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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Word going around the inner circles is that the NMB granted the Association an extension for objections. One would think either the NMB is in on a shady backdoor deal or the Association has a strong case to get the extension. Here we go again.

Interesting. Wonder what the asso. is objecting to. Would it be the companies list? Would it be something AMFA filed to challenge they are objecting?? Or is it they are objecting to the company not adding/padding the list with more???
Today does happen to be the first deadline for the challenges to be filed and submitted. It would not surprise me one iota if the asso didn't ask for an extension, they will do anything they can to delay-delay-delay as it helps them and the company. Hopefully the NMB will reject the request, unless it's as you state and the asso. deas have a real strong cause. Hopefully AMFA is being updated by the investigator and we will found out after today or maybe Mon.
Just in case someone doesn't have the info. Deadlines were set months ago. Enough time to Comply. Don't trust the NMB to play by their own rules.

Not good. Something is going on.
Not good. Something is going on.

I agree.
Anyone heard how the AMFA Organizers and AMFA National feel about this extension? If needed AMFA better be given the same respect if they need an extension as well as the company. Gotta be fair to all involved.
Would love to hear the reasons why for the extension though. If legit, then it's legit, but if a delay tactic I surely hope the NMB would see through that, but it may take getting thru the extension to finally see it if it exists.
Let's hope this also gives AMFA time to get ready for the challenges and objections on their end too...
Here's the AMFA National update on the extension request and approved:

Updated On: Mar 05, 2021

March 5, 2021

Dear American Airlines Mechanics and Related Employees:

The TWU-IAM Association (“TWU/IAM”) has been widely claiming AMFA does not have enough cards to induce an election. The fact is, on December 4, 2020, American Airlines provided the NMB with a proposed eligibility list of 13,213 names and signatures. Subsequently, on December 23, 2020, the TWU/IAM, without invitation from the NMB, prematurely responded with challenges to the proposed eligibility list and began publicly claiming falsely that AMFA did not have sufficient cards to have an election.

It would seem that after further review, the TWU-IAM lost confidence in their initial false narrative and came to realize an election is likely coming. Consequently, on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, about 48-hours before the deadline, the TWU/IAM requested a 10-day extension to file their challenges for the National Mediation Board (“NMB”) Investigator’s review.

Yesterday, March 4, 2021, the NMB Investigator, Josie G.M. Bautista, granted the TWU/IAM’s 10-day extension request, shifting the deadline to file challenges to the proposed eligibility list filed by American Airlines or objections with regard to any other matters and supported by substantive evidence and argument to March 15, 2021, and responses to challenges or objections by all Participants, including the Carrier, to March 25, 2021.

We expect the TWU-IAM to create further delays and use other underhanded tactics to attempt to prevent this election from happening. If they were confident in their representation of you, why would they be afraid of an election? If they put their members first, why would they want to get in the way of having you express your collective democratic will? The TWU-IAM “association’s” time has come, and they now know it. These efforts, and the ones that are sure to come, are desperate measures of an organization that cannot admit they have put their own interests ahead of yours, and that will now have to suffer the consequences.

AMFA looks forward to the opportunity to represent your group and unify your power under one union. AMFA is a firm believer in keeping transparency with our union members because we respect employee choice. For further updates and information, please visit AMFA at the American Airlines page of the AMFA National website. AMFA will continue to work diligently on your behalf to get you the vote you were promised and deserve. We appreciate your support.

In Solidarity,

Gene Painter
Assistant National Director
My opinion is the Association went to the company to go along inflating the list in return for concessions since the world economy is ripe for cutbacks. Association saves dues, AFL-CIO saves dues and company gets cost cutting concessions. Win win for all except the membership. My opinion based on past corruption between unions and corporations.
My opinion is the Association went to the company to go along inflating the list in return for concessions since the world economy is ripe for cutbacks. Association saves dues, AFL-CIO saves dues and company gets cost cutting concessions. Win win for all except the membership. My opinion based on past corruption between unions and corporations.

Which is why it is imperative to get an election vote ASAP.
I have no proof, but I also agree with your theory, another example of WHY the company doesn't want to lose this asso. from representing a large workgroup who has always caved to the companies needs and wants about concessions in the past. They (both the asso. and the co.) will do anything possible to keep things as they are currently and I don't doubt your opinion at all that they will work together to not only keep this abortion of an asso. but the concessions will follow as a "repayment" to the co. for working so hard with the asso. to save their arses from getting fired and removed. They have done it before and yes, they will do it again.
Hopefully AMFA Organizers, AMFA National, and AMFA legal will be able to fend off the padding of the list to maintain the 50% plus one interest and move forward to a vote. This is one reason it was so imperative that none of the exact numbers were released of how many cards were signed and turned in. We all know they well surpassed the companies eligibility list, and now we will see much padding they are trying to do.
If they keep doing extensions, challenges and objections we may not see a freakin vote until summer 2021 so far as the investigator approves one, which is still NOT guaranteed.
Now that Biden will sign into law the 3rd round of PSP it will help you guys get thru the NMB processes. This way the company can't scream that they need concessions before Sep 30th so there would be no reason for the asso to run in and do an agreement for concessions prior to any election vote if and when approved by the NMB to go forward. Now they can just focus on the challenges and objections dates going forward. April 1st can't get here soon enough 🙂

