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US Airways Pilots Warn Management:


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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US Airways Pilots Warn Management: We Will Not Entertain Bankruptcy-Era Contract Proposals

PITTSBURGH, April 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- US Airways and America West pilots, both of whom are represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int'l (ALPA), are picketing today at the Philadelphia International Airport to show management that they will only consider negotiating proposals that respect the pilots' contributions and that contain wages, benefits, work schedules and job protections that are commensurate with US Airways' position in the marketplace.

Although ALPA and US Airways management have been engaged in negotiations for a single, fair contract for more than a year and a half, management is only now crafting their first complete economic proposal. It will be presented to the pilots' joint negotiating committee on May 8 and 9 in Washington, DC.

"The bounty to Doug Parker for holding this pilot group hostage to a bankruptcy contract amounted to a reward of $14.4 million total compensation for 2006. That was achieved on the backs of the pilots. At the same time, US Airways ranks near the top in consumer complaints," said Captain Jack Stephan, US Airways MEC Chairman. "As management formulates their first economic proposal, US Airways and America West pilots are picketing at the Philadelphia International Airport to remind management that achieving the operational performance and synergies promised to passengers, investors, and employees will be fulfilled only through good faith bargaining with its pilots, which will lead to a fair, single collective bargaining agreement."

"US Airways senior management is literally making millions for themselves by sticking their employees with the bill," said Captain John McIlvenna, America West MEC Chairman. "While management is blinded by dollar signs, they are ignoring the flashing warning signs as the operation continues to crumble around them. Until management addresses the needs of the operation and fulfills their promises for a single, seamless airline, our employees -- and our passengers -- are in for a long, hot summer."

During the industry downturn following 9/11, both pilot groups agreed to significant pay and benefits cuts to satisfy bankruptcy court provisions and severe ATSB loan restrictions. The pilots also agreed to work schedules that would maximize their work time, severely impacting their quality of life. These sacrifices were made to ensure the survivability of US Airways, not to support inflated management compensation packages.

US Airways' financial success is undeniable. After the merger of US Airways and America West, the airline quickly became prosperous, posting an operating profit of $507 million in 2006. US Airways CEO Doug Parker received $14.4 million in compensation and benefits for 2006 and was also the highest- paid airline CEO in 2005.

Operationally, however, US Airways' performance has been dismal, and passengers are growing weary of the airline's inability to deal with these issues and find quick, workable solutions for those travelers who still choose to fly with US Airways. Implementing quick-fix service initiatives does not address the airline's core operational issues.

Reaching a fair, single collective bargaining agreement with the pilots would go a long way toward merging the two operations and eliminating many of the problems encountered by running two separate airlines, which has prohibited passengers, investors and employees from capitalizing on the synergies the merger would create.

Founded in 1931, ALPA represents 60,000 pilots at 40 airlines in the U.S. and Canada. Visit the ALPA website at http://www.alpa.org/.
quoting from the above

"Reaching a fair, single collective bargaining agreement with the pilots "

does this mean the west are in Sec 6.... It sounds like it. But someone on here has said that sec 6 can not be done, that the bk cba can not be changed!!!!
quoting from the above

"Reaching a fair, single collective bargaining agreement with the pilots "
does this mean the west are in Sec 6.... It sounds like it. But someone on here has said that sec 6 can not be done, that the bk cba can not be changed!!!!
The west contract was amendable as of Jan 1, 2007.
The west contract was amendable as of Jan 1, 2007.
yes it was, as the afa, m7r, and fleet are also amendable, but the iam(allformyself) has decided not to pursue sec 6 on behalf of the west and only want a t/a for them and stick them with the pos they have for a b/k cba and wait until it is amendable in '09, which means add another 3 or more years trying to work out a new one.
Welcome to our Summer of Discontent.

Delay the operating certificate, bring negations to a crawl, PO the east pilots even more.

I'm sure Chirp will find a way to spin it. :angry:
does this mean the west are in Sec 6.... It sounds like it.
While we have to option to open Sec Six negotiations we are not presently going that route. To do so would mean breaking-off from joint negotiation and that does not appear to be in our favor. Of course, it also means we aren't entitled to the NMB process like striking. At this point it's difficult to ascertain who has the leverage. Stay tuned.
With pilots like "chirp" still around the leverage is questionable at best.

He, along with the rest of the east GAG, have no spine and will literally fly for peanuts. "Just happy to have a job."

Our only hope is that the principled east pilots can find counterparts in the west who feel as they do and can drown out the giveback gang.

Isn't it amazing what fear will do to a man? Or should I say boy.

While we have to option to open Sec Six negotiations we are not presently going that route. To do so would mean breaking-off from joint negotiation and that does not appear to be in our favor. Of course, it also means we aren't entitled to the NMB process like striking. At this point it's difficult to ascertain who has the leverage. Stay tuned.
In other words, just pretending to be in negotiations.

It's not difficult to see who has the leverage, AWA ALPA handed it to management.

The plastic sabre rattling is embarassing.
In other words, just pretending to be in negotiations.
Nope, they're real enough.
It's not difficult to see who has the leverage, AWA ALPA handed it to management.
Don't know why you came to that conclusion. The Transition Agreement states that we can't combine operations until a joint CBA is voted in. If AWALPA were in seperate Section 6 there would be zero chance of a joint CBA. How does that help us?