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APFA plans pretend strikes on Nov. 18

Oh so true Nancy, but they just do no get it and never will.
Once and for all.....
Big brother AA, created all the layoffs and APFA had little control over it.... Stop blaming APFA...
Didn't AA just announce big mechanic layoffs.... Most will be TWA....
This all comes from the company and all the senority intergration permitts AA to lay off TWA employees first. Thats what the company wanted and that's what they got. Funny how they made it look like the unions did the bad deed.....
Wake up ... AA was behind all this...
BS, Mark. Seniority is the union's domain. Note that the pilots did a limited dovetail. Nothing stopped the other unions from doing the same. Anyone who believes that ex-TW employees were specifically targeted for layoff is simply ignorant of the facts and in serious denial.
BS, Mark. Seniority is the union's domain. Note that the pilots did a limited dovetail. Nothing stopped the other unions from doing the same. Anyone who believes that ex-TW employees were specifically targeted for layoff is simply ignorant of the facts and in serious denial.
Well lets see...
Agents placed at the bottom by AA
About 800 pilots got slotted in and the rest placed at the bottom and then layed off.
F/A's placed at the bottom and layed off.
Mechanics granted some senortiy but when it comes to layoffs they go first.
Don't think AA had some say...??? Why did AA put the agents at the bottom??? No union there...
And another f/a overage will be announced by the end of the week. AA states we will have a 400-500 f/a overage for the months of Jan-Mar 2010. PLOA's and Bid Leaves will be offered first, than partnership and if that's doesn't get enough.... FURLOUGH again!
Well lets see...
Agents placed at the bottom by AA
Don't think AA had some say...??? Why did AA put the agents at the bottom??? No union there...
How does seniority come into play with no union contract?
Well, it's not contractual, but the company is using seniority in the layoff of agents at STL. Don't know about other stations. They can use any method they choose, of course, but using seniority means they don't have to actually think about it--i.e., evaluate job performance/attendance or other factors like one would normally do in a non-union staff cut in most companies.

But, to put it in perspective, a 35-year employee (remember the former TW employees got recognition of their TW service for company longevity and benefits purposes) told me he missed being laid off by 3 people.
And another f/a overage will be announced by the end of the week. AA states we will have a 400-500 f/a overage for the months of Jan-Mar 2010. PLOA's and Bid Leaves will be offered first, than partnership and if that's doesn't get enough.... FURLOUGH again!

Is there anyone left on the payroll who can afford a 3 month PLOA and/or bid leave? A few may be saved by this approach, but I can't imagine it would be that many. (I've been wrong before. :lol: And, I will be pleasantly surprised if they don't have to furlough.)

However, as I said a long time ago, sooner or later the company would start taking advantage of the fact that we gave up furlough pay in 2003. I think we have entered an age of seasonal furloughs.

Well, not for me. If I'm furloughed again, it will be the end of this glamorous career. I'll get some kind of a job to last until I'm eligible for full Social Security in just a little over a year. (Rubbing it in? Moi? You bet. :up: )
Hey, how did you pickiting go today?? Miami did well, not sure of the numbers but it looked like aprox 50 plus at each station and we had 4 areas. We had to dispand around 12:30pm or so because we were told we broke every violation and if we wanted future permits.. I think Miami/Dade did't care for the moving advertisment truck. Each station was only to have 3 people and we at least 50 plus as I mentioned..multiple languages!

Anyone else in Miami ...one United- Thank You
Hey, how did you pickiting go today?? Miami did well, not sure of the numbers but it looked like aprox 50 plus at each station and we had 4 areas. We had to dispand around 12:30pm or so because we were told we broke every violation and if we wanted future permits.. I think Miami/Dade did't care for the moving advertisment truck. Each station was only to have 3 people and we at least 50 plus as I mentioned..multiple languages!

Anyone else in Miami ...one United- Thank You

JFK had 200+ show up plus a pilot and a few TWU members. APFA had an excellent turn out. They are ready for the next step.
I walked in Boston, there were about 30-40 people plus a couple from United. Sad to say, the travaelling public doesn't care. I was handing out leaflets and only 2 people took them. We were only allowed to either be upstairs or downstairs, not in both locations, and only 9 at a time outside. Upstairs where the limo/shuttle drop off pax, we got people who had money to pay for a private limo/shuttle or came from hotels. Downstairs was where we should have been, where the majority of the traveling public were, getting off the subway bus.
APFA leaders stretch the truth and exaggerate their 2003 concessions:

Union leaders say flight attendants took a 33 percent cut in pay and benefits in 2003, when American's employees accepted concessions to save the company from bankruptcy. Since then, they have received 1.5 percent annual pay raises from 2004 through 2008.

"Tensions are rising. People are fed up," said Chris O'Kelly, chairman of the union's Fort Worth branch. "We gave 33 percent to save this company, and executives keep getting bonuses and pay raises. It's our turn."


No wonder they have so far been ineffective in winning pay raises - they can't even shoot straight when discussing the size of their previous paycuts.
Let's see.

1) a 15.6% instant cut in hourly pay

2) 60 hrs of sick a year reduced to 36 hrs..a 40% decrease.

3) $2.05 an hour in expense reduced to $1.75 an hour on international...a 15% decrease.

4) vacation reduced 30% depending on seniority.

5) total loss of galley pay on 757

6) purser pay reduced 50%

The list goes on and on and on......really! If anyone cares to add to the list feel free.

So the total compensation package has been reduced around 33%. I know it may be hard for you to understand this, but these are the FACTS.
So the total compensation package has been reduced around 33%. I know it may be hard for you to understand this, but these are the FACTS.

FAs took painful concessions along with everyone else, but their paycut was nowhere near 33%. List everything you want - it won't add up to a 33% reduction.

I understand that some FAs may not care if passengers are sympathetic to their plight, but if the FAs desire any public support, they really should reconsider sticking to the facts.

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