Now that Biden will sign into law the 3rd round of PSP it will help you guys get thru the NMB processes. This way the company can't scream that they need concessions before Sep 30th so there would be no reason for the asso to run in and do an agreement for concessions prior to any election vote if and when approved by the NMB to go forward. Now they can just focus on the challenges and objections dates going forward. April 1st can't get here soon enough 🙂


Before AMFA, I can can recall when ramp and M&R made about the same salary, the call was "a loaf of bread cost you as much as it cost me". I see an uneven share of sacrifice, especially when the highest ranking TWU international representative is from ramp, if it comes to concessions again.
Before AMFA, I can can recall when ramp and M&R made about the same salary, the call was "a loaf of bread cost you as much as it cost me". I see an uneven share of sacrifice, especially when the highest ranking TWU international representative is from ramp, if it comes to concessions again.

You know, now that you said it, this asso still uses that idealist when addressing their membership and they have for decades at AA. It really is time for the mechanics and related to get the representation they deserve finally where all focusses are on The Mechanic and Related not the fleet, ramp, and 12 other groups tied all up in the same representational organization where the mechanic and related are only a small % of the total.
AMFA made a huge change for our industry back when they did their first mechanic and related contract (we all know who with and when). Since then the industrial unions have made it their top priorities to try and destroy and make AMFA go away as they KNOW AMFA would take over the airline mechanics representation in our industry so they constantly would spread the lies, misinformation, and even completely made up stories that were never true so not to get people to look at AMFA or give them a try. They even are still, currently spreading complete lies now during this card drive at AA saying AMFA only has 2 million dollars. That's complete BS as one local has way more than 2 million in it's coffers and that's just one local. And now with you AA'ers soon to be AMFA, if you take about say 13-15,000 mechanic and related paying around 100 bucks per month for dues will bring in 1.3-1.5 million per month in dues. In the first year that's well over 10 million alone.
And now you can see why the asso will fight so hard to keep the asso. as they will lose millions upon millions and the international officers and representatives will no longer get their 300K, 250K, and ridiculous 6 figure salaries and over inflated pensions which are NEVER affected by the concessions they have always agreed with in the past at AA.
Hope the announcement comes soon after the challenges and objections deadlines.
You know, now that you said it, this asso still uses that idealist when addressing their membership and they have for decades at AA. It really is time for the mechanics and related to get the representation they deserve finally where all focusses are on The Mechanic and Related not the fleet, ramp, and 12 other groups tied all up in the same representational organization where the mechanic and related are only a small % of the total.
AMFA made a huge change for our industry back when they did their first mechanic and related contract (we all know who with and when). Since then the industrial unions have made it their top priorities to try and destroy and make AMFA go away as they KNOW AMFA would take over the airline mechanics representation in our industry so they constantly would spread the lies, misinformation, and even completely made up stories that were never true so not to get people to look at AMFA or give them a try. They even are still, currently spreading complete lies now during this card drive at AA saying AMFA only has 2 million dollars. That's complete BS as one local has way more than 2 million in it's coffers and that's just one local. And now with you AA'ers soon to be AMFA, if you take about say 13-15,000 mechanic and related paying around 100 bucks per month for dues will bring in 1.3-1.5 million per month in dues. In the first year that's well over 10 million alone.
And now you can see why the asso will fight so hard to keep the asso. as they will lose millions upon millions and the international officers and representatives will no longer get their 300K, 250K, and ridiculous 6 figure salaries and over inflated pensions which are NEVER affected by the concessions they have always agreed with in the past at AA.
Hope the announcement comes soon after the challenges and objections deadlines.
But, but, but this is strength in numbers.
But, but, but this is strength in numbers.
Funny how they still claim the strength in numbers all the while their numbers are decreasing more and more in our industry. Hopefully when you guys become AMFA, I believe that will be the last airline the TWU represented mechanics at. So their "strength in numbers" is going down in flames...
Funny how they still claim the strength in numbers all the while their numbers are decreasing more and more in our industry. Hopefully when you guys become AMFA, I believe that will be the last airline the TWU represented mechanics at. So their "strength in numbers" is going down in flames...
With the unexplained extension I am very concerned of a coordinated effort to undermine the drive.
With the unexplained extension I am very concerned of a coordinated effort to undermine the drive.
i agree, but another way to look at is that if they were denied the extension it could have been grounds for an appeal when they lose the election.
With the unexplained extension I am very concerned of a coordinated effort to undermine the drive.
The funny thing is anyone below the international level on the twu side is just going thru the motions. Its almost as if they have resigned themselves to the fact that this our only way to get out of the association and finally become one cohesive work group.
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