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Southwest Did Not Run U Out Of The West Coast

You're pretty accurate Jim. The divider was a curtain, and what was really bad, on take off the curtain would be right in the noses of the people sitting in front of it. Passengers were not happy. Many times that curtain would hit people in the faces.

Also, many times F/C Pax's would be climbing over their seats to get in. Also, If I recall, only wine and beer were available to the F/C. They didn't like that either. And the food was really deplorable that was served to them.

F/A's were constantly changing the movable curtain. And the mechanics of it constantly were breaking. They used some cheap plastic.

I saw many, puffed up, red faces who were definately miserable with this Product.
I think the concept had some merit, but the design and utilization was bad.

Those poor 737-200's they really went through it. 🙁
Noname: I worked the Business Select when it was first implemented. I believe it was a BWI thing mainly. Everytime we walked on to that configuration, everyone groaned. I experienced some pretty ugly scenes. Pax's were not happy and would take their frustrations out on us, of course.

If you were a big fella....forget it. They actually had less room sitting up there, than they would have in the back of the bus.

It turned out to be a very expensive LOSS. <_<
If I recall correctly that was roughly a $ 50 million price tag on those seats almost equal to the 3.5% pay cut we took the year before.
If I remember didn't PSA ground guys clean palnes ..also and didn't they dump the laves F/A's helped clean cabins as well. We all did a lot more than we do now and if we get back to that kind of operations and I think we will it will mean the end of some work groups I know for a fact that all work groups have way to much down time and no matter how much of a pay cut we take it won't matter ...........

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