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Twu Concessions

Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
Fact is, if the truth were known all the AMFA organizers probably voted in favor of the concessions in order to give themselves something to complain about and assist their AMFA drive

nightwatch, it appears you don't get enough sleep between jobs or your not turning in the drugs your finding on the airplanes!!!!!!!!
Both, problem?
Nightwatch said:
This guy must be a relative of yours. He blames the TWU officers for voting yes on the concessions and not the membership? If the truth were known he probably also voted yes.

Fact is, if the truth were known all the AMFA organizers probably voted in favor of the concessions in order to give themselves something to complain about and assist their AMFA drive.
THere you go again, blaming the members for following the leaders.

The International blames the Presidents council and then they blame the members. Its time for the members to get rid of all of them.
Fridays are Free said:
20 years of twu international union Sheared Sacrifice.
Yeah, And many of the AMFA members at their respective Airlines have made the "Ultimate Sacrifice". And now have Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays Free as Well....!!!!!!!

Kinda makes you think huh..???????

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Blame the members? I wasn't blaming anyone. You are truly amazing, with your soap opera antics. Facts are facts, the information was given to the floor, they voted, the concessions were granted, AMFA jumped on the bandwagon, AMFA lost even with the aid of concessions and the downfall of our economy since 9-11.

Delle openly admitted he has been a loser for 42 years. Let's make that 43!
Nightwatch said:
Blame the members? I wasn't blaming anyone. You are truly amazing, with your soap opera antics. Facts are facts, the information was given to the floor, they voted, the concessions were granted, AMFA jumped on the bandwagon, AMFA lost even with the aid of concessions and the downfall of our economy since 9-11.

Delle openly admitted he has been a loser for 42 years. Let's make that 43!
AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry.

The information was given? What Information? Art Lubys spin on a few bankruptcy cases where contracts were abrogated? Where relevant facts were omitted? The fact is that misleading information was given like Little claim that the company may go straight to liquidation if we reject the concessions. Come on now, you cant be that naive.

You left out the help of the TWU negotiated concessions this time.

Did AMFA lose? How do you know when it did not even come to a vote? Why do you guys fear a vote?

Wouldnt it be great for you guys if the same standards were used for Local elections? Then you could be in for life, like the International! Then you could sit back like them, screw the members and just say, "its your fault guys, you dont participate". "You dont need an election, I was voted in twenty years ago, they made their choice and it was ME." "I am here for you". "Get invloved" "Together we make a difference", Pull together , win together-oops thats the company's, United Invincible" etc, etc. Got a problem? Give them slogans and canned responses till they get fustrated and give up, then blame them for not "participating" without ever telling them what exactly to participate in.
Bob Owens said:
AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry.

The information was given? What Information? Art Lubys spin on a few bankruptcy cases where contracts were abrogated? Where relevant facts were omitted? The fact is that misleading information was given like Little claim that the company may go straight to liquidation if we reject the concessions. Come on now, you cant be that naive.

You left out the help of the TWU negotiated concessions this time.

Did AMFA lose? How do you know when it did not even come to a vote? Why do you guys fear a vote?

Wouldnt it be great for you guys if the same standards were used for Local elections? Then you could be in for life, like the International! Then you could sit back like them, screw the members and just say, "its your fault guys, you dont participate". "You dont need an election, I was voted in twenty years ago, they made their choice and it was ME." "I am here for you". "Get invloved" "Together we make a difference", Pull together , win together-oops thats the company's, United Invincible" etc, etc. Got a problem? Give them slogans and canned responses till they get fustrated and give up, then blame them for not "participating" without ever telling them what exactly to participate in.
Come on now, you cant be that naive.

No Bob you're wrong, they are that naive!! They are scared of their own shadows!!

Keep the Faith.........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!
Bob Owens said:
AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry.

The information was given? What Information? Art Lubys spin on a few bankruptcy cases where contracts were abrogated? Where relevant facts were omitted? The fact is that misleading information was given like Little claim that the company may go straight to liquidation if we reject the concessions. Come on now, you cant be that naive.

