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APA President blasts management.


"The jury is still out on the long-awaited culture change at American Airlines" following the 2013 merger with US Airways, in which American management was replaced by US Airways management, which had labor's backing and appeared to be more labor friendly, Wilson wrote. "The potential for an improved corporate culture was a critical component of our support for the merger and our subsequent alliance with the {US Airways} management team."


Parker has been going around in Town Halls saying that he wants to change the adversarial culture that existed at AA for such a long time. I think just having the Town Halls in themselves has been a good start. It's given employees an avenue to vent their concerns and frustrations. But I don't think all the answers given have always been totally honest. I've gotten an air of them being a little more PC at times then I'd prefer.

As far as Capt Wilson voicing his concerns. Why shouldn't he? Many of us are not only just employees but shareholders in AA as well. As shareholders and people who've invested a good portion of our lives in the Airline, we have the right to voice our concerns.

Going back to the original post though, I wouldn't say AA would be in the Bronze category for the 3 compared airlines. UAL is a mess. It doesn't even deserve to stand on the podium receiving any medals. And let's not forget that Delta came out of BK back in 2007 so they've had far more time to get things right and gain momentum over AA who only came out at the end of 2013.


When are Sito and Harry putting out a stetament? Maybe a joint statement from all the unions on the property with press conference in conjunction to Parker's State of the Airline address. He's going to announce record profits and I don't expect Uncle Doug to say he is sharing the wealth. Unions should stand up and say a la Obama, "That big bonus you got? You didn't build that. That came off the backs of pay and benefit cuts from organized labor and low priced oil."
cltrat said:
that's because DL treats their employees as assets not as necessary evils
They are assets that better not need to use their medical insurance or worse they could be DGS or ready reserve or out the door tommorrow. I'll take the DL + 3%. They can heep their profit sharing with their work rules and their culture. Rat do you want to hide in a hallway to use your cellphone?
Worldport said:
They are assets that better not need to use their medical insurance or worse they could be DGS or ready reserve or out the door tommorrow. I'll take the DL + 3%. They can heep their profit sharing with their work rules and their culture. Rat do you want to hide in a hallway to use your cellphone?
Who say's to some to degree that's not coming our way...The Association? You think Doug is giving you DL + 3 for free.
Who say's to some to degree that's not coming our way...The Association? You think Doug is giving you DL + 3 for free.
DL + what?
Who say's to some to degree that's not coming our way...The Association? You think Doug is giving you DL + 3 for free.
Of course not ! Only an idiot would think we will get everything and then some back. It's always be a horse trade in the past.
Who say's to some to degree that's not coming our way...The Association? You think Doug is giving you DL + 3 for free.
  Probably something, no where the extent of DL's Ready reserve and polished shoe culture
Koolcat said:
Of course not ! Only an idiot would think we will get everything and then some back. It's always be a horse trade in the past.
Guess they didn't go far enough in bankruptcy. Im trying to think  what they want, maybe RR maybe a larger % of part timers who knows.
Whatever ultimately falls into their lap! So far as you well know, Doug say's 3%
Doug says a lot of things. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. A few times he talked and the stock went down. Great time for him to buy more.

jcw said:
If all goes well - Doug will be driven out - labor will get their 4,5, or 6 new CEO - labor will cripple the airline forcing another bankruptcy that hopefully will turn into liqudation - then everyone will be happy - labor won - just like they are winning at Walmart
Or maybe I can get paid what the average Walmart worker gets paid and you can pick up the tab for my Food Stamps?

Oh Labor please please please destroy Walmart. Please!!!!!!!!
Whatever...are you acting ignorant or really that ignorant?
Neither it's just ignorant to be picking a different fight every couple of months with the company

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