Perception is everything... A messy A/C is not the tone you want to set w/the traveling public...
and BK is a messy process that almost always does not go as smoothly as anyone expects it will.First of all yes the quality has gone done in the past 15 yrs. Now as a 26 yr veteran employee let me state you have no idea in your wildest dreams of what AA employees are going through. To put it bluntly we have seen a once proud airline be ran into the ground at mach speed. We have been told we were "bricks", among a few other things. We have watched management mismanage for the past 14 almost 15 yrs since Crandall retired. We given once now twice and it looks like we are still headed in downward spiral at mach speed. In the past week I have been told by upper management at DFW our own HQ people had no idea of the scope of the operation (cabin cleaning) so now we have international trips taking 99 min. delays for cabin cleaning and other prepping for departure. It is almost eerie how much we resemble Braniff when they made their biggest mistake of all alienating the employees. Yes that was bigger than shutting down with 14 days of fuel paid for! I am afraid that the days of AMR are numbered without serious changes. Just my two cents worth.
Let me first say that I feel sorry for all the cabin service
employees that lost their job or had to relocate
But as far as JFK is concern the people that are
doing the cleaning are doing a better job.
I have been flying out JFK for over 20 years
the planes have never look better then the last
few trips that I worked out of JFK.
I believe the company that is working out of
JFK is call airways. They are doing an exceptional
Wait a second people, this post can't be right, because I'm just a stupid internet moron who knows nothing, right? I laugh at this, beause no one knows what I know or how I know it. Believe me, just becuase most people on here won't say anything bad about employees, I think its a complete joke how MANAGEMENT IS ALWAYS TO BLAME, and the poor employees are always so hardworking and treated like crap. Some labor at AA is not so great, so stop defending the ones that don't deserve to be defended.
Not all of cabin workers, but many of them sucked and were lazy. Guys on here complaining about dirty planes being MANGEMENT's fault becuase they don't have enough oversite? REALY?? You have to be a complete moron to need someone to tell you that a plane is still dirty. Are you kidding me? So now the employee is being paid to show up, but actually doing the work is the job of management. No now its unreasonable to ask an employee to be able to do their job WITHOUT management babysitting them? If you are a cabin cleaner, and you walk off the plane and its dirty, its YOUR FAULT, and it AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE.
The issues with the cabin cleaners in the beginning of this out sourcing process are expected, but over time, things will smoth out. Bottom line, the planes are FILTHY, and no one to blame except those who were supposed to be cleaning them, not sleeping on them when they thought no one was looking. Can't get much worse, so might as well save some money and maybe make it better.
777 / 767 / 757
Wait a second people, this post can't be right, because I'm just a stupid internet moron who knows nothing, right? I laugh at this, beause no one knows what I know or how I know it. Believe me, just becuase most people on here won't say anything bad about employees, I think its a complete joke how MANAGEMENT IS ALWAYS TO BLAME, and the poor employees are always so hardworking and treated like crap. Some labor at AA is not so great, so stop defending the ones that don't deserve to be defended.
Not all of cabin workers, but many of them sucked and were lazy. Guys on here complaining about dirty planes being MANGEMENT's fault becuase they don't have enough oversite? REALY?? You have to be a complete moron to need someone to tell you that a plane is still dirty. Are you kidding me? So now the employee is being paid to show up, but actually doing the work is the job of management. No now its unreasonable to ask an employee to be able to do their job WITHOUT management babysitting them? If you are a cabin cleaner, and you walk off the plane and its dirty, its YOUR FAULT, and it AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE.
The issues with the cabin cleaners in the beginning of this out sourcing process are expected, but over time, things will smoth out. Bottom line, the planes are FILTHY, and no one to blame except those who were supposed to be cleaning them, not sleeping on them when they thought no one was looking. Can't get much worse, so might as well save some money and maybe make it better.
777 / 767 / 757