Chip Munn said:
Allegheny County built an airport based on old economic forecasts that did not pan out. The world has changed and so far the ACAA has not been willing to change -- to address the primary airport problem that the bond debt makes it impossible for Pittsburgh to be profitable hub for US Airways.
However, just like at US Airways, everybody wants the other guy to take a haircut, but not me...let it be somebody else and the ACAA needs to change its tune now.
I live in Pittsburgh and from a personal perspective I want the hub to survive, so I can eventually return to the Western Pennsylvania airport for work versus commute.
US Airways must address its cost problem because domestic revenues will continue to fall. There needs to be a comprehensive solution that encompasses all areas of the company or this airline, just like every other network carrier, could fail. Simply put, US Airways' CASM must be below RASM and the ACAA has the opportunity to help US Airways balance that equation, to create a win-win for Western Pennsylvania, the airline, and Pittsburgh-based employees.
But as each day goes by and other industry airline events unfold, there is a higher probability that US Airways will leave Pittsburgh. The company has a good opportunity to move its assets to new areas, which have higher O&D traffic that may become available in the not-so-distant future. In fact, I understand a move could become public reality fairly soon, without a deal to keep the Pittsburgh hub reached in the near-term.
AOG-N-IT, industry consolidation is coming and one of the questions are: Will Pittsburgh be a part of it with the airport and its surrounding facilities a vibrant operation...or will the airport become a white (empty) elephant?
If you live in Pittsburgh, then you should well know that the County airport was built for USAir, and they demanded it. The County wanted to improve the old airport, but U insisted on a new one and gave $500M for the majority of the gates. They threatened to leave way back then unless it was built. Get your facts straight when you are talking about my home-town. Nothing to do with "old economic forcast mumbo jumbo double talk, and Siegel's rethorhic coming from YOUR mouth "the- world -has -changed" garbage.
ACAA is looking out for Pittsburgh, tax payers, U employees. In that order. Just becasue U spouts Cost Cuts, the changing world is NOT jumping.
You say domestic revenue will continue to fall...I ASK YOU WHY?????
USAirways has to create THE
demand for folks to FLY U. How come they haven't yet? Folks are flying other airlines because those airlines have created a DEMAND for their product. Its NOT about cutting more heads or getting more concessions, my friend. Take a step back for a minute and look at the "true" picture; NOT MANAGMENT'S PICTURE.
If U has an opportunity to move its assets elsewhere; then they have already made up there mind, and the exercise is for none. This airline has TWO huge bases in PA and U has the audacity to maintain their arrogance and cockiness with the PA Delegation. far, we are still losing money with this newly created restructuring business plan. What I think happened with PHL is someone invited SW to come in to PHL. Can't prove it, but why does SW come now? If PHL has one of the highest O&D traffic, why whould SW wait to come now???? Someone is working behind the scenes to bring SW into PA.
There is something going on behind the scenes, and maybe your "Corporate transaction" is in the making. But YOU, I or any employee on this property has NO control of what deals are being made at the Board level.
We have fierce comptetiton coming into PHL, and we have a CEO that is saying "charge" and no employees are following him. Managers are spending all their focus on disciplining employees out the door. If you notice PA Delegation is not jumping up and down to talk to U. They have just figured out they don't need USAirways. They are looking at other carriers. Soon, I believe SW will be coming in to PIT just like PHL. So, U better gets its ducks in order, stop focusing on employees, and focus on the "business model" and creat a DEMAND for customers to fly us!!!!!
Unfortunately, we have a management team that cannot see this because there IS NO LEADERSHIP AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT TO DO. So we are going to go down, unless they leave OUR company.
PS: Check out next Sunday's post gazette when it come out.... many of our employees are not having much of a xmas. They are broke, credited out, can't cover their bills and are losing their homes. Think I'm joking??? We have serious problems here folks, besides the Big picture of a new and improved business plan, internally, our employees are dieing and our careers are being murdered.