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TWA ers Thankful for Jobs?

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twaokc writes:


If and when that happens, you will have a different outlook on it then, and don't say never...

So you are saying that if WN were to buy AA in BK court, that they should give former AAer's 100% seniority, thus putting many incoming employees ahead of their own original WNer's? That's ridiculous! WN employees have worked hard and helped put a lot of competitors out of business. So what's their reward? Moving DOWN the seniority list? I don't think so.

If the world would be like that, then we should just all belong to one big airline union, and when our carrier fails, we could be just re***igned to a more sucessful carrier, displacing the junior employees in the union, wherever they may be. That's not how it works.

I do talk to other pilots not apart of APA, on a regular basis, pilots that Use to ride the jumpseat before 911, those that I know and those that I have met that dont work for TWA or AA. ASK ANY UAL PILOT what they were thinking or fighting against when the UAL/US deal was trying to go through. Even though they had Alegheney Mohawk, they were fighting to have it not be part of the equation. You can even see it on the message boards for UAL and US back then. Plane and simple regardless of how you look at it there was always one airline group, usually the aquirerer(sp?), that was in charge. TWA did not give DOH to Ozark or others proof being all the ozark types that are not complaining and are happy TWA types are where they are. The seem to see it as revenge.

Truth of the matter is that the old school way of thinking is obsolete. My mother always taught me to never look a gift horse in the mouth. Those in TWA should not have anything to gripe about besides being furloughed, and that I can understand. The good thing is that it is a furlough and you do have recall rights. You have a number and since furlough starts with junior members, even TWA has them, they have a better chance of recovering in the long run. As far as everything else, I have a hard time listening to the rehetoric that I cant bid my firs choice anymore or I cant fly LHR anymore. Come on, The things that count are that all of you will get a chance to retire having worked a full career doing what you like doing. If you dont like the money, so be it, if you dont like the benefits, so be it, but it is you loss. There is absolutly nothing wron with being junior at company such as AA and there is nothing wrong with being junior at TWA either. Use your senority/experience to make this operation better, no matter what,when,how or why you fly!

See you on the line!
I disagree. The reason being is that what is fair is fair. Their list, their rules our mismanagement led to the BK or forced BK anyway. If I were in US's shoes right now, would I be happy that someone bought us out and stuck us on the bottom of their list? HEck yes! They wouldnt be giving away concessions if they thought they had a chance of survival without it.

Gold is worth nothing sitting on the bottom of the ocean.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/7/2002 8:09:37 PM gogogadget wrote:
[P]TWA did not give DOH to Ozark[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Check your facts. Ozark got [STRONG]straight date of hire [/STRONG]for the integration.[/P]
[P] [/P]
Why did Ozark get straight date of hire at integration? Was it because they were making record profits, and Ozark made it a condition of the sale? I'll bet they did, and TWA thought it was worth it. Don't give me this crap that TWAer's were just so accomidating that they gave them date of hire. I'll bet you had to do it to get the deal done. That's similar to AA requiring certain things signed off on to get this fiasco done.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/8/2002 12:17:15 AM bagsmasher wrote:
[P]Why did Ozark get straight date of hire at integration? Was it because they were making record profits, and Ozark made it a condition of the sale? I'll bet they did, and TWA thought it was worth it. Don't give me this crap that TWAer's were just so accomidating that they gave them date of hire. I'll bet you had to do it to get the deal done. That's similar to AA requiring certain things signed off on to get this fiasco done.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Wow, you know not of what you speak. Your ***umptions are entirely wrong.[/P]
[P]I suggest you take a long vacation. It appears you could really use it.[/P]
[P] [/P]
[BLOCKQUOTE]Your ***umptions are entirely wrong.[BR][BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Damm (intentionally spelled wrong) this censorship program. I can't even say a$$umptions without having my words munged.[/P]
[P] [/P]
You know more about the Ozark deal than me, so why don't you fill us in on the details. How did Ozark get DOH?
On 9/8/2002 1:02:42 PM twaokc wrote:

I was Ozark and when I came to TWA, I received DOH. Was is that so hard for you to understand????

Can you imagine a guy like Carl Icahn giving DOH to an airline he bought and a Union, stapling a fellow Union memeber to the bottom? Matter of fact just about every other merger or buyout of any airline, except AA, gave at least some seniority. Even a nonunion airline, DAL, did. At the very least the Unions would talk to each other about it. I guess AA Unions just dont support any Union outside of AA. Too bad. Someday they might need their support and it wont be there. You never know.

ALOHA, 007
I was Ozark and when I came to TWA, I received DOH. WHY is that so hard for you to understand????
Yea, I love hearing about Delta and there caring for the Western people. I am sure Delta management (not the flight attendants) who decided what will be done. Never even considered the consequences of what would happen if there didnt appease this union group.
TWAokc writes:
I was Ozark and when I came to TWA, I received DOH. WHY is that so hard for you to understand????

I understand. I want to know details of what happened. Did Ozark require it?

People Express pilots started their seniority over when Continental bought them. So don't give me that crap about how it's automatic everywhere else except AA.
White hat, Black hat, Good guy, bad guy. Its wonderful that the great benevolant, wonderful, always giving TWAers were willing to give DOH to Ozark. Does that mean we have to?

Everyone knew the score before hand. The Reno merger was the way it was going to be done. IAM and all involved knew it.

Just because TWA, Delta, or who ever did it a different way. This is American and we do it, the American way.

You want occupational seniority given to you, with out having earned it. Then I think you should have done a better job of shopping yourselfs around to Delta or another carrier. I wont say United. Because they were looking for ways to protect themselves from USAIRs seniority.
TWAFA007:Aloha Mike,

What about other Union members? Have you talk to anyone not an APFA member?

Plenty, I suppose the way I put it and the way you put it. We will likely get people to agree with our particular side. I have yet to have a single person disagree with how things have gone to this point.
Yes they have in reguards to occupational seniority. Three times here at AA.
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