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Amfa Vs. Twu Debate

TWU informer said:
This one's a little dated isn't it?
What really pisses me off, and it should all of us no-matter what side you are on, is a post I read not long ago that said Arpy said AA was never in any danger of bankruptcy!

Was that a typo or fact?
"Without Further Ratification in still intact at TWUATD.org"

What really pisses me off is the fact that the TWU hired the exact same financial analysis firm that AA used.

ECLAT was used by both the TWU and AA. What kind of independent review of financial viablility was that?

What kind of union would hire the same Financial Advisory Firm as the Company to conduct a so-called "independent" review of the books? What is really funny is the big farce was enhanced by having the negotiators sign off on "confidential disclosure" agreement forms. WHAT A FARCE!!!!!

Who gives a damn what Arpey said or says? We don't pay him two hours pay per month to look out for our best interest.

The Question is why wasn't Arpey and the other 40+ recipients of the golden parachute held just as accountable as Carty was?
There has indeed been a change as the amendable date for our contract is after Dec. 31 2008, which the contract reads is Jan. 1 2009 5 years 8 months is when we get another chance to give the rest of our contract away. :shock:
mojo13 said:
What really pisses me off, and it should all of us no-matter what side you are on, is a post I read not long ago that said Arpy said AA was never in any danger of bankruptcy!

Was that a typo or fact?
That was fact MOJO, like I previously stated he said it on his Christmas walkthrough of the DFW hangar. The quote was "at no time were we in danger of liquidation."

He also reportedly laughed at Little's comment about chapter 7.

Also on the Klopp(who flip flopped to management), who cares about the date. This was the beginning of the Jim Little GrassRoots era. This letter was to stop the drive of 99 by saying, YES we vote on all letters of agreement just like AMFA. We were also promised observers in negotiations.
Who gives a damn what Arpey said or says? We don't pay him two hours pay per month to look out for our best interest.

No, but the company put the pressure on the unions to buy it or else!!!

I don't think the IAM or AMFA would have done any different...
(except a snapback clause would have been demanded with the IAM)
The BIG TWU Contradiction:

Item #1 - Jim Little to Local 567

RE: Ratification of Side Letters of Agreement

"The decision was based on the explicit understanding that the TWU Constitution already provided such a requirement"


Item #2 - TWU562 vs TWU Lawsuit:

TWU Attorney Mr. Gold

"The TWU Constitution DOES NOT MANDATE a VOTE of the members to amend the Labor Agreement:





Does the Constitution REQUIRE ratification of AMENDMENTS or NOT?

More Documents:

mojo13 said:
This one's a little dated isn't it?

The point is the contradiction from the 1999 letter, to the lawsuit of 2003 regarding membership rartification of MODIFICATIONS or AMENDMENTS to the collective bargaining agreements.

Now yes, there was a Constitutional Convention is 2001. But I challenge anyone to show where there was an amendment or change in the TWU Constitution regarding this issue.

FLAT OUT- SOMEBODY LIED, either Jim Little in 1999, or Mr, Gold in 2003.
Who do you think is telling LIES? Look at motives and circumstance.
mojo13 said:
Who gives a damn what Arpey said or says? We don't pay him two hours pay per month to look out for our best interest.

No, but the company put the pressure on the unions to buy it or else!!!

I don't think the IAM or AMFA would have done any different...
(except a snapback clause would have been demanded with the IAM)

Did the IAM have any "snapback" clauses in any of the concession agreements between IAM and TWA, when Ichan was threating them in the past?

I would like see that language if you have it available?
A quick observation there have been some that critisize posters for not using their real names, well the fact is there are only 2 people on this board that I see using their real names and that is Rusty and Ken Mactiernan, so lets all remember that when we start talking about using real names, also posting under an alias and then putting your real name at the bottom of one or two posts does not qualify as posting under your real name, I have done that myself a time or two, using your real name on every post instead of an alias is posting with your real name, I have seen this issue brought up several times on several boards.

There are probably good reasons for not using ones real name.
which is why I don't post under my real name. 😉
TWU informer said:

The point is the contradiction from the 1999 letter, to the lawsuit of 2003 regarding membership rartification of MODIFICATIONS or AMENDMENTS to the collective bargaining agreements.

Now yes, there was a Constitutional Convention is 2001. But I challenge anyone to show where there was an amendment or change in the TWU Constitution regarding this issue.

FLAT OUT- SOMEBODY LIED, either Jim Little in 1999, or Mr, Gold in 2003.
Who do you think is telling LIES? Look at motives and circumstance.
I see your point...check your PM
This is pathetic for Mechanics and Overhaul Shop Mechanics plus our benefits are gone as well.

Are you happy about this TWU :angry:



8606 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group:
Updated, Sunday January 04, 2004 at 01:04:44 AM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 9,634 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 89.3% to our goal, or approximately 53.6% of our Craft and Class. Good job so far, and let's REDOUBLE our efforts and GET THIS DONE :up:

OSM sign a card and on the next contract 5 years 8 months from now in 2009. you will be paid the same as the rest of the unlicensed Mechanics at AA, AMFA is your only hope of being treated like an equal Mechanic, with AMFA all Mechanics are paid the same base pay, Just as they were at AA before the TWU invented the lower paying OSM classification. :shock:

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