Little boy, huh? You sure about that ol wise one? Oh, and I'm positive you will man up to your agreement/wager, just like binding arbitration

What is utterly pathetic is you think you are better than everyone else who refuses to accept your "challenge" of skills.
Next step, pull your head out and breath. Reinsert. Repeat.
Cactus: "Oh, and I'm positive you will man up to your agreement/wager, just like binding arbitration

That'd be an unequivocal YES. Start with a personal message if interested. Details and schedules can be worked out

You may take your own cranial insertion as a guidline per comparing a challenge to some BS about arbitration. Flying ain't lawyer BS, or any test of typing skills, who's got the biggest mouth/etc.
I'm an often fully irritating, and sometimes just plain arrogant bastige that's tossed out a lot of inflammatory stuff on the boards after the St Nic Fiasco surfaced, and I make no bones about it. I'm fine with backing it up...Isn't such the entire point of any challenges? Any idiots can drivel about on I've seen abundant proof of from you westies.
As per your: "Little boy, huh? You sure about that ol wise one?" I'm thinking that you also have a military background..which seemingly makes things somewhat "fair", so you are indeed cordially invited to dazzle me with your skills and take the benefits of the stakes, if victorious. You would also gain bragging rights all over the forum. No one would even be actually shooting...other than a few bad could it go for you? Don't forget that I'm also "weaker and slower"...remember from your initial challenge to pit your "skills"/etc..which you immediately discounted as not actually being such?
My initial positon was one of seeking reasonable compromise, an anything by way of a solution to this mess. All such was met with "Nyaah Nyaah" ridicule from the west. What's totally disgusted me over the last months is the overt sense of "entitlement"/AWA saved you/You OWE us everything/we don't care how many years you've all been doing this/just Gimme Gimme Gimme/etc. All this has been spewed forth without the tiniest bit of respect for "time served"/experience/etc..nor the hardships so long endured by the east, without which there wouldn't even exist any east flying to try to grab.
Note the fine job Alpo's done marrying our two factions together into a big happy family.
PS: May I sadly assume that there won't be any "Thank You" cards coming from the west for the profit sharing then?