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Airport Authority Confident Of Maintaining Hub

usfliboi said:
i really want to see the reaction of you chip bashers when this comes to past. I assure you Chip isnt blowing smoke ! Best way to tell is to wait asnd see and i grant you this ! There will be plenty to talk about in the next 90 days !

Didn't Chip recently say that the UCT was "much less likely" these days as previously in another thread. I think he did, because I pointed out that it has been "less likely" for the past year and a half.

Regardless, there is reason to believe the parties are moving away from the UCT plan because it does not lower unit costs, which will be a key going forward.

- Chip Munn Nov 20, 2003 from a thread called "US Airways U United Airlines Update"

So which is it Chip? Is it more likely because ACAA is bargaining foolishly, or less likely because UAL's bankrupcy is dragging it out, and the fact hat UAL might need its assets in order to successfully emerge from bankrupcy? You can't have it both ways.

I have no doubt that Chip is repeating what he has been told. However, many posters here constantly criticize US management for lying, cheating, stealing, coniving, you name it. But if US management tells Chip, and then Chip tells you, it must be true.

Delldude - I agree with you. I think Chip is being "used" by his "sources" to spread mis-information. They know he posts here and elsewhere. Its kind of like "Baghdad Bob", the former information minister of Iraq. I am sure "Bob" (sorry, I forgot his real name) believed everything Saddam told him, and then repeated it. Unfortunately, Saddam is not really a trust-worthy fellow.

So, if you don't believe what US management tells YOU, then why do you believe what US management tells CHIP?

Interesting question, eh?

The ACAA is calling Dave Siegel's bluff and it's a mistake. He does have options to move all of US Airways' assets westward and he can be vindictive. Just ask the Allegheny and Piedmont pilots, since they resisted concessions and J4J.

US Airways offered to keep the current Pittsburgh agreements in place until October to prevent a 20 percent increase in the fees, which will be about an additional $1 million per month for ACAA revenue, but government leaders rejected the company's offer.

In the short-term the County could receive some additional revenue in exchange for accepting enormous risk.

However, in less than one month US Airways could walk away from Pittsburgh and Allegheny County could have an economic disaster on their hands -- if they do not cut a deal in the not-so-distant future.

In regard to a corporate transaction, discussions are fluid and there will be more news on how this proceeds in the future.


"The ACAA is calling Dave Siegel's bluff and it's a mistake. He does have options to move all of US Airways' assets westward and he can be vindictive. Just ask the Allegheny and Piedmont pilots, since they resisted concessions and J4J."

Either the Pitt deal is better for U than the alternative, or it isn't. if U is run by a CEO that would do something that is not in the best interest of the shareholders and employees out of SPITE, you guys are REALLY screwed and had better be looking for a new CEO before you have to look for a new job....
Busdrvr said:
Either the Pitt deal is better for U than the alternative, or it isn't. if U is run by a CEO that would do something that is not in the best interest of the shareholders and employees out of SPITE, you guys are REALLY screwed and had better be looking for a new CEO before you have to look for a new job....
WELL SAID! lol Funny but not really.

Chip: ok ok, I really believe you believe this. Maybe it's true, maybe not. I do agree it's a big risk and then some since ACAA could end up holding their heads wondering what happened! Not the time for either side to be playing poker.

If Dave is truly that spiteful, why would PA want to deal with such a company. Specifically a mangement that you can't trust or doesn't honor their word or agreements? Why would State officials drag the taxpayers into a volitle, unpredictable company along with its management team that has a history of NOT honoring agreements that are binding?

No. I think PA has quite a lot on the table for U. I think U needs to think twice about their tactics and approach. You are dealing with a PA Delegation. This is not just about Pittsburgh.
When "Dave the New Lorenzo" is thought by some to be a liar and a cheat why should the airport deal with him? It appears it is inevitable that U is moving out in a short time anyhow. Just get it over with.
Chip Munn said:
The ACAA is calling Dave Siegel's bluff and it's a mistake. He does have options to move all of US Airways' assets westward and he can be vindictive. Just ask the Allegheny and Piedmont pilots, since they resisted concessions and J4J.
Maybe its not such a mistake as US has no where else to go, and certainly will not be starting a new hub the size of PIT in January. Hell, it took AWA several months to get out of 12 regional jets at CMH.

Also, from a United part of USaviation.com forums (since Chip admittedly does not visit those places):

In conversations I've had recently with several members of UAL management, I get the feeling the company is moving forward with a business plan that does not include a merger with USAirways. Both people I spoke to said emphatically that a merger is not being discussed or on the table

-Chinook Dec 5, 2003 “State of United, Info from UAL Managers

Now, I don't know the poster, and he is listed as a "Newbie", so he has no track record. However, he indicates that UAL management is not talking about a US Airways merger. He makes no mention of selling assets to US Airways or anybody else.

This agrees with my theory that UAL will need its own assets (i.e. ORD/DEN hubs)to emerge from Chapter 11.

So how exactly is it a mistake for ACAA to call Seigel's bluff, when he clearly has commitments for hundreds of RJ's and apparently nowhere else to fly them? According to UAL, USAirways is not in the picture. PHL is already very crowded (although may have room for some marginal RJ growth w/ a rolling hub, as you have told us US is considering, and seems reasonable). I am not sure if CLT can handle more operationally or financially.

Lastly, I am certain the UAL management source used by Chinook is uninformed or too far down the pecking order at UAL, but Chip's USAirways management sources are not only from the highest USAirways offices, but also know the internal workings of UAL that UAL's own people do not.
What happens when the pressure gets to great and Dave retreats out of PHL such was the case in BWI, JetBlue attacks CLT, U no longer has PIT to fall back into and what do we have left?????? Alabama Airlines because that is the only place left! Chalk it up as another bad decision by our highly compensated managment team!!!!! Kudo's for Dave!!!!!!
US retreats from PHL, US goes down with it. Regardless if they take IAD as a hub, LCC's will dominate the east-coast and force US under.
Chip Munn said:

US Airways offered to keep the current Pittsburgh agreements in place until October to prevent a 20 percent increase in the fees, which will be about an additional $1 million per month for ACAA revenue, but government leaders rejected the company's offer.
hey mon....i meen chip monn...doan be worry 'bout 'de oct leases...dey no list dee maintenance 'ting me 'bro.....media reports tell me da' only 'ting sweet davey mon wish to agree to was dee hub and dee flights ,mon...no agree to dee maintenance 'ting me brodder.do dee checkin' on dee local media me bro...unteel den....have dee nice holee-daye me freind....
lavMon bee out fer dee distance....
god bless!


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