You left out the help of the TWU negotiated concessions this time.

Did AMFA lose? How do you know when it did not even come to a vote? Why do you guys fear a vote?

Wouldnt it be great for you guys if the same standards were used for Local elections? Then you could be in for life, like the International! Then you could sit back like them, screw the members and just say, "its your fault guys, you dont participate". "You dont need an election, I was voted in twenty years ago, they made their choice and it was ME." "I am here for you". "Get invloved" "Together we make a difference", Pull together , win together-oops thats the company's, United Invincible" etc, etc. Got a problem? Give them slogans and canned responses till they get fustrated and give up, then blame them for not "participating" without ever telling them what exactly to participate in.
It is your fault if you don't get involved!!!!!
twuer said:
It is your fault if you don't get involved!!!!!
Now how can you say that? I was about as "involved" as anyone could get. Now tell us exactly what sort of "involvement" you would like that you feel is lacking.

You keep saying "get involved", what exactly do you want and why?

I'll tell you what, I agree, "get involved". If we dont get a vote, get involved and fill out a card for AMFA or the AGW!

Why? Because we need a new union, this one has failed us for 20 years and the barriers to change are more formidable than the challenge of going into a new union. Sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses, junk it and start anew.

There was that so hard, said what to do and why.
Bob Owens said:
AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry.

The information was given? What Information? Art Lubys spin on a few bankruptcy cases where contracts were abrogated? Where relevant facts were omitted? The fact is that misleading information was given like Little claim that the company may go straight to liquidation if we reject the concessions. Come on now, you cant be that naive.

You left out the help of the TWU negotiated concessions this time.

Did AMFA lose? How do you know when it did not even come to a vote? Why do you guys fear a vote?

Wouldnt it be great for you guys if the same standards were used for Local elections? Then you could be in for life, like the International! Then you could sit back like them, screw the members and just say, "its your fault guys, you dont participate". "You dont need an election, I was voted in twenty years ago, they made their choice and it was ME." "I am here for you". "Get invloved" "Together we make a difference", Pull together , win together-oops thats the company's, United Invincible" etc, etc. Got a problem? Give them slogans and canned responses till they get fustrated and give up, then blame them for not "participating" without ever telling them what exactly to participate in.
Art Luby was one of three lawyers hired by the TWU to advise us on bankruptcy. Their advice (which is in writing on the ATD website) was the same advice given by the APA and APFA's lawyers. Every Court that has reviewed this advice has found it accurate. Yet, you still prattle on. I challenge you to find an attorney who has represented a union in Bankruptcy Court who will put in writing (and sign) a memo identifying any misleading advice given by a TWU attorney on bankruptcy. Then we can give Art or the other lawyers a chance to respond, and send it on to a Professor or a bankruptcy judge to see who is right.

As for the issue of liquidation, the point Jim made is that most carriers that file for Chapter 11 never come out of bankruptcy. That is a simple fact and I'm sure we can find quite a large list of liquidated carriers since deregulation. What is truly amazing, though, is that you can still put out the better off in bankruptcy bunk with a straight face. At UAL, AMFA ran to the Company and sold its retirees down the river without ever going to a hearing. Two bases have been closed, mechanic and related layoffs are up to 8,000 and, after all these concessions, the ATSB still won't give them a loan. According to today's paper, UAL took half a billion out of its loan request, and will make up the difference by demanding more employee concessions. Will the judge deny their request? Don't bet on it.
How do you explain the 6 1/2% over 6 years WITHOUT THE THREAT OF BANKRUPTCY?
I am asking about the 6 1/2% over six years WITHOUT THE THREAT OF BANKRUPTCY. Why did the TWU recommend a YES vote on that one?
Stop nit-picking. We chose NOT to go into BK. That was not a single item in of itself to be voted on or not to be voted on. It was better than the alternative of BK. Wouldn't you agree Hopeful.

We didn't like any of it Hopeful but we did what was best for the majority of the members.

I voted YES, what did you vote Hopeful??

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