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Pit Airport Looks Beyond Us Airways For A Lift

I know Lark it was an attempt at humor.
It was? 🙄 Oh, thanks.

Just like not everyone who lives in NJ and is predisposed to dark shirts and Italian suits is in the mob.

Well, then you and I run in completely different social circles in New Jersey. j/k 😉

Golly Gee Bob, I most certainly appreciated that sincere back-handed apology you'd expressed to all those extended family and friends in Pittsburgh. It isn't thin skin, its not even political correctness. It is, however, simple common consideration and courtesy to respect someone's home turf.

PineyBob said:
Aw but I do so like it up there on my high horse. PIT does not operate in a vacuum. we are ALL interconnected, so I'm not sure why commentary from the other end of the stae is wrong
Yes we all know you like being on your high horse. I've heard stories about you from some of the employees in the clubs. You let everyone know who you are and make sure you tell them all about the cockroaches. And they tell me you make yourself look like a fool. They giggle when you tell them at first, then you impose yourself on them. Now that's what I'm hearing, you can take it with a grain of salt if you want.

Curious too about something. How did your presentation to the USAirways management go? You were so hyped up on here and on flyertalk about going to them about improvements to this company. You don't work for US, so why would they listen to an outtsider? And we'bve heard no follow up about it.
I would most fervently hope our management would listen to what our most frequent customers have to say about our product. The customers know what they need and want to make our airline their first choice. It seems like good business to me. Management has listened to the beancounters for far too long and our product has suffered for it. Many of our customers are very successful in their own business and most likely have a wealth of ideas that could be incorporated into USAirways with good result.

I am impressed and thrilled that our customers would take the time from their busy days to basically donate their expertise to our company. I'm hoping this new attitude from management ushers in a new way of doing business. It's high time we took off the blinders of "we've always done it this way" and look to innovations that will please our customers and save us money too.

I would like to still have a job in '04. I want us to start winning awards for our service again. I want our customers to enjoy their traveling experience with us. In my experience, it's the little things that make a big difference; a smile when greeting a customer, a willingness to find a solution to a problem and the attitude that we really care about our customers. That attitude starts at the top.

It's a refreshing change from blaming this group or that group for US Airways troubles.

AKA_trvlr64 said:
Curious too about something. How did your presentation to the USAirways management go? You were so hyped up on here and on flyertalk about going to them about improvements to this company. You don't work for US, so why would they listen to an outtsider? And we'bve heard no follow up about it.
As a fellow US1, I don't agree with PineyBob's Cockroach thing, but that's his call and his cause. Due to the nature of my business travel, I'm rarely on an advance purchase fare beyond the 3 or 7 day fares; if I were, I'm sure I'd be right behind him. However, if management won't listen to US's most frequent customers, then US has even more problems than we give it credit for.

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