No one seemed to mind when they did that to the Fleet Service Clerks of TUL and TULE. In fact I got told by mechanics quite often that they had no use for Fleet Service and they thought the company should get rid of us.
They were not shy about giving there opinion about how much they didn't want us there.
I remember Fleet Service Clerks were told to shut up or shut their mouth during TWU 514 local meetings.
I heard a few mechanics wished we were back after they had to pull rugs and tape. Guess it did not agree with their back, having seen many FSC's (including myself) suffer back injuries from doing that job I can certainly understand why.
I appreciate the history lesson but UNITY needs to start with the membership. There was no UNITY in 514, not for FSC's anyway.
A coattail riding Fleet Service Clerk
Thanks for the history lesson. Now one for you.
Our Fleet used to be Teamsters, but some years back, voted overwhelmingly to go non-union. This was lead, by the most part, by our "strong fighting brothers" in that right to work state, North Carolina, staffed mostly with Piedmont employees.
The company forced these people to mandatory movies they HAD to watch on how bad the union was for them, and how great the company could be. They bought it hook, line and sinker.
It was 10 long years of bloodshed where the company could fire their "at will" Fleet employees if they wore the wrong hat, or didn't cut their hair correctly. Many lost their job. Lots of suckin' up to stay employed.
After 10 years the IAM came to the Maintenance and related (Mechanic, Stock clerk, Utility) and started to wage a "Strength in numbers" campaign. And we bought it hook, line and sinker.
So for a long period, M&R organized the Fleet. And why? Because they couldn't. If any of them even whisper the word union while on the clock, the were immediately terminated. So we risked our jobs and help organize these people while on the clock. We used the company printer for flyers that we loaded in the bag bin to get the info out to the out stations. We invited them to our meetings.
After learning it was a better deal to be unionized, they voted to join the IAM and sign up for the IAM National Pension Plan.
As soon as they did, the lumped them into our local. And the meetings became out of control. The yelling and screaming, like, "The Mechanics have this and that, I want this and that too !!!!" It got so bad we stopped going to our own meetings. So the result was the company said, we can't give what the Mechanic have to Fleet service people, and they are all one, so we'll just give nothing to nobody.
That lead to years of cost neutral, and concessionary contract to both sides. And it also was a start to a new 141-M and finally their own 142.
And from that day there has been no unity between our groups. We lost push backs and the Fleet were like, "Great, we got pushbacks. F the Mechanics." We lost de-icing, we lost APU starts, we lost gate moves and we're just about to lose Maintenance moves. And what do I hear but, "Great, we got it. F the Mechanics."
Now you know where the "coat tail riding Fleet Service" comes from on our side. Never once in the years since we helped organize them, have I ever heard a Fleet person ever say "thanks" or try and stand up for Maintenance as the company shifts our traditional work to them.
There's no unity here either, brother.