I find it difficult to believe that AA has any level 6s with only a high school degree.
And to who feels the effects more, quite frankly it doesn't matter. Say one AMT has a 10 million dollar trust fund from a dead aunt and one has 4 kids and a disabled wife, who was effected more by the consessions? Would you suggest you change their salary?
The fact that management gets bonuses doesn't change whether or not the consesssions were economically necessary. They were absolutely necessary.
As for AMRs executive bonus plan, the plan is flawed terribly and I would never purchase AMR stock, partially because of the bonus plan. Ultimately, if shareholders don't like the plan, they will sell the stock, which will make the plan worthless, because it is a purely stock price based plan.
You examples are ridiculous!
First of all, a Level 6 is CRAP!
Do you know how many mechanics I started with over 30 years ago moved up to become managers and even directors with nothing more that high school diplomas??????????
Most graduated Aviation High School and then obtained their A&P certificates. Some people are so hung up on this LEVEL bull crap..
Some of these people deserved their promotions while others
couldn't tie their shoe laces without a manual, but were "liked" by upper management!
Now, to your example about one mechanic with a large trust fund and another with a disabled wife...
This has nothing to do with OBSCENE executive bonuses.
I bet if an executive with an OBSCENE salary had a disabled wife, that EXECUTIVE could well afford round the clock care for his spouse.
So let me get this straight...I, as a mechanic, lost about $120,000 over the life of the six year concessionary contract, but the greedy executives have no shame in accepting thousands and in some cases, millions in bonus pay?
Do you realize AMR is still $19-20 billion in debt?
Do you know what D. Martinez, VP of line maintenance told the local presidents? THE BONUS payout is managements and we intend to take every cent of it BECAUSE WE HAVE A CONTRACT!
You do knw what happened to our contract don't you, oneflyer?