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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Remember when teamsters filed with NMB and AA was right there with a list in a matter of hours. Then teamsters pulled out leaving us with the association. Not to mention twu and AA kept us in a concession contract for 17 years.

seems like there’s a conspiracy theory in there someplace.
Little does he know what AMFA did for the members on strike. AMFA members from other airlines joined the brothers and sisters at NWA on their strike lines if full support all the while TWU, IAM and other unions were crossing their picket lines and even doing some of the mechanics and related work for the co. so sad indeed. Also AMFA Local 11 out of Dallas Tx. PAID the bills of said NWA strikers. Mortgages, gas bills, car payments, day care, health bills etc... YES paid them in full not just helping out. No other union has ever done that so tell OAM to pack sand on his efforts of trying to make alma--oops, I mean AMFA look bad. 🙂
I would like to add that the automotive as well as other industry unions did also come to help support the NWA members on strike after hearing how the other unions on property were crossing AMFA's picket line and doing the strikers work for the company. Pretty hard to win when you got company, NMB, TWU, IAM, teamsters and outside scabs going against them.
BTW; I fully admit being a Trumper Thumper!!!
I thought you was going to ignore me. I guess I am sooooooo powerful that you CANT. Attack me in every way you can but you still dont address the fact that AMFA ( If I mistype sometimes, who cares.) Has Failed 3 times and 2 time at NWA and United. Those are FACTS. I dont give a crap about TWU or IAM. Just hear to let people know that ALL UNIONS are a business. AMFA is just bad at it. I will still VOTE for AMFA if we ever get to. I just dont think we will. If I am wrong I will be the 1st to admit it. I dont care about any of you attacks. Just want to know why the Moderator lets most of you get away with it. But when I retaliate. He gets his Panties in a bunch. Oh and you saying you are a Trumper Thumper. Is that a Sexual thing you do with all men or just Trump
If I get kicked off. I will ALWAYS be BACK. Maybe I am NOT that old. Maybe I am very young and very smart. LMFAO
More than us getting AMFA as our representative. I hope that one day ALL aircraft maintenance technicians will be under the umbrella of ONE UNION. Which one doesn't matter, so long as you vote ALL of the officers in and are able to recall them.

If that were to happen, maybe our seniority would become portable and not get handcuffed into being employed at a single carrier for all of our careers. Look at how they treat us in terms of recognizing our anniversaries. At my station, we get cake and maybe some type of simple lunch. Heck, on my 30 year anniversary, I was notified of my 30 year feed, AFTER I had already had my lunch! They don't care, because they know that they have us by the balls and won't ever leave, because you'd not want to start all over again. One can only hope that this someday happens.

A relative of mine works for a pharmaceutical company and on her anniversary (IIRC) 5 years. She got a 32" TV, gift basket with lots of fruits, chocolates and snacks.
I thought you was going to ignore me. I guess I am sooooooo powerful that you CANT. Attack me in every way you can but you still dont address the fact that AMFA ( If I mistype sometimes, who cares.) Has Failed 3 times and 2 time at NWA and United. Those are FACTS. I dont give a crap about TWU or IAM. Just hear to let people know that ALL UNIONS are a business. AMFA is just bad at it. I will still VOTE for AMFA if we ever get to. I just dont think we will. If I am wrong I will be the 1st to admit it. I dont care about any of you attacks. Just want to know why the Moderator lets most of you get away with it. But when I retaliate. He gets his Panties in a bunch. Oh and you saying you are a Trumper Thumper. Is that a Sexual thing you do with all men or just Trump

Thank you for your support and commitment. Hopefully your encouragement will motivate many to vote out this abomination of an ASSociation.
SWAMT, I appreciate the information you gave me. I did reach out to Mr. Painter, hopefully he will be able to provide some additional clarity to my questions. Hopefully your new buddy OAM forgets his login info and goes away.
Has anybody heard from the association defending it's formation and lack of voting?

All I’ve been hearing is scare type rhetoric how we will all be doomed like Alaskan UAL, SWA, and DAL mechs without association there to protect us
Doomed huh?
AMFA at Alaska just won arbitration against the co. for trying to layoff or something to do with LOA's, it's on the AMFA National website.

