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APA President blasts management.

WeAAsles said:
Operative phrase "I'll be" or I "will be"

Future tense doesn't speak for today.

Oh and the company should have given us the 4% but they "chose" not to. Their choice.
 "Give us the money now and we will work out the rest" is laughable from a management position. To me it's embarassing to that someone actually said it.  What would be the incentive for us to get a joint contract? They are not running Camp Utopia, this is a competitive industry.
Actually the Arpey PS plan was the Crandall plan. The old AA plan prior to BK was backloaded which why airlines like CAL were paying out when we weren't. The 15% first dollar profit sharing was part of the BK and legacy AA employees got a brief taste of that prior to the implementation of the merger 4.3% pay raise in lieu of PS. Now we get nothing. Which is what the APA, APFA, and TWU leadership at the time agreed to because they wanted Horton gone.
Well be careful what you wish for...you just might get it. Lack of vision IMO.
Worldport said:
"Give us the money now and we will work out the rest" is laughable from a management position. To me it's embarassing to that someone actually said it.  What would be the incentive for us to get a joint contract? They are not running Camp Utopia, this is a competitive industry.
Today. Now. That 4% will come no where near to the "whatever" above Delta.

But yes at the original moment from a business perspective it would have been ridiculous to give it.
Overspeed said:
Actually the Arpey PS plan was the Crandall plan. The old AA plan prior to BK was backloaded which why airlines like CAL were paying out when we weren't. The 15% first dollar profit sharing was part of the BK and legacy AA employees got a brief taste of that prior to the implementation of the merger 4.3% pay raise in lieu of PS. Now we get nothing. Which is what the APA, APFA, and TWU leadership at the time agreed to because they wanted Horton gone.
Well be careful what you wish for...you just might get it. Lack of vision IMO.
I guess when your employer is in bankruptcy  you're not thinking record profits.
It was short sighted of the APA APFA to want to push for merger, but then again it was nice seeing our old executive team made redundant. Without the merger AA wouldn't be making $1B a qtr and we wouldn't be in negotiations, or if we were we would have been in the usual delay tactics until 2018. The pilots and FAs wouldn't be enjoying their third raise and the AMTs wouldn't be on the verge of a 27% pay raise. Sorry don't know what the FSCs are getting.

It is in poor form form for the executives/BOD not to recognize the sacrifice the employees of both LUS and LAA have made for the past 15 years to put AA in this position. Parker and his team have been rewarded, deservingly so, but they are just part of the team to make this happen.
Worldport said:
  If we get what I think we will be getting in this new contract I'll take my TOTAL compensation over Delta's in a heartbeat.
Watch what you wish for. You might actually get it.
Worldport said:
I guess when your employer is in bankruptcy  you're not thinking record profits.
Every airline that exited bankruptcy had RECORD PROFITS, like fools we traded profit sharing for a 4.3 % raise. Hope Jim Little got a full suitcase under the table.
Worldport said:
I guess when your employer is in bankruptcy  you're not thinking record profits.
Every airline that exited bankruptcy had RECORD PROFITS, like fools we traded profit sharing for a 4.3 % raise. Hope Jim Little got a full suitcase under the table.
Wilson and Parker are engaged in theatre.  
Gates close on time. Planes take off on time.  Everyone picks up open time.  Same play, different day.  
Worldport said:
I guess when your employer is in bankruptcy  you're not thinking record profits.
Your guessing wrong. Every airline exiting bankruptcy had record profits. Reference United and delta before aa declared. We were fools for trading a 4.3% raise for profit sharing. Hope the suitcase Jim Little got under the table was full of cash.
Most of us knew the BK was bogus. AMR had more than enough cash to keep operating without BK relief. They self-financed the BK and the stock was at around $5 per share when the merger was approved.
dfw gen said:
Every airline that exited bankruptcy had RECORD PROFITS, like fools we traded profit sharing for a 4.3 % raise. Hope Jim Little got a full suitcase under the table.
You're going to have to back the up with some facts. AA is full of  employees from defunct airlines
Overspeed said:
Most of us knew the BK was bogus. AMR had more than enough cash to keep operating without BK relief. They self-financed the BK and the stock was at around $5 per share when the merger was approved.
 I stand corrected; I thought they mortgaged everything to raise those billions
So the employees jumped at the chance to embrace Doug the Deceiver in order to stick it to Horton, and are now realizing the grass was greener but it was astroturf. 
Worldport said:
I stand corrected; I thought they mortgaged everything to raise those billions
You were correct - AA did mortgage everything to raise those billions in cash, but the point is that there was a zero percent probability that AA was going out of business. AA filed for Ch 11 so it could score a win over the stubborn pilots and FAs, who refused to agree to more efficient contracts unless they got "restore and more" type compensation. AA certainly didn't file for Ch 11 because it had to or because it had run out of options (the reasons US, UA, NW and DL all filed for bankruptcy protection).

There was no guarantee that AA would become insanely profitable, but that's not a satisfactory excuse for trading away profit sharing for small wage increases.

By 12/31/2012, before the formal announcement of the merger, AA had almost turned the corner to profitability in its first year in bankruptcy. The 2012 net loss was just $130 million, excluding special items and reorganization expenses, a $900 million improvement over 2011's results. On a stand-alone basis in 2013, AA earned $1.0 billion in profits, excluding special items and reorg expenses, about the same as United earned in 2013.

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