Can you give us the statement or press release that says what you are quoting? What is the fraternal brotherhood. I ***ume its helping each others union when in need. Fighting together for rules and laws to protect all workers, and people. Working to make a collective voice of the people heard.TWAFA007:APFA has told all other Unions that they dont believe in the frateranal Brotherhood of Unions. That they do not understand the fundelmentals of what it REALLY means to be a Union.
I ***ume from your statements you think it means that workers in company should shoulder a burden from people in another. That being a so called real union means that seniority is accrued not at a company but in a particular union. That seniority should carry over no matter where you go.
I dont agree. In this company you joined, seniority doesn't even hold from position to position, or job to job.