Do you honestly believe things would have been different for the US Airways pilots with another Union? You know the old sayings, hindsight is 20/20, and the grass is always greener...I think all of the unfortunate situations the US Airways pilots have endured is mostly because of a failed business plan/model of old US dating back to the early 90's.
I have friends in east currently employed and furloughed that I talk to frequently and honestly tell them I am concerned for their future as well as mine because of the path chosen by the east MEC. They agree, but feel there is no other alternative – a feeling of inevitable destruction and hopelessness. I tell them it does not have to be that way, that there are solutions, but they feel helpless individually to do anything.
As much as we hate ALPA, I think at this point they are the lesser of all evils. Keep with the JNC process and in the end I think we can find resolution to this mess. The worst case is east votes down any CBA for the next 5 + years.
I honestly think things would have been slightly better without ALPA over the last few years. As you said, most of our problems came from flawed management, but ALPA did nothing to help. It's political structure wanted to keep the dues money coming in, so that became the top priority. Also, it is ALPA's poor merger policy that dumped this mess in all our laps.
I know you guys say the award shouldn't be a problem, and it wouldn't be if the if ALPA would just pass the list to the company. That is just not true. The NIC Award has so torn down so many pilots that it threatens our company if not ammended in some way. I said in a post several months ago that the east pilots are like Germany after WWI, and you guys are acting like France. You may have the high ground, you may win ever legal battle, you may force us to come to a joint contract, but you will still have to deal with all the ill will and I know how destructive that is to a company.
I think a better solution would be for the west MEC to truly take the high ground and concede that there are problems with the award for BOTH sides.(I agree with you that the top east guys got a windfall) I believe if they took that stance that both sides could then work for amendments that help everyone, like ratios for upgrades, fences for PHX, LAS, widebody protection,etc.
There are many on the east side that are continuing down the same old road and say they will settle for nothing but the complete removal of the NIC award. I think this is a flawed arguement, but you guys are playing right into their hands.
Back to ALPA. I think the best road would be to finish the award and joint contract with them, then come up with an in house union we can all agree on. I know there is not a west pilot in his right mind that would vote for a union born in this mess.