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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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At this point, don't know if AA padded the list as of yet, pretty sure they did, so I do expect challenges from AMFA even though there are currently more cards signed than on the eligibility list from the company. A perfect example of why they should challenge any and all added to the list, is to read above the case with Republic Airways and the IAM filing for the Mechanic and Related that was dismissed by the investigator. It will be interesting seeing what groups and what employees the asso. will try to get added to the eligibility list. I still can't believe that the Hennessey investigator allowed Mechanic Supervisors to be added to the list at Republic; They are very much so management employees and DO NOT belong in the " and related" group at all. Even other "groups" that Hennessey allowed on the list I disagree with. How the IAM failed to argue those is simply amazing to me. Surely AMFA will be much better prepared to challenge those IF they come up.

Rogallo, this vote has been a long time coming. Some never thought this would ever get this far with a vote closer and closer. I still expect the asso. to get loud once the election starts.
Congrats to all involved on the good news.
Curious to how long the investigator might take to render final decisions on the eligibility list, hopefully by end of March. Could an election be started by some time in April? Hope so. Be nice to have the results before summer. 🙂
I still expect the asso. to get loud once the election starts.

Maybe Samuelsen will get loud again. Every time he speaks he puts his foot in his mouth. Maybe it'll be the current Int'l VP Peterson. He likes to bloviate too!

I anxiously await the next move!!
At this point, don't know if AA padded the list as of yet, pretty sure they did, so I do expect challenges from AMFA even though there are currently more cards signed than on the eligibility list from the company. A perfect example of why they should challenge any and all added to the list, is to read above the case with Republic Airways and the IAM filing for the Mechanic and Related that was dismissed by the investigator. It will be interesting seeing what groups and what employees the asso. will try to get added to the eligibility list. I still can't believe that the Hennessey investigator allowed Mechanic Supervisors to be added to the list at Republic; They are very much so management employees and DO NOT belong in the " and related" group at all. Even other "groups" that Hennessey allowed on the list I disagree with. How the IAM failed to argue those is simply amazing to me. Surely AMFA will be much better prepared to challenge those IF they come up.

Rogallo, this vote has been a long time coming. Some never thought this would ever get this far with a vote closer and closer. I still expect the asso. to get loud once the election starts.
Congrats to all involved on the good news.
Curious to how long the investigator might take to render final decisions on the eligibility list, hopefully by end of March. Could an election be started by some time in April? Hope so. Be nice to have the results before summer. 🙂

SWAMT, In this case how would it benefit the company to pad the list? I can understand the padding of the list in the case of Republic to prevent having another Union on property, but I don't see the logic when it comes to this case with AA, AMFA, and the TWU/IAM Association.
I can agree with your statement regarding the Maintenance Supervisor. I just don't foresee how a "Supervisor" could be considered to be in the same category as a Union person. The other job titles are closer for sure. We shall see how this all shakes out.

SWAMT, In this case how would it benefit the company to pad the list? I can understand the padding of the list in the case of Republic to prevent having another Union on property, but I don't see the logic when it comes to this case with AA, AMFA, and the TWU/IAM Association.
I can agree with your statement regarding the Maintenance Supervisor. I just don't foresee how a "Supervisor" could be considered to be in the same category as a Union person. The other job titles are closer for sure. We shall see how this all shakes out.

I don't see AA adding to the list, they already submitted the list of M&R to NMB, as to the supervisors that's what they may call there leads or crew chief at Republic.
Maybe Samuelsen will get loud again. Every time he speaks he puts his foot in his mouth. Maybe it'll be the current Int'l VP Peterson. He likes to bloviate too!

I anxiously await the next move!!

Yea, me too.
They always do when they start their propaganda. That's why I love it when some of their cronies come on here to try and make AMFA look worse than their current representation. They seem to ALWAYS favor AMFA's side every single time, it's great when they come out on here.
I would love for Peterson to come out here and fight for the asso. when in the very beginning HE was in support of AMFA before being shut up with the two promotions by the international.
Pretty sure that next move will come as they are probably planning it all out during this lengthy waiting period...
I don't see AA adding to the list, they already submitted the list of M&R to NMB, as to the supervisors that's what they may call there leads or crew chief at Republic.

