This is pathetic for Mechanics and Overhaul Shop Mechanics plus our benefits are gone as well.
Are you happy about this TWU :angry:
8606 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group:
Updated, Sunday January 04, 2004 at 01

44 AM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 9,634 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 89.3% to our goal, or approximately
53.6% of our Craft and Class. Good job so far, and let's REDOUBLE our efforts and GET THIS DONE
OSM sign a card and on the
next contract 5 years 8 months from now in 2009. you will be paid the same as the rest of the unlicensed Mechanics at AA, AMFA is your only hope of being treated like an equal Mechanic, with AMFA all Mechanics are paid the same base pay, Just as they were at AA before the TWU invented the lower paying OSM classification.