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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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With the unexplained extension I am very concerned of a coordinated effort to undermine the drive.
Me too. Hopefully not this time around.

i agree, but another way to look at is that if they were denied the extension it could have been grounds for an appeal when they lose the election.
Very true.
Still curious of the added folks, either by co. or asso., would want to try and add.
Ok so let's see what happens with todays deadline and rebuttals to follow.
Ok so let's see what happens with todays deadline and rebuttals to follow.

I was thinking the same. Don't even know if we will hear anything at all maybe until the final(?) deadline of Mar. 25th.
Although I will add that I am feeling much more confident after some discussions with a couple Organizers. They are ready and willing to be able to do what is needed and still get a vote thru. Sure, I still EXPECT the asso./company to do anything to get out of a vote, but I am sure AMFA Organizers, National, and Legal are also so well prepared that in the end there will still be an election vote at AA with AMFA and the asso. on the ballots...
It's too quiet.

Any updates?
There won’t be any updates until the challenges are over next week, from what I was told. Keeping everything close to the vest right now don’t want to show any cards that are in play
Anyone thinking about going on hand pay? I will be going as soon as I find out how to do it. I'm tired of paying dues to the twu. To make the most impact on the twu it should be done now.
There won’t be any updates until the challenges are over next week, from what I was told. Keeping everything close to the vest right now don’t want to show any cards that are in play
Ok, Thx
There won’t be any updates until the challenges are over next week, from what I was told. Keeping everything close to the vest right now don’t want to show any cards that are in play

Smart move.
Would love to hear some updates, but would rather wait until after the fact as we all have witnessed in the past with these industrial unions tactics...
Anyone thinking about going on hand pay? I will be going as soon as I find out how to do it. I'm tired of paying dues to the twu. To make the most impact on the twu it should be done now.

Been there, tried that. In my opinion, doesn't work. All it does is makes you pay for a stamp and if your treasurer is as incompetent as the last one I sent mine to, adding certified mail increases your monthly cost. The treasurer I sent mine to, lost a few checks and was too lazy to go to the post office to get the certified ones. I had to pay for a few stop payments on those lost checks, but I withheld that amount from my dues payment.
Anyone thinking about going on hand pay? I will be going as soon as I find out how to do it. I'm tired of paying dues to the twu. To make the most impact on the twu it should be done now.
Hopefully you won't have to worry about it much longer if a vote is approved by the NMB.
The twu is concerned. They are planning road shows to discredit AMFA and the drive. It looks like Peterson, Garcia and Samuelson are going station to station to spew
their anti AMFA retireck.
The twu is concerned. They are planning road shows to discredit AMFA and the drive. It looks like Peterson, Garcia and Samuelson are going station to station to spew
their anti AMFA retireck.
being at a class 2 station we probably will not see them. if i did i would remind Gary about all the conversations we have had over the YEARS during negotiations about what the membership wants. remind him that and i quote "after negotiations are complete the whole story will come out" and then "the conversation will happen about what to do about the association" .Gary quotes ......since the conversation never started we found our own way out of the association.
The twu is concerned. They are planning road shows to discredit AMFA and the drive. It looks like Peterson, Garcia and Samuelson are going station to station to spew
their anti AMFA retireck.
how do you find their roadshow schedule? or is that top secret?
The twu is concerned. They are planning road shows to discredit AMFA and the drive. It looks like Peterson, Garcia and Samuelson are going station to station to spew
their anti AMFA retireck.

I hope some AMFA supporters will join them and ask very detailed questions. Someone needs to go to all the meetings and ask Peterson why would he try and discredit AMFA when he was a full blown AMFA supporter until the International promoted him INTO the International position in order to shut him up as a bunch of folks were following his support of AMFA before. Hypocrite if I do say so myself, flip flopper.
Not saying AMFA should or would have to do road shows too, but maybe some folks can attend the road shows and communicate back to AMFA what all was said and done at these road shows and this way AMFA could easily counter any lies, misinformation and of course the made up stories when they are trying to discredit at these meetings. AMFA could easily just send out memos and letters countering any wrong and misinformation.
I am sure there will be promises made by the asso at these road shows (just like the teamsters did at UAL) and then they will never prevail with one iota of a promise later.
I knew this asso. would not just sit back and allow an election and do nothing when their existence in the airline mechanic industry is on the line...
being at a class 2 station we probably will not see them. if i did i would remind Gary about all the conversations we have had over the YEARS during negotiations about what the membership wants. remind him that and i quote "after negotiations are complete the whole story will come out" and then "the conversation will happen about what to do about the association" .Gary quotes ......since the conversation never started we found our own way out of the association.

Yes please do confront Peterson in front of everyone and make him explain what has changed, besides his International promotion to shut his arse up.
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