, etc...but long story short; picking up trash, sweeping carpets, and re-stocking galley's isn't rocket science. In a few weeks time, all will be fine. The shame of it is, AA employee's that WERE making a decent wage have been kicked to the curb due to management's inability to run a profitable operation.
I've seen the new cleaners bumping into one another, trying to board planes while pax still deplaning, "team leaders" fouling things up, management cleaning planes, etc...but long story short; picking up trash, sweeping carpets, and re-stocking galley's isn't rocket science. In a few weeks time, all will be fine. The shame of it is, AA employee's that WERE making a decent wage have been kicked to the curb due to management's inability to run a profitable operation.

And those that did this will blame Obama for them becoming Government dependent. Outsource jobs, increase dependence, increase debt, destroy economy.....and the greedy blame who?
I've seen the new cleaners... trying to board planes while pax still deplaning..."

Didn't you know? That is the new standard. As soon as F/C is clear, the #1 flight attendant is supposed to look for a break in the deplaning traffic and signal the cleaners to come onboard and start cleaning F/C. It's tacky, and they manage to block the deplaning passengers from getting off the airplane.

We need a large study group committee at Centreport to look into this. At least 15 managers should be appointed to meet daily for several months. Or, we could just cut to the chase and realize that the problem with the new cleaners is that we pay the AMR employees too much and petition the court to cut pay again.
At JFK one of four fomer FSC Crew Chiefs ( now with the new cleaning contractor ) and working as a supervisor was caught bringing in newly hired employees who lacked ID badges and were therefore not TSA cleared to work on the airport grounds. The Supervisor was arrested by the Port Police and will certainly be terminated and the company faces huge fines as well.

These contractors were hired at $ 7.45 hour with no benefits, who knows how many are ex felons.

So a word to the wise, challenge everyone for ID especially contractors hired to replace union workers.

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