Now the Association will most likely try to add supervisors to the list, but AA will be against that.
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SWAMT, In this case how would it benefit the company to pad the list? I can understand the padding of the list in the case of Republic to prevent having another Union on property, but I don't see the logic when it comes to this case with AA, AMFA, and the TWU/IAM Association.
I can agree with your statement regarding the Maintenance Supervisor. I just don't foresee how a "Supervisor" could be considered to be in the same category as a Union person. The other job titles are closer for sure. We shall see how this all shakes out.

Ok. Let's say the AMFA Organizers were only able to get 50% plus one card signed. Turn those names into the NMB, he verifies the names and cards, then calls for companies list. By the company padding the list and adding names, groups, and sups (as in Republics case) and sometimes managers (as some have in past AMFA drives) then that almighty 50% plus one is no longer valid if they are all accepted by the investigator and added to the list. Since they were added, this gives the card drive numbers BELOW the said 50% plus one and now are no longer eligible to file for a representational election and the investigator will have no choice but to "dismiss" the filing under ISI (Insufficient Showing of Interest).
Why would the company do this? Because the co. would love to keep their current status quo with the always agreeing with them asso. in place. They know with AMFA coming in it will get much harder to get the union to sign off on agreements to concessions and other items.
Now that that part is over, the investigator has called for "challenges" to the list provided by the co. by both AMFA and the asso. and at this same time is also calling for any additions to the list provided by the co. and this includes the asso. to add such folks to the list. The sole reasons behind both the co. or the union to add to the list would be to break the 50% plus 1 factor so that the investigator would be forced to "dismiss" the petition filed for a representational election by AMFA under ISI (Insufficient Showing of Interest) as they just did in the IAM's petition filed over at Republic Airways.
What would all that result in? No election taking place. A full year waiting period for AMFA to start all over again with their card drive. It's all in hopes to keep AMFA out one more time, and of course the asso. as well as the company would be in hopes that the members are just sick and tired of trying, and give up trying. This way the asso. stays in place and the co. keeps their always caving and agreeing union in place.
Hope all that helps...
Now the Association will most likely try to add supervisors to the list, but AA will be against that.

Yes. Agree. This is where Republic screwed up as they were able to add their "mechanic supervisors" to their eligibility list. So the next time they have a card drive, and get a vote and it passes, then Republic will have unionized supervisors right along with the unionized mechanics. A move a company really does not want to happen as it would totally backfire on them, big time. I mean think about a worse case scenario, a strike, who stay back and works the planes? Supervisors and Managers. But if said supervisors were union with mechanics, they too would not cross the strike line and it would never work out if and when they all came back to work after said strike. Just an example.
AA would fight their sups becoming union big time. With the overwhelming number of cards collected, AA wouldn't want to take the chance of NOT breaking the 50% plus 1 ratio, an election take place and BAM! Their sups are now all unionized just like the mechanics. That would not be good for the company whatsoever. AMFA wouldn't like it either, they, company and AMFA would fight against that one.
It will get interesting seeing what the asso. will try to get added...
I don't see AA adding to the list, they already submitted the list of M&R to NMB, as to the supervisors that's what they may call there leads or crew chief at Republic.

I would agree, but I read either the NMB's response or the IAM's response to the eligibility list at Republic that they were aware that "no other supervisors are ever included at any other airline out there." This might confirm your statement where Republic may list them as workers and part of the working team of mechanics. Just kinda odd when I first read it though.

Yes AA has submitted said list. BUT, investigator is calling for "challenges" to said list. We still don't know if AA did or did not add sups or managers this time around. If they did,this is where the AMFA and/or the asso. can "challenge" them if need be. We still don't know if AA even asked the NMB to consider adding more groups or folks to the list they submitted as of yet. Maybe it will all be brought to light eventually after the investigator is done with everything. Would be interesting to go thru all the back and forths...
In passenger services at AA they have supervisors as union employees. Question is if their title is supervisor can they administrator disciplinary action against other union employees? This puts the union in a tight spot should it happen for M&E.
Word going around the inner circles is that the NMB granted the Association an extension for objections. One would think either the NMB is in on a shady backdoor deal or the Association has a strong case to get the extension. Here we go again.
Word going around the inner circles is that the NMB granted the Association an extension for objections. One would think either the NMB is in on a shady backdoor deal or the Association has a strong case to get the extension. Here we go again.
Sounds fishy.
Well, ya know, sometimes you have to be more patient when dealing with the dysfunctional!
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