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Do NOT give to the us airways united way campaign

So it is cool to screw a national charity just because 'yall voted to reduce your wages and benefits?

You guys are screwed up.............

I don't agree with all the ways UW spends their monies and I personally elected to give to the listed charities I support.And if

I can't do this through the company...I personally provide a check to the charity I support.

I agree dude,

United Way does a lot of wonderful things in the community. So, some people want to screw US Airways by screwing the United Way? What is wrong with you people? Was your mother on crack when she gave birth to you? If so, the United Way could have helped you...

He is doing community service.

Yes, but I don't think court-ordered community service counts as charitable giving.

I agree dude,

United Way does a lot of wonderful things in the community. So, some people want to screw US Airways by screwing the United Way? What is wrong with you people? Was your mother on crack when she gave birth to you? If so, the United Way could have helped you...


There is nothing wrong with us. We are simply savvy enough to realize that the United Way is simply a money-sucking middle-man in the scheme of charitable giving. The United Way takes donated funds, skims their cut, then simply passes the remainder on to other charities who do the REAL charitable work. The United Way does no charitable work themselves, they simply collect and funnel money while their administrators live a fat cat lifestyle of private jets and 5-star hotels.

Everyone should give to charity, but it should be real charities that do real work. And, most importantly, it should be charities that are chosen by the individual rather than by the "middle-man" United Way.
I agree dude,

United Way does a lot of wonderful things in the community. So, some people want to screw US Airways by screwing the United Way? What is wrong with you people? Was your mother on crack when she gave birth to you? If so, the United Way could have helped you...


I don’t think you are understanding what I’m saying eye … we have west fleet service who MAKE BARELY ENOUGH TO SURVIE let alone RAISE a family …. (source phx town hall, am meeting on compass )

I don’t think you had to suffer the INDGNITY of having to see your supervisor hunt you down and make you either sign up or NOT sign up for the united way … while the campaign was underway the higher up’s at this company made each and EVERY fleet service supervisor here in the PHX hub track down EVERY SINGLE WORKER and make them sign yea or nay to the united way campaign . Do you think I like being asked to sign up for a charity from a company that made 256 million dollars in profit in one quarter while I’m standing there with not even a dollar in my pocket ??? Do you realize that we have MANY fleet service workers who ride the bus every day because some of them can’t afford a car or the gas it takes to get to and from work ???

The lines are being drawn , either your standing with the company , or your standing with the workers …….
I find it offensive that the company tried to placate us with food..pizza parties.

Restore my salary...you can keep your food. Cut my benefit cost.

I stopped giving to United Way when I found out that local executives make more than the President of our Country.

I give in other ways....
Heard the United Way Flight Attendant Jet Pull in PIT yesterday was cancelled due to the fact that those F/As who had signed up cancelled or didn't show....don't know if any other group participated.
sky high states; When YOU become an adult, we'll talk.
only stating opinions

When you become an Octogenarian, we'll talk about you funding my Chairmans Preferred hootchie flying around the US West system because I just love the HP Crews.
Translation: I too lazy to look for something better.

Nobody works hard to accrue seniority, they just get older at the same job! You've already thrown away the 20-30 years, why throw another 10-15 after it for a job that takes so much and pays so little? How hard a decision is that?

There's far greater reward waiting for someone with the courage to try something new than there is for someone who is just marking time.

Amen brother!

I'm no fan of the United Way, but the nonprofit I work for receives lots of money from UW. It gets used to better the life of many handicapped kids and adults who just want a normal life, and would be overjoyed if they could just actually work and get paid by anyone.

Its fine to be angry about low wages, I hear ya, but don't let that sour you so much that you don't realize that there are many fine groups out there that make good use of their United Way funds.
When you become an Octogenarian, we'll talk about you funding my Chairmans Preferred hootchie flying around the US West system because I just love the HP Crews.

sky high states: Hootchie flying? Love HP Crews? Whatever. I guess you and 737luv'n forgot to realize that alot of us are supplementing our income outside of this company. Now, what was that remark about lazy? Doesnt apply here!

only stating opinions
Amen brother!

I'm no fan of the United Way, but the nonprofit I work for receives lots of money from UW. It gets used to better the life of many handicapped kids and adults who just want a normal life, and would be overjoyed if they could just actually work and get paid by anyone.

Its fine to be angry about low wages, I hear ya, but don't let that sour you so much that you don't realize that there are many fine groups out there that make good use of their United Way funds.

How much more of those funds that UW gives to your nonprofit would be there for your valuable work if UW hadn't taken their cut before they sent you the check?
How much more of those funds that UW gives to your nonprofit would be there for your valuable work if UW hadn't taken their cut before they sent you the check?

A lot more.

Like I said, I'm no fan of UW, they are a part of our funding, we get lots funding via land donations and the like. But, we are also have our clients working and doing contract work for companies so that they can learn job skills, we funnel that money back into the org.
sky high states: Hootchie flying? Love HP Crews? Whatever. I guess you and 737luv'n forgot to realize that alot of us are supplementing our income outside of this company. Now, what was that remark about lazy? Doesnt apply here!
only stating opinions
I don't recall calling you lazy. In fact I don't think flight attendants are lazy at all. When it's obvious that management is lazy in being proactive to fix the house.

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