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Morale At Us Airways

Thanks. I did hear that NFS was going to do real estate in FLL. Best wishes to him.
PITMTC said:
What was announced in the past couple of weeks was not a morale booster. The people are still working their buts off though. It will be a long while, it we have the time, before we see any morale boosting things come out.

From my perspective, although morale is at an all time low, and there is a real sense of resignation as to the longevity of U as a going concern, most employees continue to do their usual best.

Especially the "out" stations that try to make up for the shortcomings of the crown jewel Hub-PHL. That particular station has been a thorn in U's side for as long as I can remember. Apparently, nothing will ever change for the better there.

The people that are screwing things up are the same ones that were poor employees at the pre-concessionary pay scales. You know the ones. Should have been fired years ago. Probably were fired a time or two, but since "the Union" represents the lowest common denominator, they were reinstated.

Good luck to the fine people of USAirways. You are the best.
Most large corps, microsoft, bank of america, wachovia etc.... layoff... period, no paycuts. The rule is morlae and loyality plummit.... although all of us are suffering, it could be down right, "your fired"! Maybe thats some need to make them appreciate the fact that we still have a job......obviously it still pays enough, many who are on these boards complaining, are still here....

Give it a rest..this company is history..it's just a matter of when..

Sooner than you think......
The company will always have a few who are willing to work for any wage...regardless of how much. They are the one's that believe there is no life outside of USair..this company is the beginning and end of their entire exsistance. Good luck to those,,,it is their right to believe, just as it is the right of others to place a value on ourselves and our services.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Spoken like a TRUE-BLUE Dihard Liberal....

Yeah, the same die -hard liberals who created social security, medicate, medicare, and unemploymnet benefits...all the thing we have come to expect as Americans.

And that typical liberal crap is foolish. I guess I could say the same about conservatives who turn a blind eye to a gay man (Matthew Shepard) being murdered in the name of christ and saying all conservatives feel that way. Come up with another line and hey, btw, you can proudly endorse all your entitled govt checks to me OR Pitbull. :up: :up:
.....obviously it still pays enough, many who are on these boards complaining, are still here....

Sky High states: would YOU quit with 25....30 years of SENIORITY? OR WAIT for the outcome of this bankruptcy? HMMM?....WHAT???

....lets NOT forget that the flight attendants had to take it to CHAOS threats in 2000. And how many years did AFA negotiate that contract? Years! And, everyone is forgetting that Management has double-DIPPED already. Concessions, ROUND THREE. And, lets NOT forget, the pilots who were talked into Parity Plus One.
"The biggest question for US Airways is whether it can overcome the bad morale before the bad morale helps do it in. Company executives say they are taking steps that will improve working conditions and profitability".

U management is taking steps to make life better for the employees? Wow, reading these pages, they could have fooled me!
Dizel8 said:
U management is taking steps to make life better for the employees? Wow, reading these pages, they could have fooled me!

You just have to have the right perspective. Not having to decide how to spend all that money we used to make is an "improvement".....

Going out to eat. Don't have to decide between McDee's or the steak house anymore.

Want to see the ball game. Don't have to decide between going to the stadium or watching on TV.

Kids picking out a college. Don't have to decide between the local "Moo U" or the Ivy League.

See how much better our life is.......

tim said:
Cav was banned forever for outing the queen of the boards, NFS is a mechanic who is going into real estate in FL, and cav is moving away for a lot better opportunities too. These guys show that there is indeed life after US Airways. Good Luck
Tim, Thanks for the kind words. Good luck to you, and ALL who remain!! GOOD DAY!!!
pitguy said:
Thanks. I did hear that NFS was going to do real estate in FLL. Best wishes to him.
yes he's setting me up with some real cheap ocean front property...development called 'swamplands' i believe...
firstamendment said:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Spoken like a TRUE-BLUE Dihard Liberal....

Yeah, the same die -hard liberals who created social security, medicate, medicare, and unemploymnet benefits...all the thing we have come to expect as Americans.

And that typical liberal crap is foolish. I guess I could say the same about conservatives who turn a blind eye to a gay man (Matthew Shepard) being murdered in the name of christ and saying all conservatives feel that way. Come up with another line and hey, btw, you can proudly endorse all your entitled govt checks to me OR Pitbull. :up: :up:

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