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I can come up with a lot of things! It starts with scrapping everything we have now and stripping everything down to a $$ amount. Then reallocating everything in a fair and appropriate way.We can put the 2 together because they are so different. Sorry Sr gals the AIL is gone and sorry RSVs you don't get to pick trips. You want 85 hours you are assigned on legalities by the computer and days avl. You will get your time in but no picking. Heck I am all for rotation rsv but it won't pass.
I have LOTS of ideas. I really don't think this is the forum to do our negotiations. Do I want a contract soon yes. Will I sell and shred our current protections away just to get it faster NO. I think that will be done for me listening to all of you. We have all been sold crap before and you guys seem so willing to go back to the same care dealership to buy your next "great car"! Why is your LEC President not in the crew room engaging you? Take the pulse John, Ann and the rest! If my name were attached to something this important I would live at the freaking airport to make sure I knew what my members wanted.
Like I said just keep on this path. Place faith in your "leaders" and vote yes! But don't turn around and go wait.....this sucks 5 years later.
And I love being home but I have this job not to do MCO turns all day long slamming in hours. I like long layovers and seeing new cities. That is a perk of this job. If it's slamming in 28 hours in 4 days then I might and well scrape the plaque off teeth for 70K! A pay raise! Maybe a thought....
Ok here is what I don't understand. Many believe that Carol Austin is actually pretty smart and can write language that is spot on. I don't believe if negotiated correctly with every "i" dotted and "t" crossed that we would have to worry about hellish florida turns all day long. I'll say again that "if your worried about the contract being violated out the wazoo are you not worried NOW"? Our contract is violated more now than EVER! ! ! ! I'll still sit here and wait for a reason NOT to split from the pilots and if we stay ideas on to what that means for our contract. Again crickets***crickets***

Oh yeah a quick note. Just look what happened when the company pulled the 757 time out of PHL. That should affect the f/a's why? The 757's are still in and out of PHL just as much as ever yet they are CLT crews minus a few domestic trips that are considered int'l due to the pilots. They pulled time from the E190 to CLT and the f/a's in PHL got screwed again. It's THAT kinda stuff that standing BEHIND the pilots winds up screwing the flight attendants.
The lack of our flight attendant group's ability to accept any sort of change for the better makes my head want to spin off of my shoulders. Why must we be stuck in the 80's forever? Seriously, how does Delta, United, American, Southwest, JetBlue, and others do trips being separated from their pilots? Ask them, I am sure they would be glad to tell you. I'm sure they would also tell you that Rotating Reserve and Pref Bid are also not so bad either. We are like the last person to get a Member's Only Jacket in the 80's.
Isn't that the truth? We should peg our jeans and tease our hair too. Don't be afraid to step out into new territory folks. :lol:
Who is asking you to slam your time in? Space trips out all you want; would you not prefer a 26 hour 4 day over a 19 hour 4 day? Hard time, who cares? With 15-17 hour layovers? More than enough rest. USAir flight attendants think this is some new concept to the industry, and they will melt or something! AA and UA flight attendants are simply walking around like the walking dead, right? :rolleyes: Please, the trips I am talking about here are so damn senior at other airlines, it's ridiculous!

This is not about me being off of reserve at all; make no mistake. Please don't turn it into that. I see the capacity reductions and general disarray that USAir has gone thru in the past 10 years; I am not placing blame, nor am I shocked that I am still on reserve. This is about improving our quality of life, both RSV and BH. I am tired of flying 20 hour 4 days, 14 hour 3 days, and the like. While I would not mind productive trips on RSV to get me to my guarantee quicker, I am really thinking about my future. It may be years down the road, but one day, I may hold a line. :lol:

Why is it that we cannot negotiate protections in a contract and enjoy much more productive trips, without the pilots? You're idea that you would be a better wife and not "bone tired" does not make any sense.

Why can't you wrap your head around the fact that you will be working more hard time with longer duty days??? And with this LTO system all you will do is work one pain in the tail trip a month and still spin your wheels the rest.

What makes you think you are safe to fly trips when the FAA doesn't deem the pilots safe to fly the same thing? Are you Superwoman? Or you like the drunk that thinks....I'm awake...sure I can drive.

Yeah, that was a little nasty. Sorry. But think about what you're asking for.

What can be negotiated is a more reasonable reserve system. Seniority based, first in, first out. Block out every month. Splits trips to be recalculated for trip rig. You wouldn't need to pick up trips off the ETB on your days off.

Sounds like a winner to me.
What is the flight attendant group to do while we wait for the pilots to iron out their differences? Me-too items that we have with the pilots can't be resolved until they finish their contract. So again I ask, "what is the flight attendant group to do"? It's not fair to have to wait for those few items. Sorry. We will revisit the moon or colonize Mars before we see the pilot group wrap up a contract.
Basically the union has agreed to hear the company's proposal on splitting from the pilots.

That's it.


My guess: it's just like the never implemented purser programs that have been proposed for over 20 years. They want it but they won't pay for it. The math may add up, but if you look at AWA's management and their decisions-------------the math adds up big time for a buyout, do you see one?

In the final analysis whatever the union and company do spit out as a tentative to vote on, at least this time I think more of us will read it more carefully. I've made my stance clear, unless this thing wears kevlar, I won't be voting for it.

Having said that, dubious as I am, I am also not willing to wait for the pilots to solve their mess, so somebody needs to get creative.

With all due respect Hottotrot, US IS a regional carrier that happens to fly to Europe. We don't have CAL's big planes. What we do have is a very different management and zero trust in their ethics. We NEED and REQUIRE legal and binding protections. What works at CAL probably will not work at US.
Forget about the Pilots!! You will survive. We do on the West. Most of the high flying trips aren't so bad. A few 4 day trips worth more than 21 hours, 3 days worth 19 hours. 2 day trips worth 12 hours, and 1 day trips make up the majority of trancon/East to West and block about 10 hours.
I sure in the heck don't want to wait for the pilots. :down:
BMI- DL NW UAL and the rest don't have 100 bites at the apple with their seniority! PRI SAP SEC AUGMENTATION AIL I mean gees! unless you are going to model a system after a real airline, what's the point?
Ok all this hashing and debating really comes down to a choice. Do we wait for the pilots to finish a contract and ratify it so we can complete ours or do we split. I don't know about the doubters but I'm NOT willing to sit around here stagnant with an absolutely HORRIBLE contract waiting for the pilots. I understand their fight but it's not ours. We need improvements both east and west flight attendants. NO CONTRACT even ours that expires on the east can be finished if we decide to stay with the pilots. It's that simple.
God, I almost feel sorry for the people elected in the next 3 years to AFA office. They are going to be in grievance hell. In a good contract they are going to have their hands full. The company is sitting there like Dr Evil rubbing their hands together.
God, I almost feel sorry for the people elected in the next 3 years to AFA office. They are going to be in grievance hell. In a good contract they are going to have their hands full. The company is sitting there like Dr Evil rubbing their hands together.


How about the wicked Witch of the West screeching...."I'll get you, my pretty!"
I sound like a broken record but how can we afford to sit around and wait for the pilots? A contract for flight attendants will NEVER see the light of day if we don't. :rolleyes:

The sky is falling....The sky is falling! ! ! ! :lol:
The only place the sky is falling is for the jr people that everyone is about to throw under the bus.
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