And at SWA they too are defending the threats of furloughs and layoffs as well as concessions request NOT just folding and agreeing to what all the company is demanding like the TWU/IAM/Asso. has done for decades at AA and US Air.
I leave below the latest update:

AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #4
November 23, 2020 -- We met with the Company today for the first time since it issued WARN Act notices to our members last week. The Company’s actions today served only to reinforce its goal of not letting this crisis go to waste. The parties were engaged in the productive process of identifying voluntary cost saving measures when Southwest abruptly, and with no meaningful notice to your Union, delivered WARN Act notices to our members weeks before the holiday season. Southwest was not interested in continuing that productive dialogue today. Instead, it proposed a new round of concessions to our contracts, claiming the voluntary measures we had identified failed to achieve the savings needed by Southwest. Yet, in nearly the same breath, the Company advised it still had not finished costing the value of savings generated as a result of our insourcing measures. It was clear to your ALR’s, given this obvious double talk, the Company is only interested in cost-savings that result from contractual changes. This is crisis capitalism at its finest.
Download: 20201123_AMFA_SWA_ALR_Mbrshp_Update_4.pdf

Now there is an example of how to defend the membership not fold and cave to every single company request. AMFA is working hard at looking at cost saving insourcing and bringing IN work, what is your union doing about IN-sourcing at your carrier? Nothing! They are just fear mongering to do anything to save their a$$es from hitting the street and finally no longer represent airline mechanics and related in the airline industry, any questions???
SWAMT, I appreciate the information you gave me. I did reach out to Mr. Painter, hopefully he will be able to provide some additional clarity to my questions. Hopefully your new buddy OAM forgets his login info and goes away.
No problem.
Painter is a good man, he will steer you right. If ya still want anything verified just ask. I surely understand the need for third party info., as I did the same thing when we were looking at bringing in AMFA with all the teamsters made up carp about AMFA.
No worries about him, I am use to folks like him, been here for over 15 years with the "mission" boys that come on here during the card drives, happens every time. At least he is honest saying he will vote for AMFA should the opportunity arise, and the membership thanks him for his support in AMFA or anyone other than the asso. as he has stated.
It is SOOOOOOO amazing how

You talk about what alma did for you before the strike. What did they do for you when you hit the street. Oh and did you end up running over to AA or US air. To let the TWU or IAM give you a job that AMFA could not get you. LMFAO. You guys crack me up. Let me guess, Trumper .

Actually no I didn't I went to purple and now I don't even turn wrenches. I work from home make 63 bucks an hour. You can take the IAM and TWU and shove it. Also yes I voted for Trump the first time. Wasn't willing to wait in a 2 hr line to do it this time so I didn't vote. But I didn't like Trump the man I did like Trump the policies. So I might have lost my job at NW but I faired pretty damn well I would say probably better then you. But I don't think for a minute that AMFA didn't have a hand in my good salary even at a non union company. Need to call you old azz clown. You guys can't even acknowledge the money you make today was because of us not anything that loser TWU or IAM negotiated.
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Little does he know what AMFA did for the members on strike. AMFA members from other airlines joined the brothers and sisters at NWA on their strike lines if full support all the while TWU, IAM and other unions were crossing their picket lines and even doing some of the mechanics and related work for the co. so sad indeed. Also AMFA Local 11 out of Dallas Tx. PAID the bills of said NWA strikers. Mortgages, gas bills, car payments, day care, health bills etc... YES paid them in full not just helping out. No other union has ever done that so tell OAM to pack sand on his efforts of trying to make alma--oops, I mean AMFA look bad. 🙂
I would like to add that the automotive as well as other industry unions did also come to help support the NWA members on strike after hearing how the other unions on property were crossing AMFA's picket line and doing the strikers work for the company. Pretty hard to win when you got company, NMB, TWU, IAM, teamsters and outside scabs going against them.
BTW; I fully admit being a Trumper Thumper!!!

Yes they did SWAMT and we were happy for the support. The UAW gave us a bunch of money as well. I was walking the Memphis picket line but we had FedEx pilots dropping off food and water to us. We even had IAM ramp and agents and flight attendants walking our line because we were very tight knit group here. Had some woman (passenger) yell at us saying we should be down helping the hurricane victims ( we went on strike right before hurricane katrina) so everything was against us even nature. But in the end we stood our ground and at least the MEM mechanics most of us are at purple now so I hated starting over at 42 years old but I am in a good place now. Wishing the best for my brothers and sisters at AA.
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Yes they did SWAMT and we were happy for the support. The UAW gave us a bunch of money as well. I was walking the Memphis picket line but we had FedEx pilots dropping off food and water to us. We even had IAM ramp and agents and flight attendants walking our line because we were very tight knit group here. Had some woman (passenger) yell at us saying we should be down helping the hurricane victims ( we went on strike right before hurricane katrina) so everything was against us even nature. But in the end we stood our ground and at least the MEM mechanics most of us are at purple now so I hated starting over at 42 years old but I am in a good place now. Wishing the best for my brothers and sisters at AA.
That's right, the UAW. Thx for the correction as I did forget which automotive union did step up. Yea they thru a ton of money to the NWA strikers as well.
And the IAM was bragging on their "strike fund" that would pay the strikers if they went on strike. well guess what, that only pays a portion, a mere 200 bucks, when we were paying thousands in monthly bills, and let me tell ya, them there folks up north have huge oil heating bills in the dead of winters LOL...

