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Pit Airport Looks Beyond Us Airways For A Lift

Chip Munn said:
See Story

In my opinion, if the ACAA is going to promote competition against US Airways and not seek ways to lower the airports debt, than I believe US Airways should cut off negotiations and seek alternatives other than Pittsburgh International Airport.

Not only does Pittsburgh International have huge debt, the ACAA is trying to move traffic away from US Airways, which is biased.

Regardless of whether or not this is posturing, the government once again is showing a bias against US Airways that will definitely get Dave Siegel's attention.

Even though I live in Pittsburgh, I believe the company must do what's necessary to survive and thus should leave Pittsburgh. Then maybe the company's operations will be appreciated, when Western Pennsylvania feels the pain of a huge economic loss, since they want to promote the competition and create an unfair government lead advertising campaign.


Excuse me Chip, but if you had a business and your biggest debor went into BK, would you think to "slap" yourself again and negotiate with a possibility that maybe, just maybe they could liquidate or perhaps go into BK again??

I perceive you as thinking, "the hell with the tax payers and PA, just let PA "risk" again, with the possibility, they willl find themselves, once again, on the outside looking in at the same problem.

Yea, great idea. ACAA should just throw chance to the win, not protect themselves, and allow themselves to get chewed up again.

Personally, I am of the hope that PA Delegation WILL strike an equitable deal. But U has to write a proposal with some assurances of ACAA and the surrounding communities, in order to get the "cost savings" they seek. The Labor Coalition is actively pressuring the PA Delegation to protect our jobs...and that is with an emphasis on "mainline" Hub status for U to be maintained.
There's no future in PIT.........
We are a city of "suburbs". The residency in Pittsburgh has declined, but many have moved into the suburbs and in the surrounding counties, where the taxes are lower. There is definitely stagnation in the "job market". Besides UPMC and health related fields, there is no job growth or opportunities. U does not provide job opportunites, and does not help the business community when and if they will offer only Mid-Atlantic jobs. These are substandard jobs with RJs clouding our tri state area with 50 and 70 seat little jets. That won't attract other business, and it MAY only keep the status quo.

Pittsburgh needs to be more aggresive in luring business to our area that will provide good job opportunites, to stimulate our economy and create growth. Unfortunately, businesses won't come in if all there is is "small jets" running around.

Pittsburgh needs a "mainline" big jet presence.
Pittsburgh, PA MSA 2,358,695 2,394,811 -36,116 -1.5%

Unfortunately, it appears not everyone is just moving to the suburbs. The info above is from the Census Bureau and lists 2000 and 1990 numbers in the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Service Area (not just the city). Pittsburgh was the largest MSA listed to actually lose people.
Pittsburgh region sees largest '00-'02 population drop

The Pittsburgh region, which has long been fascinated with measuring itself against other major metros, has finally made it to the top of an important national list.

However, it would be an understatement to say this No. 1 ranking is a distinction of the dubious sort.

According to an American City Business Journals and Pittsburgh Business Times analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, the Pittsburgh region lost more people from 2000 to 2002 than any of the nation's 729 statistical areas.

The region saw 13,428 people leave, dropping its overall population between those years from 2,525,730 residents to 2,512,302, according to the data.

Both the 2000 and 2002 figures reflect recent changes made in the way the federal government designates metropolitan areas. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget, the agency that designates metro areas, recently revised its classification system. It adjusted boundaries for dozens of areas, changed many of their names and created two new categories -- "micropolitan" and "combined" statistical areas.

For instance, Pittsburgh -- whose metro statistical area for years had included Allegheny, Butler, Beaver, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties -- now includes Armstrong County.

The OMB's new combined statistical area for the region also includes Lawrence County. The name of the combined area is now "Pittsburgh-New Castle, PA," to reflect the addition of Lawrence.

Population loss can be devastating for a region. It usually brings less political clout, in terms of the number of elected officials representing it, as well as a reduction in federal and state aid to communities.

