ClueByFour said:
Just so that we are clear:
U actually had the cajones to suggest to the county and state that they levy a higher hotel tax or impose a rental car tax to pay for bailing U out. While U tried to keep it quiet, that was their suggest for debt relief.
Fortunately, Rendell, Roddey, and likely Onorato will tell U to stick it where the sun don't shine. Since U is not getting anything at ORD, I'm still waiting to hear where they are going to exit the hub to with higher O&D and a limited LCC presence.
ACAA has offered $25 million/year debt relief for 5 years. Sound pretty generous, but my ego fits inside a small head, unlike Little Dave.
Well Clue,
I'll tell you what I think U should do with the extra airplanes should they pull out of PIT. We claim to be the northeast carrier, yet the largest northeast cities have limited service on U. Sure, if you want to go to GSO, RDU, ROC, or GSP, great. But we need to hit some of these big business markets. I know, how can we do that when we would go up against the other majors and lcc's? I say do what America West has done. AWA reduced the business fares. They took a chance on less revenue but it has been popular with the business travelers, increasing ridership, hence increasing revenue anyway. As long as the fares aren't too low, you could lure the biz traveler over and maybe even offer a book of tickets for your regulars that would allow rebooking without penalty. We should aggressively become the business traveler's airline by taking away those silly restrictions and offering a few goodies. i.e. Both BOS and LGA have beautiful terminal areas now dedicated to the Shuttle flights. Not all gates are used for the Shuttle. Why not add flights to business destinations, using those business oriented terminals that offer mags, newspapers, complimentary coffee and juice and work space? Now mainline passngers enjoy these benefits. We should go to those markest 3-4 times a day, hitting the business day at it's most convienant. Those cities should be Chicago, Atlanta, Cincinatti, Cleveland, St. Louis, Detroit, LA, SFO, SAN, SEA ( all fron either JFK or EWR), MCI...or where ever there is huge business market. It's time to go back into Florida and beef even more carribean flying out of BOS and if possible, one of the New York airports. What happened to "exploiting the network"?
We have so shrank the airline that nobody wants to fly us because they have to constantly connect. How can we call ourselves the northeast airline when your competitors offer more service? Why not take a chance and go after the hearts of the business traveler? It just might work. Nobody is asking for 10 flights a day to each destination and everyone in the industry, short of AWA, are still sticking it to the business traveler.
Well, I'm no business expert, but I just don't think we can shrink ourselves into a profit...but all this is just my opinion. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks.
BTW, I would prefer to leave the PIT hub open and bring a/c out of the desert to grow the airline.
As far as bailing U out from the ACAA and state of PA, didn't AWA get help from Arizona and NWA get help from one of their supporting states at one time?