To be honest, I am being careful to not divulge exactly what work group I am in, because I really don't want to be bothered by the fringe groups on either side. I see and will state that their are issues on both sides. I voted NO for the JCBA because I think their are portions in the contract that shouldn't be their, including the TWU members not having the option to use the "LUS" medical. To me that's wrong. There are other reasons I voted no, but that is one.
Regarding AMFA, if I read their constitution correctly, all members pay 2 x an hourly rate. That means for me, I am going to be paying about $30 more a month in Union Dues. Will that extra money out of my pocket provide me something that IAM does not? I don't know the answer to that. That's why I ask questions.
I understand the tiredness of repeatedly being told NO and to GO AWAY. And that very well could have happen in this case. I know people that use to work in the office, that really only were in the Union because they "had" to be, and they may have been that way to organizers in the past.
Forgive me for jumping in as you were addressing someone else, but I wanted to give you some examples that will answer a question you asked, you basically asked what you will get with AMFA that the IAM don't get you, (am I correct?) for your dues increasing by about $30 bucks per month? I will list some and I may even forget or leave something out, if I do AIM,DFW or anyone pls correct me:
1. You get a full transparent representative. The membership is fully aware of everything that goes on at the table, in meetings, what is said by whom, why and all the details, just look at AMFA's updates during nego's that's a huge difference.
2. ALL AMFA National Officers are voted on by the entire membership.
3. ALL Local Officers are also voted on by all members from that Local.
4. Both National as well as Local Officers can be recalled (fired if ya will) from their position by the membership. This is in the constitution in writing.
5. YOU as a member can in fact sit in on nego's live as they happen. That's right, you can "observe" live nego's between the union and company and see in person what really goes on. Just this alone stopped all lies misinformation and made up stories by the co. rumors if ya will. And you can sign up for nego observation as many times as you wish.
6. With AMFA the membership will control everything that goes on from how much the locals can spend without a membership vote to how much you will pay in union dues-YOU will never get that with any other union period. teamsters forced us to 3 times pay then backed off to 2.5.
7. AMFA members will vote on all cmte members within AMFA no appointees unless there is a vacated opening and AMFA National or AMFA local Officers would need to appoint a temp person to keep things going and then they would send out notices for folks to run for that position and be voted on by the membership, that way they are not appointed to a perm position
8. AMFA is the #1 Mechanic Class and Craft union that the fed gov called on to discuss bills and new law to help the mechanics and related groups as well as safety, outsourcing laws, drug testing etc... it's all on the AMFA National web site.
9. Some folks will get bothered or overwhelmed how much the members will control, vote and supervise within their union, but that is exactly how AMFA is ran, by the members.
10. AMFA also has a huge legislative presence in DC and is in constant contact with members of Congress and the House, leaders of the transportation dept and leaders in the aviation district.
I will stop at 10, there may be even more but I think 10 is a great start for a lousy $30 bucks more per month, money well spent on YOUR future.
Thunderdome; PM me with your group, and I will answer a simple Yes or No if they are represented, I assure you I will not share even with the AA Organizers as your request.
These "and Related" groups have been drilled into their heads over the years that AMFA will not represent them, that AMFA will turn their backs blah, blah blah. Not true at all, it's all made up hogwash as our groups have personally experienced at the nego table, in meetings with the company, in AMFA reaching out to them for assistance and dialog. Yes I too was turned away from their groups when approach on my own to explain AMFA's internals, shortly after hearing they are collecting record cards so quick an election was going to happen, they all of a sudden demanded that they get info from me and other AMFA organizers. We get it, we understand, is it frustrating (hell yes) but, you gotta stay professional, stay calm and just explain away no matter how many times it takes. They will call another organizer in ask same questions to see if anyone is lying and to compare their answers to the other guys. I am sure your dedicated organizers know what I am talking about.
Sorry AIM and DFW for jumping in, as you guys know, that's just me, so my appology...