Jim, no one "sells" their trips to a service.
True. People want schedule flexibility, and pay trading services to provide that service. Trading services at AA are used more than they were at TWA because of the complexities of getting trips into your line at overtime rates.
We had "traders" at TWA although there was no license involved and no company sanction. Believe it or not, there were many who ranted and raved about our flexibility. The idea was that if senior people couldn't drop their nice trips, they'd quit in droves and we'd all move up in seniority and be holding FCO and ATH on our own. I think people are finally realizing that nothing will make senior people quit except their own desire to do so.
Schedule flexibility may be the single most desirable part of the FA job. I'm always cautioning people to be careful what they propose giving up in the hope of moving up the seniority ladder. We should cherish our flexibility and push for more, not less.