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Mark, I can say it with a straight face. If APA knew there would be furloughs, they might have stapled too. Never know. Instead, assuming like everyone else, that we would all keep hiring, they slotted a few. At the same time, they put in place fences that pretty much negated any seniority they were given. They had zero hope of moving to larger aircraft or transferring for the most part. They were pacified and all along, they would hit age 60, without ever really disrupting the current APA members. So in the end, they got a whole bunch of window dressing and that is all. If F/A's had a mandatory retirement age, I have no doubt, you would have received some sort of seniority with some discouraging fences erected as well. Either way, this conversation is a waste. In the end APFA represented their members to their best ability. Just because outsiders at the time didn't like it, it wasn't their decision to make. I have zero animosity or I'll feelings toward any former TW. Nor do I think anyone else at AA does. The subject hasn't come up for years. Everybody is really happy you guys came back and had the opportunity to do so. Once again, the APFA got the extended reacall as well. Rehashing this and harboring ill feelings all these years isn't healthy and does no one any good. It's been almost 13 years for god sake. Luckily, it is only in places like this where it surfaces. It isn't even a thought on the line. Too bad some people choose to live in the past and dwell on the negatives. Life is way to short. Happy Holidays folks! This is the last from me on this dead horse.