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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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The twu is concerned. They are planning road shows to discredit AMFA and the drive. It looks like Peterson, Garcia and Samuelson are going station to station to spew
their anti AMFA retireck.
I thought Garcia was ramp? Im not surprised Sito wont be doing the roadshow since he was apparently booted out of his office by the iam grand lodge. I dont even think he is in the country as he flew on allitalia to europe.

That kook Eivers still isnt around is he?
While funny, off focus. If Gary can force the amfa organizers to focus on him instead of the ass disaster then amfa could lose. This is amfas to lose. Dont underestimate the millions that the twu and iam will spend teaming up with management. Management is 100% with the Ass. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of his skillset.
While funny, off focus. If Gary can force the amfa organizers to focus on him instead of the ass disaster then amfa could lose. This is amfas to lose. Dont underestimate the millions that the twu and iam will spend teaming up with management. Management is 100% with the Ass. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of his skillset.
i doubt very much that there is any thing the association can do to sway anybody on the aa side
While funny, off focus. If Gary can force the amfa organizers to focus on him instead of the ass disaster then amfa could lose. This is amfas to lose. Dont underestimate the millions that the twu and iam will spend teaming up with management. Management is 100% with the Ass. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of his skillset.

"If Gary can FORCE the AMFA Organizers?" Are you serious?? The Organizers are the most focussed on AMFA out here. They will not follow or even entertain anything GP might have to say. Matter fact the Organizers will in fact show any and all flaws within GP's splew of lies and misinformation about AMFA.
I do agree with your statement to not underestimate the asso. to spend millions upon millions to defend their existence in the mechanic airline industry, just as the teamsters did and the IAM did but both failed at other airlines. Now they are combined here to fight off their last and final existence as an airline mechanic represented group. I am confident that this time around AMFA will prevail in a "LEGAL" election vote.
"If Gary can FORCE the AMFA Organizers?" Are you serious?? The Organizers are the most focussed on AMFA out here. They will not follow or even entertain anything GP might have to say. Matter fact the Organizers will in fact show any and all flaws within GP's splew of lies and misinformation about AMFA.
I do agree with your statement to not underestimate the asso. to spend millions upon millions to defend their existence in the mechanic airline industry, just as the teamsters did and the IAM did but both failed at other airlines. Now they are combined here to fight off their last and final existence as an airline mechanic represented group. I am confident that this time around AMFA will prevail in a "LEGAL" election vote.
Once amfa gets AA, i dont think it will be long for UA to go to amfa. UA has had an ongoing card sign up with Jim (i think thats his name) in SFO but it pretty much isnt going anywhere.

And I guess DL just treats their mechanics great.
Once amfa gets AA, i dont think it will be long for UA to go to amfa. UA has had an ongoing card sign up with Jim (i think thats his name) in SFO but it pretty much isnt going anywhere.

And I guess DL just treats their mechanics great.

I hope you are correct in your assumption. UAL needs to rid themselves of the teamsters fast. To this day they still have not provided one iota of all the promises they gave them when they were voted in, not ONE.
As far as DAL; Delta just keeps paying enough to keep them happy. Something rather big would have to happen at Delta before those guys consider going unionized.
I've always wondered if JetBlue mechanics would ever do it after the Pilots and F/A's all went unionized, and they better hurry before any mergers come out of this pandemic.
AMFA national posted a letter today. The Association is trying to add 2,000 more people to the list. Unbelievable the lengths they go to protect their own agenda. This reminds me of a past drive. The union added management, dead people, people from TWA that long since retired since the merger. The NMB bought some of those ineligible and we came up short by double digits. After said and done those people that were suppose to be eligible never were after the filing. Here we go again.
AMFA national posted a letter today. The Association is trying to add 2,000 more people to the list. Unbelievable the lengths they go to protect their own agenda. This reminds me of a past drive. The union added management, dead people, people from TWA that long since retired since the merger. The NMB bought some of those ineligible and we came up short by double digits. After said and done those people that were suppose to be eligible never were after the filing. Here we go again.

Do you know the groups and or type of work the folks do that they are trying to add?
I am headed to the website to read the letter.
Here we go again folks. Also wondering if "those groups" that the asso. is trying to get added, even wants to be added, where is their say so in this matter? Could it also be full of supervisors (like another airline did) as well as management??
AMFA sounds confident in prevailing still folks so hang in there and stay united and supportive.

1AA, hope you don't mind me posting the AMFA letter with link to the granted extension from the NMB:

Updated On: Mar 25, 2021
AMFA has been granted a 7-day postponement to provide its response to the challenges to the proposed eligibility list of American Airlines by the TWU/IAM Association (“TWU/IAM”) which seeks to add roughly 2,000 ineligible individuals to the list of 13,213 proposed by American Airlines in an underhanded effort to dilute the significance of the cards you submitted calling for a union election. The National Mediation Board’s rules require substantive evidence be provided from both the TWU/IAM, which is scarce in its challenges, and from AMFA in its response to those challenges.

The additional time is needed to include additional, necessary substantive evidence (i.e. proof) to disprove eligibility of the many ineligible voters proposed to be added to the list by the TWU/IAM. AMFA’s filing, when filed, will have an abundance of exhibits containing the substantive evidence needed to disprove the TWU/IAM’s numerous frivolous requests.

This effort by the TWU/IAM “Association” is another example of how desperate they are to keep you from voicing your will. We are extremely confident that we prevail in this matter and that you will finally receive your rightful opportunity to choose your representation. Empowered by your support, we will fight for your rights with every resource we have, and in the end, you will be heard on this matter.

In Solidarity,

Gene Painter
Assistant National Director

And now we move into another month of challenges and counter challenges. The organizing committee filed on Friday, November 13th 2020. Now we move into April 2021 and yet too see the outcome.
And now we move into another month of challenges and counter challenges. The organizing committee filed on Friday, November 13th 2020. Now we move into April 2021 and yet too see the outcome.

Yes frustrating indeed. Although the asso is fighting for their lives ($$$) they are also further delaying the enedible. They have so far successfully maintained their positions and jobs for 4 months now and will more than likely get another month or two until the vote is announced and done. And I am sure they might even appeal the results, if they can, just to throw their final thorn in the sides of the membership one last time. Can only hope this April 2nd deadline IS the final deadline. Feeling confident in the AMFA Organizers, National and Legal to prevail the objections and challenges as well as the additions that the asso. is trying to just throw in there at the last minute to try and derail a vote. just by this asso trying to add other groups and employees without them having any say so in the matter should get even more mechanic and related to vote against them. They are proving how much the asso depends on more and more different groups within the asso so they can maintain the control.
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