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Us Airways Weighs $300m In Offers

Just as in the Midway purchase, they would get an operating certificate, immediate use of the PSA planes, presumably spare parts, etc.

Question is, what would they pay for that - $150 million seems high to me but I'm no financial guru.

If there were to be a corporate transcation, customer preference or guesses have little to do with the remaining name. I'd guess that more people would've liked for the Piedmont name to remain than the USAir name. Its would be more to do with the ego and preference of the folks putting up the money.

(Sorry to go so far back in the topic)
Well, if we're going to talk about the thread topic for a change....

Reports out today say Exxon Mobil is setting on $10.6 Billion in cash - enough to buy all the stock in American Airlines, United, Delta, Continental, Northwest, US Airways and JetBlue. Now that would be a UCT!!!

usfliboi said:
Fair and balanced like the white house controlled fox news????????? 🙂
You got that right! They HAVE to tell viewers thay are fair and balanced...HA!
Isn*t DAVE, fair and balanced?
NOT ONE BIT!!!! He*s a sheep in wolfe*s clothing!!!!

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