No matter what gets said or by who the NMB determines who and what groups are included into the M&R class and craft. The LAV truck drivers have been included each and every time per the NMB. The argument M&R has with it is that it is a BID slot job, gotten by seniority, Year in/out when bid happens the men/women who perform this task change. Getting this or taking another job within the Fleet work group is a choice each member. These individuals won't have many other choices in the M&R class and craft to bid. They don't bid with GSE or FACILITIES. Some jobs at other carriers are included but here at AA we no longer have those members.
As far as the fleet members moving aircraft those slots in the Fleet bid change as well with seniority. AA and the ASSOC. will have to decide which group aircraft movement is accomplished by, that may determine class and craft as well. But could bite those members performing that task. Since they will No longer bid with fleet within the TWU/IAM, If AMFA replaces the ASSOC.and it is decided it's a M&R function. If AA says it is a Fleet job then those members will remain TWU/IAM members. If AMFA replaces ASSOC. they will lose whatever benefits they have under the ASSOC. and will have to get whatever benefits that get negotiated with AMFA.
Moving around different workgroups within the same union is what it is now. But those jobs being attempted to be added to the M&R class and craft to dilute the card numbers to prevent a VOTE, could cause a major disruption in manys lives if AMFA gets in still. Those members will have limited job availability.
The TWU/IAM is just looking at dues lost if M&R changes union. This is the only reason they are attempting to add these groups. I would bet if it looks as though AMFA still has the card count to get a VOTE, the ASSOC. will change it's mind and then say those members are part of fleet not wanting to lose dues from those members as well and the rest of M&R.
What ever is going to happen with the members that the ASSOC. is attempting to add will be decided by the NMB after this Friday since this is supposed to be the deadline for all challenges to the filing of AMFA to replace the TWU/IAM for M&R.