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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate

Checking it Out said:
It's a shame that Amfa is afraid to debate the TWU, They made the challenge the TWU accepted. Why not be honest for once and quit the deception and show what you have by taking the TWU challenge.

Location and time have been set.
Why don't you quit fishing on the internet for an answer like the predictable organizer you are?

As Usual, our response will hit hard and without warning. And you will surely run for assistance from someone else as you scramble like ants on a kicked over ant hill when the reponse is executed.

Forget it CIO, our communication of strategy only happens on the internet when we have planned, reviewed scenario outcomes, and expect you to react a certain way. Congratulations, in this instance to date, you are as predictable as the sunrise. 😛

I have noticed however, a new method in your camp. This undercover cloning farm you are operating in an attempt to dilute the craft and class and side step an election has us a little baffled. However, I will let you know that we been to the cloning farm outside your Pinkerton Security Parimieter and secured digital photographs of what appears to be your furst succesful addition to the eligiblity list. :shock:

We are currently running through scenarios on this matter to extract a reponse on this issue as well. Stand-by.

Proof of the TEAM TWU cloning farm:
Checking it Out said:
Normal procedures are when someone makes a challenge the other side has the oppurtunity to set location and time.

Unlike amfa the TWU will allow anyone to attend and will not censor. or kickout members.

Please answer a simple Question, Why does amfa kickout potential members from other Airlines? Democracy at work or censorship? Amfa speaks out of both sides of there mouth.
You are a pathological liar and cannot keep your lies in logical order.

First you claim the TWU made the invitation first, now you appear to claim AMFA made the invite first, thus you should set the location and time.

Using your procedures - Who made the invitation first and who gets to set location and time? Because it appears that you are claiming both, first invite and setting location and time.

Which is it CIO?

If the TWU made the first invite as you claim, then your normal procedures would allow AMFA to set the time and location. CORRECT?


Check mate! Want to play again?
Rick Mullins if the TWU does not present a officer from the International to debate Delle, you know what will happen, The TWU is playing right into our hands, we know the Leaders of the TWU are cowards this debate challenge is just an oppertunity to prove it.
Also you know that your Mechanic supporter challenge is rediculous and so does everybody else from both sides, maybe you should have consulted with the PR firm before you came up with this bone head challenge.
The Mechanics at the base are not stupid and they will see through team TWUs bullshit.
Did your dad fight your battles for you as a kid? Sounds as if he did, ever think of standing on your two feet and defending what you think is just and fair?

I do understand your grief, attempting to locate three AMFA supporters that are literate enough to debate the TWU activists is a challenge.

Have a great and safe New Year!
From Raptor (an AMFA guy).

Delle is showing up we know what kind of balls he has, wheres yours ?

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wub: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Wow. . .8 pages of posts on this one subject. Has AMFA found 3 guys to sit on the panel yet? Still looking?? Just curious, but will they all be from TUL?
twuer said:
From Raptor (an AMFA guy).

Delle is showing up we know what kind of balls he has, wheres yours ?

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wub: :shock: :shock: :shock:
you stumped them on that one, with that many question marks I would say their in a mad hunt to find a set.
I think the AMFA should agree to debate the TWU anywhere and everywhere IF the TWU will agree to the names and numbers of the Maintenance & Related Class and Craft before the first debate occurs AND accepts that such names and numbers will be binding if and when the AMFA chooses to file for election.
twuer said:
Wow. . .8 pages of posts on this one subject. Has AMFA found 3 guys to sit on the panel yet? Still looking?? Just curious, but will they all be from TUL?
Why don't you quit fishing on the internet for an answer like the predictable organizer you are?
To Team TWU I am not sure that it is a matter of finding three AMFA supporters that would be willing to debate three TWU supporters, I think it is more a matter of finding three that will do a pointless debate for FREE, if the TWU would agree to pay all six debatees UB business then I think people will be lining up to accept the challenge, you know at the AMFA informational meeting there were alot of TWU supporters there but most of them were getting paid UB to be there the AMFA supporters were on their own time and they came from all over the country to see Delle and hear what he had to say, not to hear the opinions of a few Mechanics, they will come again on their own time to hear Delle and a TWU Leader debate at the brady theater, but I don't think they will come own their own time for FREE to hear what we hear everyday six Mechanics giving their own personal opinions. 😀

As I said if you really want a pointless debate with six Mechanic supporters just offer to pay all six UB and I think you will very quickly get your six volunteers, hell I may even volunteer to debate your Three sheep boys on UB pay and I probably could handle all three of them by myself, you guys paid about 40 people UB to go to the AMFA meeting paying 6 should be no problem. 😉

Another suggestion to Team TWU and Rick Mullins you might want to sweeten the pot for the spectators in order to get them to show up, may I suggest a wet bar, lots of good food and girls wearing bikinis as waiteresses, hooters girls would be good if you can get them, put some money into this thing and you might actually pull it off. 😉

What do you think Scorpian do you think I am on the right track with these suggestions or do you think there is more incentative needed what would it take for you to be interested in such a pointless debate of personal opinions. :unsure:

Let's hear some suggestions on what the TWU needs to do to get people to show up and participate in their debate.
:lol: Again, the response to be executed by AMFA organizers will strike hard and without warning.

I can hardly wait.

Further rhetorical nonsense regarding what should take place is not time well spent.

You can see the fear in their postings, fishing for clues and answers as to what we might do next. They want to pick a fight and then cower in fear waiting. Remember, it is now our move, and will once again show them the talent we have at strategy and execution of a well thougt out planned response.

They have been slam dunked so many times, they cannot even enjoy their own strategy for fear of what is coming at them next.

Remember when we distributed at the gates, and for days their officers were outside bright and early holding the wicked TWU blue sign/slogan?

Wait until you see their response to our next plan! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Green Acres is the place to be"
I loved that Green Acres Video TWU Informer and since you brought it up again
lets watch it one more time. :lol: :lol:


See ya all at the Brady :up:

I have never been there but I hear it is really nice and holds alot ot people.
also the debate is on a weekend so many people can make it without taking vacation time, I thank AMFA for thinking of me and my fellow Mechanics by scheduling this debate at such a convienent time. :up:

Rusty 1,356 have viewed this thread so far it appears more people come here than we once thought.
Hey Raptor that video had me lmao do you know who made it.

most everyone in the hanger think that the twu leaders will be afraid to show up.
I think it was Dave Stewart but I don't know that for sure, he has aquired some video skills.
I will have to say it was very nicely done, I think I will bring it to work on my laptop for my shop to see. :lol: :lol:
Raptor said:
I loved that Green Acres Video TWU Informer and since you brought it up again
lets watch it one more time. :lol: :lol:


See ya all at the Brady :up:

I have never been there but I hear it is really nice and holds alot ot people.
also the debate is on a weekend so many people can make it without taking vacation time, I thank AMFA for thinking of me and my fellow Mechanics by scheduling this debate at such a convienent time. :up:

Rusty 1,356 have viewed this thread so far it appears more people come here than we once thought.
Raptor, I thought you might like to know that "views" are counted by every click on the thread. So far I probably have 200 of them. lol It would be nice to see alot more people show up here and see how the TWU leadership lies and deceives them on a daily basis. Maybe we can ask them to come and start reading it for themselves. I will be looking for branded sheep to send here and think we need to find a good surgeon so that when we are done the TWU won't have disfigured for life!!! lmao

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