AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry.
The information was given? What Information? Art Lubys spin on a few bankruptcy cases where contracts were abrogated? Where relevant facts were omitted? The fact is that misleading information was given like Little claim that the company may go straight to liquidation if we reject the concessions. Come on now, you cant be that naive.
You left out the help of the TWU negotiated concessions this time.
Did AMFA lose? How do you know when it did not even come to a vote? Why do you guys fear a vote?
Wouldnt it be great for you guys if the same standards were used for Local elections? Then you could be in for life, like the International! Then you could sit back like them, screw the members and just say, "its your fault guys, you dont participate". "You dont need an election, I was voted in twenty years ago, they made their choice and it was ME." "I am here for you". "Get invloved" "Together we make a difference", Pull together , win together-oops thats the company's, United Invincible" etc, etc. Got a problem? Give them slogans and canned responses till they get fustrated and give up, then blame them for not "participating" without ever telling them what exactly to participate in.