Well I guess we are having a copy/paste contest. lmao here ya go try this one!!!
Received: 12/26/03 12:42:52 EST
Name: Dan Cunningham
Employer: aa
Location: AFW
Dear Mechanic & Related Personnel at AA,
To those that would like to see me debate some twu folks I can only ask, "Where have you been?" I've been debating all twu comers for the better part of 10 years and haven't seen too many believers in my neck of the woods for quite some time because they don't have any replies to what their union of choice is doing when presented with facts. My debating skills were, in the early days, known to be a little unpolished, but after debunking many a twu believer I have come into my own as a serious challenger of the "Great Mystic" Sunny Hall. This is not to say I've ever had the pleasure to debate Mr. Hall, but I'd be glad to any day of the week.
I know Mr. Hall's good friend and legal advisor, one Mr. Art Luby, has basically, in the last few months, worn a great deal of egg on his face every time I see him. His less than honorable attempt to RAID the AMFA during contract talks at Atlantic Coast Airlines (ACA) by starting a Craft Union, most probably with TWU DUES MONIES, called the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Union (AMTU) during the 1998 contract negotiations has led Mr. Luby to be viewed by many a righteous AMTs and others as nothing but a dung eating Worm!
We can all take stabs at the other side, but the facts remain unarguably that:
The TWU was started by the Communist Party.
The TWU mocks true DEMOCRACY and only pays lip service to the membership.
The TWU states that Mike Quill was the first President when indeed Tom O'Shea
was the first President of the TWU and WAS DIRECTED TO STEP ASIDE TO LET A
The TWU, and the other industrial unions, such as; the IAM and IBT, are
structured to give total dictatorial power to their top officials without
a direct vote by the membership.
The TWU has served as an Agent for American Airlines for probably most of their
57 years on the property representing Mechanic & Related Workers.
The TWU has created the most aggressively management friendly union leaderships
throughout their system of "Strong, Autonomous Locals".
The TWU started the industry into a 20 YEAR DOWNWARD SPIRAL IN PAY AND BENEFITS
The TWU has provided to every airline they represent the ability to rabidly go
after any worker or group that stands defiantly against aggressive
management behavior or fights against their own unions' sellouts!
The TWU has provided themselves grandiose Wages with no paycuts even for their
own families, while their own members in ever growing numbers file
I'll not be detered by some overpaid Public Relations cowards that are afraid to come out into the light of day to be heard, but here hide out on bulletin boards throwing "Cheap Shots" at honorable men and women that choose to fight rather than cower, that choose to educate themselves rather than believe just what they are told, that know the futures of their own children hang in the balance.
Lets get Art Luby to testify during a debate about the true nature of his actions to undermine AMFA negotiations at ACA.
Lets ask Art Luby to testify as to what he meant when he stated to the Local 567 Membership that we could not be forced out of the now OSM shops when they were peddling the SRP program in 1995 only to find out, in a short 6 months, that Mr. Luby was providing the charade of Legal Speak AAtrition to get us to buy off on his misrepresentations.
Lets ask Mr. Sunny Hall and Mr. Jim Little about the balloting that was conducted illegally, or in the least, immorally to bastardize the results of the recently ratified 5O YEARS OF CONCESSIONS contract.
Lets ask Mr. Hall and Mr. Little why they used ECLAT, company that had worked for American Airlines not 6 months earlier to persuade the local Presidents of the dire financial straits at AA.
Lets ask Mr. Hall and Mr. Little if the $318,000,000 was just to push us back to the stone age in wages and help AA keep a Maintenance Base or two open while attempting to beat back the AMFA drive they knew was coming.
Finally, I'd like to thank Mr. Hall for selecting a known Felon to help his anti-AMFA campaign here at AFW. That has helped us tremendously. Also, I'd like to thank Mr. Hall for making me the HIGHEST PAID AMT at American Airlines! Thanks Sunny, for you direction, to a new union, and your assistance in getting a bit of my pay back for me!
Have an AMFA New Year!
"Company Man" Dan Cunningham