I seem to recall that it was the UAL pilots that set the bar at 25% pay raise, and then of course busted the company. They acted like company owners determined to raid "their" kitty bank, they did and they busted it.PRINCESS KIDAGAKASH said:AMFA is a failure at Northwest? I seem to remember AMFA was the union that fought and won major wage and benefit increases at Northwest. If I remember correctly, they set the ball in motion at other airlines in getting major benefit and wage increases for the mechanics. Wasn't it the IAM and the EVIL TWU that gave everything away that AMFA got for us in 2001? CIO are you a surviving member of JIM JONES' cult? How much TWU Kool-Aid do you drink daily? CIO,when are you gonna realize that one of these days the EVIL TWU is gonna spike your Kool-Aid with cyannide just like your buddy JIM JONES did.
You are all asking for "proof" that even without AMFA's contract at NWA the TWU have negotiated raises. Now even after the reductions thanks to the economy after 9/11, I am still above the previous contract. So my conclusion is that we now have about one third to half more than what would have been negotiated without AMFA and more than if we had not ratified the contract in 2001.
Which the TWU recommended, seeing as they faced the company negotiators that was probably the balanced package, at the time.
I have noticed that AMFA never seems to recommend or give opinion on their contracts, so except for the insiders there is no way to tell whether all possible wheeling dealing had been exhausted.