Let me ask you this, if TWU is the bargaining union for the members on the property of American Airlines why shouldn't they pay UB? So what if they pay it? If they are getting UB, then they are not drawing off AA unless they take a PVD. Why should the members have to take a PVD? It is your association that has caused this debate to be necessary
Wrong answer it is you that want this pointless debate not the AMFA supporters, and my point is TWU supporters only support the TWU if paid to do so whereas AMFA supporters are never paid to support AMFA it shows are dedication over the TWU supporters dedication, we don't mind spending our valueable time fighting for a worthy cause for Free, but who the hell wants to go to a pointless debate for Free, why would any AMFA supporters want to waste their time on such a debate, when our time can be better used elsewhere, mark my words we will get some mileage out of this UB pay thing as many members do not like this practice.