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ClueByFour said:
PineyBob said:
Why so much venom? I think the management of US Airways is at minimim sharper than a bologna sandwich. Seriously their job isn't to make the people of PIT happy it's to first keep the doors open and secondly create a return on investment.
The best path to both is not to try to muscle PIT, the IAM, AFA, ALPA, and anybody else who crosses their path.

If these guys showed a bit of any kind of acumen at anything, I'd be willing to give 'em a shot. Unfortunately, they've screwed the proverbial pooch at every turn. PIT, the IAM issue (which they stand a very good chance of losing, and airplanes are literally being grounded in the interim), the PBGC loss, etc. From an operational standpoint, I give you the PHL baggage belt versions 1 and 2, the little "communciation breakdown" with the interesting landing at Dulles the other month, the 757 reconfig, etc.

The only thing these guys have shown the acumen to do is cost-out, and based on what has transpired during and post-bankruptcy, it certainly appears like they did not even do that right.

Respect is earned. Regarding the PIT decision--if you accept the fact that Dorothy is not coming to visit and ORD is not going to fall into US' hands, there is no other option that will generate more gross revenue for US at virtually any cost.

Regarding Roddey--I've actually met the man and talked with him at length. Quite honestly, the guy was a Republican in Pittsburgh--that alone requires an armed escort. If that is your hang up with the guy, I'd submit that my hangup with Seigel and company is that they are apparently lousy executives (based on US' performance since they took the helm) and lying/egotistical short men is equally as legitimate.

Bravo! I would think you were on the "inside" with your profound insight.

You call a "spade and spade" and can see through this management, like an "eye" seeing a thin vine through a forest in a monsoon at the same time a volcano is erupting.
PITbull said:
You call a "spade and spade" and can see through this management, like an "eye" seeing a thin vine through a forest in a monsoon at the same time a volcano is abrupting.
What kills me about Little Dave is that he's shown his true colors in the short time since the Chapter 11 emergence.

I supported the actions these guys took in Chapter 11. Ugly, but without those actions there would not be a company. Not being in the airline business, and not having the "supposed" staff on hand to do strategic and financial planning, I assumed they knew what they were doing, and had both plans to grow revenue and had driven enough cost out of the operation.

Unfortunately, it looks as if they had/have neither. Truly amazing.

What's funny about this is that I believe that a management that earned respect could lead the workgroups on the property to great things. You guys are the best in the business. I can't say the same for the folks at CCY.
Chip Munn
Posted: Jan 5 2004, 08:55 PM

Next Monday the company’s appeal to the A320 heavy maintenance facility will be heard in Philadelphia. If US Airways is successful in its appeal, could the company then turn to Embraer to provide the EMB-190/195 aircraft as a B737 replacement and outsource the Embraer overhaul as well?

Hohoho, hehehehe, hahahaha, no wonder you come up with all of these fanciful, never to materialize, scenarios. If the company is successful in its appeal, then no labor contract in the company ,including yours, is worth the paper it's written on.

Worse than that, no labor contract in the country will be worth the paper it's written on.

Yes, the company will continue to appeal, hoping to find a "Rebublican" judge who cares more about "business" than he does "the people". If they do, it will cause a business revolution in this country that will result in sociatal chaos.

The institution of contracts was formed to create a framework that alows capital to make plans and depend on returns. Break that institution, and the crack will run down under the very foundation of our country.

So, US Airways will contiunue to do mainline aircraft heavy maintenance in house by IAM represented employees, or it will cease to exist. And yes Chip, you can "plan" on that!!

Even though there are cowards in each group, the Unions are united in resolve on this one core issue:
PineyBob said:
And if they win in court, could it be a case of winning the battle but losing the war? IMO somebody needs to get smart and find a way to negoitiate this out prior to court.
Give that man a cigar.

US had a chance to do this, but chose instead to start ferrying aircraft to Alabama on about 10 days notice.

Ergo, the IAM went to court. With the position they held, can you blame them?