Excuse me? What does giving us the statisical data about the population of Pgh have to do with the topic thread? Yes, Pgh has lost population. It's also the OLDEST population in the country next to Miami-Dade county. Maybe Onorato and a NEW mayor will bring some growth back to Pgh. Until then, that's not the topic in this thread.


And to Deltawatch and Piney Bob........you don't live here, so we don't need your input.

The point being made is that the MSA PIT area is a place with a declining population base, stagnant business picture, and a below average O/D volume to support a major hub.
Gee, seems right on topic to me!

Pit Airport Looks Beyond Us Airways For A Lift, Company should leave Pittsburgh

Obvious rejoinder:

Why should U leave?

Obvious potential answer:

Because the metro area is losing population.

By the way, regarding your post AKA, who is "we?"
RowUnderDCA said:
Gee, seems right on topic to me!

Pit Airport Looks Beyond Us Airways For A Lift, Company should leave Pittsburgh

Obvious rejoinder:

Why should U leave?

Obvious potential answer:

Because the metro area is losing population.

By the way, regarding your post AKA, who is "we?"
We..........Row is a collective WE, those of us that actually live in PGH.

Pgh declining population may not support a hub anymore and that's not what the thread topic was about. It was about the PIT airport looking beyond USAIRWAYS. I think you should know that every other airline that services PIT has seen a 28% increase in customers while US has been slowly decreasing. Check it out. So there is life outside of USAirways for the customers in this city. All we want it options and choices. And with the decrease in service to PIT by US, guess what, WE FINALLY ARE GETTING THAT!

I have lived in the biggest city in the country (LGA) to one of the smallest (INT) and those inbetween (SAN & PHL). All we ask for is options. And if US does go away, it's only going to hurt for a little bit. But never would we..........collective we, want a hub status again. It's better to have service from all the airlines. Not just a select few, or 1.
AKA Travlr,

I think your sentiment is accurate. Pittsburgh needs to do what's right for Pittsburgh and the surrounding communities. If U is no longer the answer, or if it is too risky to go down that road with this airline, then PA Delegation needs to make a decision too. I will respect what they decide in these negotiations.
PineyBob said:
Perhaps when I post comments regarding PIT I'll post under the name YinzerBob.
There are literally thousands of people that have lived, worked and/or been raised in and around the Pittsburgh area that have never uttered the word Yinz, Yunz, Yeat Yet, etc., etc.

Please apologize to the good people of Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas for your complete lack of good manners. You are often the first person to jump all over someone for exactly what you've just done here, yourself.
Please remember Jim (nobody is paying attention to me so I'll bad mouth US Airways in the press) Roddey got run out of office. As poisonous as the move to cancel the leases was, Roddey consistently made it worse. His replacement's first day on the job is Monday. He is meeting with US Airways to try to negotiate leases.

The issue of a job number guarantee at PIT has been a sticking point, probably still will be, but there has been a change in the Allegheny County point man and maybe approach.

No question US Airways will dump the PIT operation like the hag they woke up with on New Year's morning if the costs are not reduced significantly. One more chance to see if it can be worked out.
Please remember Jim (nobody is paying attention to me so I'll bad mouth US Airways in the press) Roddey got run out of office. As poisonous as the move to cancel the leases was, Roddey consistently made it worse. His replacement's first day on the job is Monday. He is meeting with US Airways to try to negotiate leases.

The issue of a job number guarantee at PIT has been a sticking point, probably still will be, but there has been a change in the Allegheny County point man and maybe approach.

No question US Airways will dump the PIT operation like the hag they woke up with on New Year's morning if the costs are not reduced significantly. One more chance to see if it can be worked out.

It is in the interest of both parties to do so, especially with SW coming into PHL. U can't affort to give up not one more route....there is always someone to take U's place on the EAst Coast where 60% of the population in this country, live east of the Mississippi.
Unfortunately the bean counters disagree. PIT can be, and will be, history if the company doesn't get their cost reductions.

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