What would you call it -- "labor's finest moment"?
This isn't NWA bear69, but I'll address your rant. I call it "Dougies $100 million dollar gamble with an airline". Looks like it might be a big Chapter 13 failure on his part in the near future. That's where its heading. Will that then be a win for the AMFA strikers?? Yes and no, but the albatross will be around the neck of Dougie Stealin' and his band of management a$$holes
Thanks to NW management outsmarting them every step of the way,
No, it was AMFA's following of the tainted RLA and not going out on a wild cat while Dougies' scabs were training in Arizona. If AMFA would have gone on strike after finding out about the "scab plan" and broke the law like management did (not bargaining at all and hiring scabs a year in advance), the outcome would have been the near immediate flushing of Scab Air, instead of the slow death underway.
and hoardes of qualified mechanics willing to do their job for less, they were in a no-win situation.
Nay, the bottom of the barrel, lied to by NWA and many have quit. Also 72% of the NWA AMFA strikers have resigned
Therefore their choice was either (1) to be employed possums,
Not an option, Dougie wanted them (AMFA) locked out.
(2) to be unemployed strikers,
Majority voted to go on strike, simple fact. Most are now gainfully employed, and not at Scab Air.
(3) to leave the crazy airline mechanic world and go get a job that you feel more appropriately rewards you for your skills.
Many are doing just that. The FAA recently predicted a major shortage in the near future.
I predict possums.
I predict your continued anti-worker, anti-union nonsensical flaming bullsh*t to continue on at the UAL threads, the US Air threads, the AA threads, the Delta threads, the NWA threads. Did I leave any out??? After reading your many ignorant quips where you constantly run your big mouth bear69, I surely have no doubt.