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Do NOT give to the us airways united way campaign

I don't recall calling you lazy. In fact I don't think flight attendants are lazy at all. When it's obvious that management is lazy in being proactive to fix the house.
If you'd rather watch your life ebb away one complaining day at a time rather than actually step outside what you've always done, you're LAZY. And insane.
If you'd rather watch your life ebb away one complaining day at a time rather than actually step outside what you've always done, you're LAZY. And insane.

sky high states: Why shouldnt WE COMPLAIN!!! We gave a BILLION, THAT A "B". BILLION in concessions to save this company and how dare I complain that it's squandered? NO, THAT'S INSANE.
I've endured furloughs, strikes, bankruptcies, Patco strike, 9-11, air traffic gridlock and countless passenger situations through the years, an occasional sense of burn out, and complained about it all, but that complaining was usually just a form of STRESS RELEASE....aka the van ride to the hotel.
Do I regret entering into this industry in the 70's? Nope. (just one, a carrier who I left) It's been a bumpy ride, but it's been one hell of a ride and I'm not ready to get off yet.

only stating opinions
Translation: I too lazy to look for something better.

Nobody works hard to accrue seniority, they just get older at the same job! You've already thrown away the 20-30 years, why throw another 10-15 after it for a job that takes so much and pays so little? How hard a decision is that?

There's far greater reward waiting for someone with the courage to try something new than there is for someone who is just marking time.

How insensitive, and myopic, The employees who have remained have not thrown away anything, they have been kicked to the ground, with their hands tied, and robbed of their "lunch money" by the " bully's".

How about the the executive's who are too lazy and lack the courage to run this airline. Talk about marking time!!

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