Almost as interesting as this one:
"...would invite immediate and endless litigation by West pilots. The new union would likely spend the first years of its existence, and a major share of its limited resources, defending itself in court, and not pursuing enhancements to the CBA. A loss in court would expose that union and its members to crippling damages awards."
You have already given up half your profit sharing to west pilots - do you want them to take the rest and then some?
Callsign-ALPA brought me the B scale, loss of my pension, and the NIC award. I will take my chances with another union. My card is sent, I won't predict the out come.
If this fight continues, there will be no profit for anyone. Just remember, we are in the same boat, just opposite ends.
What I really think needs to happen is for us all to stop fighting with each other, take care of our customers and let each side do what they think they need to do to sort this thing out.