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cabin service out sourced

So right now I do have the best job in the world I load I unload the push it out I walk away nothing more nothing less I love it.

...With eroded job security. And they did it with YOUR blessings. That's not laudable; that's pathetic.

Yes, I totally agree in another 10 years American will no longer employ fleet service clerks at the smaller stations only the big five.

...And as long as people like share your mindset, that task will be infinitely easier for them to carry out. Not only are you're standing idly by, you seem to be cool with it. WTF? When there's no cleaners left, who do you think they'll be aim for next?

It would be pretty tough to replace all of the fleet service clerks let's say at Dallas, the logistics of that would be nightmarish to say the least, there was an airline in Las Vegas that was doing a fantastic business. Stock was worth $40 a share they were making money And then one day they marched everybody into the conference room and in the airport and fired a mall and their words to them were "if you'd like to apply for your same job at minimum-wage here are the applications".

That would be Allegiant (G4). And what will you do when AA says the same? I'm telling you, the time to fight isn't in that proverbial conference room; it's right now.

Alaska did it at their hub in SEA.

Yep. And DL did it in DFW as well.
This proverbial flight has to come from a level higher than our unions. It has to come from other sources other than cope. Our employment law in the United States can fit on a page that measures eight and half by 11 and that is it. maybe you'll have some for the backside too. The days of making gobs and gobs of money at a single job like this one and others are long gone. When individuals that have doctorate level educations get laid off every 2 to 3 years because of a temporary job. What I will do when that time comes as I will be prepared like I was with this last round of layoffs.
This proverbial flight has to come from a level higher than our unions.

No, no, no.

It starts at the shop floor level.

Agitating for change isn't effective when it's an edict from above- it's effective when it's from the bottom up.

And since I think you're also alluding to changing the legislation in this country, the same theory applies.
Yes, the shopfloor level is a good place to start. I am a short timer at American but I've had a long career in electrical. But that career was ended because of economic downturn and I expected to get laid off at least once a year. But I've worked with too many people at American that's had an attitude of profound pride in doing absolutely nothing and boasting about it. At that point on I knew a divided front will forever be.

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