On a different note: UAL mechs are looking at bringing in a stand alone Class and Craft union to replace the teamsters at United per one of their mechanics. Maybe if AA mechanics are successful in getting AMFA in there they might take another look at AMFA again. If AA gets AMFA then United, we would be closure to that goal of representing all airline mechanics, a goal of AMFA's founder, hope they reconsider AMFA if AA mechanics become AMFA that would be a huge bump in membership. Then AMFA could start focusing on smaller airlines and maybe even third party FBO's mechanics.
At least give the mechanics and related at AA a chance to vote rather they will go AMFA or not, let them have the say so not the combined asso. like they did last time with no vote what-so-ever...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
Doomed huh?
AMFA at Alaska just won arbitration against the co. for trying to layoff or something to do with LOA's, it's on the AMFA National website.

And at SWA they too are defending the threats of furloughs and layoffs as well as concessions request NOT just folding and agreeing to what all the company is demanding like the TWU/IAM/Asso. has done for decades at AA and US Air.
I leave below the latest update:

AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #4
November 23, 2020 -- We met with the Company today for the first time since it issued WARN Act notices to our members last week. The Company’s actions today served only to reinforce its goal of not letting this crisis go to waste. The parties were engaged in the productive process of identifying voluntary cost saving measures when Southwest abruptly, and with no meaningful notice to your Union, delivered WARN Act notices to our members weeks before the holiday season. Southwest was not interested in continuing that productive dialogue today. Instead, it proposed a new round of concessions to our contracts, claiming the voluntary measures we had identified failed to achieve the savings needed by Southwest. Yet, in nearly the same breath, the Company advised it still had not finished costing the value of savings generated as a result of our insourcing measures. It was clear to your ALR’s, given this obvious double talk, the Company is only interested in cost-savings that result from contractual changes. This is crisis capitalism at its finest.
Download: 20201123_AMFA_SWA_ALR_Mbrshp_Update_4.pdf

Now there is an example of how to defend the membership not fold and cave to every single company request. AMFA is working hard at looking at cost saving insourcing and bringing IN work, what is your union doing about IN-sourcing at your carrier? Nothing! They are just fear mongering to do anything to save their a$$es from hitting the street and finally no longer represent airline mechanics and related in the airline industry, any questions???

Forgot to post the company's new offer. In a roundabout way it's more than previous by 2%. Why would they agree to more cuts than previously offered, hello?

Subject: Cost Reduction Negotiations Update #3

In an effort to take a different approach in our discussions with AMFA, today we made an offer that would not reduce your current pay rate and would provide job protections for AMFA-represented employees. In our offer, we seek savings by deferring pay rates in 2021 and 2022. Those rates would snap back up to the contract rate in 2023. It is our hope that deferring rate increases will be more palatable to AMFA than a 10% rate cut for 2021 and will serve as a foundation for an agreement to protect jobs. Despite the WARN notices sent, we are still attempting to find a solution, and our goal is to provide options that would give you an opportunity to vote and make your voice heard, one way or the other.

During the past few weeks we have been unable to reach an agreement on necessary cost savings needed for 2021. While we originally proposed a temporary 10 percent pay rate cut, AMFA stated it would not be considered. With that, Southwest continued exploring a combination of ideas to achieve the Company’s needed cost savings. AMFA has only expressed an interest in getting credit for previous VSP and ExTO participation, or bringing outsourced maintenance back in house to AMFA-represented Employees. This would increase our costs while we are already burning millions of dollars each day.

Below are the full details of today’s offer, providing the union with another option for a 10 percent cost savings threshold and job protections.

Here’s an overview of our most recent proposal:

  • No Mechanics and Related Employees would be furloughed, barring any unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances, prior to January 1, 2022 or for twelve (12) months following the end of a Payroll Support Program (PSP) for the airlines included in a COVID-19 Stimulus legislation signed into law, whichever is later.
  • Effective January 1, 2021, hourly rates of pay would remain at their current rates as applicable in Article 15 until August 16, 2023 at which point they would snap-back to the listed pay rate in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
  • No changes would apply to premiums, continuing to pay as reflected in Article 14 and 15.
  • Step increases will continue to pay as reflected in Article 15.
  • Effective January 1, 2021, the Company would not be required to provide Inspector Backfill as reflected in Article 10 paragraph 8. This would expire at 11:59pm on December 31, 2021.
  • For all Employees currently out on ExTO of 12 or 18 months, if ratified, the hours paid would be modified to preserve the pay you are scheduled to receive. (No pay loss to those on ExTO)

Please recognize we are doing everything we can to preserve each and every job, as well as Southwest Airlines. Without a clean PSP extension, we are nearing the end of our available options. We are hopeful the alternatives presented to AMFA allow us to reach an agreement and give you the opportunity to vote on a proposal that protects your jobs and does not cause a reduction in pay for 2021.
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